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Posts posted by Vishos

  1. No shame in rerolling.


    The only nefs that bugged me were survivability.

    What keeps bugging me is utility and the lack of it.


    !.3 is too far away to wait for a change to trooper.


    I love my commando he is my bread and butter and i have decided to only pve with him since Utility is almost pointless for my class in an Ops


    I have re rolled a shadow and will faceroll everyone in PVP and carry the team in huttball on my back as i have been doing. Shadow tank FTW

  2. I Seriously just LOL'd at your refusal to acknowledge Commando/Merc's surivability. Heavy armor provides 30-40 percent Dmg reduction from melee plus the stacking buff which you claim requires us to stack grav/tracer up for but neglect to acknowledge it lasts a decent amount of time so doesn't require constant killing to keep it up so you can take a break to heal. You belittle the knock backs because of gap closers which makes me think your not using your knock backs correctly. In Huttball you take the high ground and knock your opponent off the higher platform and then break los to heal. In Voidstar you knock them back either off ledges or you launch them away from you while standing by the wall to the healing buff so you can break los by running around the wall, grabbing the healing buff, and then spam a heal on yourself. (Also Voidstar is mostly a kill fest so you should hang back in a good place) In Alderaan you can knock people off the middle balconies as well as the platforms the turret controls are on. Of course all of these require smart positioning and planning ahead. (OH NOES)


    You also briefly mentioned Grav/Tracer getting interrupted. This gave me another LOL Moment cause my pvp friends and I often laugh at Commandos/BH's that get their tracer interrupted and are quickly killed after. We laugh because it doesnt' happen to myself or our players because we have learned to use another ability while tracer is locked out or (BIG SHOCK INC) Use that opportunity to heal.


    Overall the interrupt is a nuisance and as for the knock backs not being as good as you think they should be, I believe you should learn how to use them better as we have the best AE knock back in game and the second farthest (Second to the Sentinel/Jug force push which is single target and a 1 minute cooldown) Also Gap closers are not an issue if you think ahead. Only 1/4 of the classes can instantly close the gap and they cant jump to you while they are being knocked back so you have time to break los. The rest of the classes cant close if you knock them off the edge or cant close at all.


    I apologize for the wall of text but I will leave you with one last piece of information. The Ops sure as heck didn't like their nerfs but they still happened and they are still played (though not excessively). The Sorcs/Sage sure as heck dont like their healing nerfs but they will still be played. Accept the fact that your not the only class who has been or is being nerfed and that you complaining will not stop it (See the OP nerfs as an example) Your choices are simple...


    1) Accept it


    2) Complain about it and still accept it


    3) Re roll a character that your skills are more suited to (I hear marauder is gonna be the "OP" character this patch)


    4) Quit


    Those are your options as they are all of our options. Complaining about how the you wont own peoples faces as easily is useless and shows your skill if presented with a slightly harder challenge your first instinct is to complain and act like its hopeless.


    I have said in other posts to use charged bolts it builds the shield as well. If you bother to read more than the last page or 2 and come in with your bias opinion go for it. If thats what tickles you pink the knockback is useful if you have elevation deferences between you and the person you knockback, Sins/Shadows will stealth on you when you knock them back and pwn your face, sent/ mara will just leap back to you. sorc sge will cc you force speed to you if need be or continue the dps race vs you.


    Were talking about better changes to our spells like the stock strike knock back since it really doesnt help where it should stun or knockdown for 2 sec. and finding better ways to give utility like actual ranged interrupts and stop making us CC to interrupt.


    It is obvious the 4 choices you said its something we all knew already but thanks for beating the dead horse we all knew was there.


    People who want to play starwars will suck iit up either way. im one of those people ill still find a way to outsmart my opponent and rub it in thier face.


    The soy bacon Bioware is feeding me taste like soy bacon its not bacon. Nor is the false sense of pvp. because not every situation is based on team play where you can find yourself in open world and playing a defenseless class

  3. My earlier post comment on my own questioning of the maur/sent buff especially after seeing it in the PTS. That's not the main issue being discussed, which is the "ruining of the commando."


    No Gunnery survivability = Tracer/Grav spam buffs defense, we have an energy shield (excuse my lack of commando term), we have a knock back (and a second single target one attached to stock strike.), we have heals (yes, you can use them even without points in them, just do that LoS thing and heal). We have an buff that lets you cast your next skill instantly (instant-heal? what?!). We have a stun, and a full length CC (another time for instant cast buff?)... So tell me again, we don't have survivability?


