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Posts posted by WaffleStomp

  1. No, they do it because:


    - the 1-49 queues pop MUCH faster than the 50 queue.

    - people leave the warzones much less often in the 1-49 bracket (because it's not all about grinding wins in wz's for dailies)

    - there's no wow kids running around with 30% expertise in the 1-49 bracket

    - there's much less premades in the 1-49 bracket

    - the battles are closer in the 1-49 bracket

    - a level 10 can kill a level 49 in the 49 bracket but a level 50 with 0 expertise has zero chance of killing a full bm player of equal skill.

    - there's no ilum in the 1-49 bracket

    - there's no grinding bags in the 1-49 bracket

    - dailies are winning 1 match in the 1-49 bracket not 3 like the 50 bracket.


    Should i go on? Seriously why would anyone ding 50?



  2. Scrambling field indeed makes you rooted at place, as hunker down does. But ehhm else they would be rediculous OP. You can't have it all, pal.




    If you give slingers/snipers MORE dmg absorption, MORE mobility, and MORE CC's/interrupts (which is basically what everyone is complaining about them lacking) you become OP, because you could then just faceroll and dominate all.


    Come on, just L2P and **** already.

  3. I LOVE MY GS. It's a ton of fun, and he does massive damage. I think everyone is right, the reason you don't see many is because in order to be useful, you have to utilize practically every skill you have. Which is fine by me. I'm usually the only NON-force user in WZ's.


    Oh, and stop ************ about cover, it's fine, just learn to use it right. Duh.

  4. Here's what I take from this thread:


    "I get rolled in PvP because I can't survive in it and I don't want to be stationary playing my SNIPER based class... Oh, and once I start taking damage, it's over..."


    If you wanted to be in the middle of the fight, you have the choice of practically ANY other class, but instead you chose the GS. The GS is DESIGNED to be stationary, AWAY from melee combat to do the most dmg possible. So complaining about how you have to sit in one spot sounds like you rolled the wrong class.


    About the whole "It's gg as soon as someone starts ganking me...:(" crap, I have to ask, *** are you DOING? Because last I checked, I have 4 CC's and an interrupt that gives me a CRAP ton of time to either move and get help from teammates, or dps down my attacker.


    This is a pure case of L2P your class.

  5. If you don't like cover, you weren't meant to roll a long distance class. Emphasis on LONG DISTANCE. I play like I feel the class should be played, far away from any kind of battle, but close enough to pick off people w/o them realizing who killed them.


    As for people coming up on me, well I have 4 CC's to give me ample time to either run or have a fighting chance regardless of how long it takes for me to get into cover. My advice is to utilize all the skills you have at your disposal.

  6. Faction changes probably wont do much, I doubt the imps will want to give up their uber valor grind, since you rarely hear them complain.


    IMO, the only way to change it is to make a faction cap. You can see if the server is full, and how many imps/republics on each side.


    Beyond that, no1 wants to be forced to a side, people want to do what they want to do, and if you take that away, your doomed.


    The only compromise would be to roll onto a server with less imps.

  7. They should have made the cap on these servers lower... 40 minutes until I can play? I got kids to pick up in an hour, WHERE IS MY HAPPINESS BIOWARE?!


    I'm kinda joking, i know their working on it, BUT STILL. I shall vent.

  8. Lag to the point of utter discouragement. It might sound dramatic, but yeah... I may quit if I can't get this to run smoothly. :(


    Let me know.




    CPU: Intel i3 530 Dual Core 2.93

    Ram: 6gb DDR3

    Graphics Card: GeForce 9400 - 1gb video ram


    My intel also has an internal GPU, which also puts another 2gb into my video ram...


    I REALLY want you heal you guys, but I can't click on you since you flicker all over the damn place.



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