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16 Good
  1. I'm absolutely thrilled for this. However, I hesitate to get my hopes up.. Devs, I know I'm not the only one. Please make sure you don't forget Khem Val. I know he's an awkward one to work with, but please. My main is romance to him, and I've waited several years for him to return from "gathering sacrifices for the Bonding Ceremony", as have many others. Please please pleaaaaase don't forget him, and please don't forget the ceremony!!! 🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
  2. This is absolutely the WORST possible decision ever. I'm one of MANY players who go through and get outfits set up at lvl one before I even take a quest. I set up outfits based on a character's spec. Because of this, half my stuff comes from the GTN. Every outfit I make, I'm on the GTN for things like boots, belts, and bracers, sometimes other pieces. We need this option, not just a promise of "eventually". --- On a semi-related note, it would be great to have a more in-depth dye option...like choose your color(s), and pay a small amount to unlock a slider bar to adjust colors on primary and secondary dyes To get that absolute perfect look you want. Also, the amount of brown leather straps that won't dye are a killer for some outfits. It ruins the whole look. I had an outfit put together last night, only to discover that half of it stayed brown, the black I chose was more of a dark grey, and the shoulders stayed silver. I had to find something else.
  3. Amuune


    Hopping in to add my voice to this - I feel the companion stories are crucial to every aspect. Having their story suddenly dangle off a cliff never to be mentioned again takes quite a bit out of your characters personal story. I've enjoyed several of the companion stories, namely Vette and Torian, but Khem in particular. His story, for whatever reason, seemed the most ingrained into my character's story than any of the others I played. I grew very invested into it. At some point, I found myself wishing my character could romance him (this was the first year of the game, so that wasn't even a consideration in the dev's minds at that point 🤣). After I returned from a very long break, I heard rumors he was romanceable after Fallen Empire and Eternal Throne. I made short work of those expansions and after 2.5 days, got to the end of Ossus for what I was after. My character *finally* had her relationship with Khem, after all those years. He would have to hunt sacrifices for the bonding ritual, and that it would take some time. And then...that was it. There was no more. The story hangs in limbo, in a cliffhanger. Story-wise, he's been off on his mission...for several *years* now, while my Sith Inquisitor waits for him to return. So I implore you and the other Devs...please please *pleeaaase*...continue the storyline, and hopefully more than just one scene. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants that continuation.
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