    PvP to you may mean player vs. player, but to Bioware and a decent amount of pvp'ers, it's Team Pvp. Should no class be able to beat another 1 vs 1... that's absurd, and gunnery didn't get nerfed hard enough to make it impossible to beat other classes. Okay, maybe Maurader can steamroll you (of course, skill involved = Bad maurader loses to Good Commando. Good Commando vs. Good Maurader... well something has to decide it!) but you'll have your own class you'll steam roll.


    Back to the point about team play. If you're defending solo then you're not playing on a team, and if the strategy is send s good maurader to kill the solo defending commando... maybe your -team- needs to work better. Listing your accomplishments only strengthens the idea that you need a nerf, for If you could do it before and BW did not intend you to do so, or not against certian anti-classes, now it's fixed. How do I know we needed a nerf? Because I've held of 5-6 attackers for over 45 seconds until my -team- responded. That's absurd. /endpoint


    ^_^ And if I follow your statement of just avoiding these forums, how will Bioware know that not 100% of their community is crying/can't accept these upcoming nerfs. If it's the loudest that get served, O.o how am I suppose to get served if I shut up?


    Ps. Telling someone to go back to their own forum (mine being merc/sniper/sin) is generally considered a weak counter argument and only weakens your stance, especially considering Merc is your imperial counterpart and is the exact same class dynamic. Maybe you could have said "You're not a gunnery/arsenal Merc..." but you'd be wrong again as I have played in that spec.




    Everything you said thats a defense/ survivability is countered minus the insta cast..

    If your talk about the spam buff thats 10% defense thats needs to be built up spamming a 1.5 sec cast thats interupted..... nuff said with that. And thats getting nerfed


    Knockback getting nerfed. too many gap closeres make it even useful in most situations, unless ur knocking ppl off the bridge in voidstar...


    The one attatched to stokcstrike is actually pathetic you maybe knock them back 5 meters and 1 step forward and they are back in mele range. that doesnt give you any time to do anything yousefl. That should stun/knockdown for 2 sec, where your given time to cast something( grav round or a heal)

    And the pathetic lines about how to use our skills as defense is absurd... LOS and heal, ya i got a Sorc force speed and ill be half way across the map, with a shield and then go heal..... Most abilities are cast and my alt shadow has like 5 interupts so i repeat again nuff said


    This is the first MMO ive seen where a ranged class isnt ranged at all and melee can stay on them forever.


    Alot of the situations you describe are dreams where we have a full set of CD's to youse to prolongue dying to every melee class in game


    It wasnt a weak counter i kindly told you to leave everyone here alone.Your wasting your time here. keep spamming your opinion thats fine, but dont come on another classes forums and tell them they are QQ'ing go to your forum where your ppl are QQ and troll on them.


    Commandos have a legitimate gripe here. a very defenseless class. Good offense ZERO defense/survivability/ utility compared with many other classes in game

  4. I believe Bioware has said time and time again, Pvp was designed to be a team effort. TEAM. Not duels, not 1 vs. 1, not pony races, not e-peen stroking matches... team. Thus, most of these nerfs have been to make the commando a less solitary fortress and a more team friendly/reliant class, as all classes should be. (On an opposite note, I will agree I question the maur/sent buffs.)


    I play a 50 Merc in full champion (oh no! Newb alert -.- it's one of my 3 lvl 50's and I have a job, not saying others don't.) She specc'ed heals, and for a short time I had her a heal/dps hybrid. She absolutely destroyed everything in matches, and as a full heal spec she's been refered to as "The Unbeatable Judice." Mercs/Commandos had an exceeding amount of survivability and in a team setting, needed a nerf.


    So please get that around your heads before QQ'ing about nerfs cause now you're not as good 1 vs. 1. It's called l2p on a team, and you will feel unbeatable once again. -.- so tired of the pity threads popping up raging about nerfs that were nearly across the board. Check the Sorcs/Sages, The Pyrotech/Vanguard, Ops/Scoundrel threads...


    And stop reposting QQ threads!


    ^_^ Ty Bioware, good luck with future balancing.






    This guy get's it. A team... *Team* featuring 2-3 commandos can still roll people as long as they work as a team, even against another team using guard/taunts/heals. It's team pvp peeps, l2p it!


    And you don't need to have 2-3 commandos to still own, you just need to still work with/coordinate with a team.


    You are entitled to your opinion so if you hate the QQ thread please stop reading or posting cause your wasting your time. BTW Gunnery commandos do not have survivability.


    "I believe Bioware has said time and time again, Pvp was designed to be a team effort. TEAM. Not duels, not 1 vs. 1, not pony races, not e-peen stroking matches... team."


    I will also need a team to quest with on a pvp server since everytime you get ganked its a whole team jumping your lowly character...


    Then sent/Mar need to be nerfed to the ground and not be able to beat anyone 1v1. Is this what your saying. so no class should be able to beat another 1v1. Sounds pretty dumb....


    PVP is player vs player and not every situation will be so perfect that you will have your team around. Balance comes in where skill is more the deciding factor on the win rather than a large gap between classes in certain aspects. its fine to have anti classes. but there is a lvl of extreme bioware took it to.I have taken every Ilum node solo( Not team based) Had to defend turrets ain Civil war alone (not team based) this game is not team based pvp wise. most ppl will still care about getting the 3k valor for just getting medals and be content with titles/ gear than sit here and care about winning. with rated WZ coming out that might change.


    Go back to your merc thread and post there

  5. sadly this game is too was to easy to get anything, u basically skipped all of Tio/Col gear in pve. i managed to clear EV HM in full champ gear. the rewards for anything are sad. even BM gear was a joke it wasn't even an upgrade. ascetically pleasing ya. but some peices were a downgrade depending on crit/ surge. server populations are low on so many servers. pvp could use some work content could use some work, bug fixes still neded. waiting to see what 1.2 brings. i play this game because im bored with wow and no other MMO interest me. Im going month to month and will just quit soon enough. dont care about changes to commandos. im just a squishier turret. ill still hit hard but that isnt enough for me. IMO should been smart like every other MMO and made actual mirror classes. Like Sorcs/sages are the same thing regardless of faction. Wow failed at it pre BC with shammans on one side and pali on other just didnt work to well. they made the same class available on both factions name it differently if youd like. would have been able spend more time refining the game and pushing out more content. instead of having to manage so many different classes. i didnt enjoy paying 15 bucks a month for a beta past the first month. looking back i woulda stayed playing wow than come here. wish i didnt give away all my gold. dont feel like mining and pvp till my eyes bleed anymore.
  6. The damage isnt the issue for me. my grav round 10% less dosent bother me it will still hit for 3k+ with the amount of power and surge i have. Demo will hit harder so 6k crits will happen more frequently.


    The problem for me is;


    Charged Barrier now provides 1% damage reduction per stack. This used to be 2%= More Squishy


    Grav Round has been rebalanced. It now costs 2 Energy Cells, has a 2-second activation time, and deals approximately 10% less damage.


    Muzzle Fluting no longer reduces Energy Cell costs. It now reduces the activation time of Charged Bolts and Grav Round by .5 seconds. so ammo does balance out...


    Tenacious Defense now reduces the cooldown of Concussion Charge by 2.5 seconds per point. This will make my Concussion Charge will have a longer CD 5 seconds to be exact.... This basically means melee went from having an 80-90% uptime to a 90-100% uptime depending if u can get 1 knockback off


    Utility is my issue, No ranged interrupt, Cryo grenade is not an interrupt it is a CC

    Knockback nerfs, only real survival tool we have

    Reflective shield... all other classes have this or equivalent in another way


    As i said before Commandos are not special forces they are infantry with big guns who die faster than anyone else, because the tools to survive were given to other classes. They felt that we didnt need them since everyone else had them flawed logic imo.


    We can QQ all we want Bioware will continue to destroy this game. The amount of ppl on my server has dropped dramatically ive had 2 hr wait times fro WZ pops. before it used to be almost instant all day long.


    I will keep playing this game till i find something better.... ( tired of Wow)

    I will keep playing my commando because he has a BadA** name


    And when i roll u in pvp, Just know you had a clear advantage in class, just not in skill.

  7. Awesomely said^^^^


    This is totally the truth.. I know it is because I live it. I know going into PVP I will die at least 3 to 4x more than anyone, and no, it's not because I suck. It's because there is no survivability. I am actually ok with it, if I can go out in a blaze of glory taking Imps with me then it's a fair trade off. However the reality is when I go in, I'm lucky to clean up some of the near dead opponents, but usually get waxed pretty quick..


    BTW Vishos, I'll be using parts of your post elsewhere, possibly in my signature!!


    Go for it and spread the word about the fails from our devs.


    When i get on my commando i basically play selfishly to avoid dying, go in get some kills stay away from large groups, hide in the back and pew pew. run away like a coward come back and kill some more.

  8. people pvp on pvp servers?


    enlighten me on where this pvp happens,because i guess im not seeing any.alderaan was probably the only zone ive seen so far that i actually saw the opposite faction and pvp in


    pvp servers seem like a joke in this game.there doesnt seem to be any pvp happening


    im not the one responsible for poor game design

  9. Oh really and you can prove that ? lol





    Top 3 pvp servers are higher pop than the best pve server...

    here is the information yo requested. the top 10 pvp servers are more populated than the top 10 pve servers, where its safe to assume people pvp on pve servers once you run out of content.... LOL.... :cool:

  10. Ya if you think Bioware has any concept of class balancing your dead wrong. While sorc seemed to be the most OP in reality it was marauders. they can as of know mitigate all the damage you can put out on them while they hack and slash you to death.


    Sorcs are easy especially the ones who think they can stand infront of a commando and heal through it. Sorc has the most utility.


    But back to the simple fact that commandos are not "Special Forces" Bioware lied to you just like the commercials on TV show you how bad a** the military is and wants you to join. Then you find yourself cleaning toilets, moping and being yelled at after you sign that dotted line.


    Sounds familiar...


    Well when people think of a commando they think of a elite soldier capable of tactically handling any situation, given the best training and provided all the "Tools and the Skills"(bioware gave those to Sorcs and Maruders). Supposed to be able to basically win a war with a handful of them. You actually do in the story line...... But you wont in PVP because your a turret who is pigeon holed into spamming the same rotation from a distance, have no tools/ skills at your disposal to survive anything. Yo cant do anything but spam and die like cannon fodder. I think they should rename the class infantry and call it a day. because when 1.2 hits and you roll into a WZ u'll run out of ammo fast, be more squishy, damage output will be less, and yes you still have no utility to survive.... they gave u a gun told you to **** till your killed rinse and repeat, O and "DON'T MOVE". dont stop the enemy from doing anything (interrupt). just stand there shot and die.

  11. use ur charged bolts if your grav round is interrupted. i watch most commandos get rolled by sorcs because they dont use it. my charged bolts crit between 2-4k still. even as gunny. they stand there and wait for the timer for grav round to come back because they find it useless and forget about it. so keep it in your bar and use it when ur grav is interrupted
  12. Assault spec. Sorry if that's not what you want to hear, but they're nerfing gunnery for pvp soon, so you may as well get used to it now. Not to mention that it's superior in every situation you can find yourself in pvp.


    Is it possible to get a source for this nerf?


    As far as going up against jug. never stop using hammershot no matter how bad it sounds constantly do damage till your instant cast are up. always use ur cuncusive charge and tryy to keep a gab between u and them. LOS and use elevations to your advantage save ur CC breaker till u need it. Blow your shiled early. most will try to burst you down from the get

  13. They aren't doing single character transfers, good luck getting 200.


    From what ive been told after 1.2 its going to prove more difficult. However as servers continue to lose people because of low pop some leave some go to other servers. i dont know whats the point of keeping Ghost servers. 23 ppl in the fleet at noon

  14. I haven't bothered to look through the forums for an answer to this .I am curious if they will allow entire guilds to Xfer. my sever is slowly dying we have around 30+ hardcore Ops people. Our guild has about 200 members ( most are alts).we really dont want to make new characters after all we have achieved. If we all would were given the option to reset legacy names would They allow the whole guild to Xfer
  15. tried different times of the day. the ppl i normally Q with parasitically gave up trying after the new batch of 50's hit. after the took out frozen water most just said F- this game. i have given strats. tried to micromanage groups, tried to let other people lead the groups. player 30 matches won 2 games today. i couldn't get my daily done its just that bad on my server. but its cool im rolling imp like all the other smart people and just win
  16. Can always consider a different server if u like the republic and don't wanna switch factions. My server the republic dominates warzones, mainly because the imps are horrible for the most part. I think i play on 1 of maybe 2 servers that have the issue of republic ruling over imperials.


    when they introduce server transfers ill look it up but this game might be dead before those transfers hit. till then imma be playing an imp and winning all the time cause Bioware loves the republic so much

  17. lol, bad players are bad players, rolling imp won't make you good.


    I dont need to roll imp to be good i roll most of the imps on my server marauders only class i cant beat.

  18. The empire is only OP when they also happen to be better players than you. It sounds like that is quite often?


    While i will say the imps have some good players sadly ur mistaken. the good players on rep got tired of being rolled by mediocre skilled overpowered players. in a pvp system designed in favor of another faction. The fact is i can actually roll everything but a marauder 1v1 thats including those lame sorcs who think they are good and think they can stand infront of a BM commando who wears rakata and is stimmed+ adrenaled and is critting them for 6k+ while they try to heal through a never ending burst. face it Imps are mostly mediocre and have maybe as much talent as the reps do the fact is imp classes remain overpowered. thats the deciding factor. Skill has nothing to do with it 80% of the pvp base is mediocre not trying to be an elitist but its the truth. not everyone is gifted at pvp.

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