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Posts posted by Sicariolol

  1. 1000000% agree. Its a pain in the *** say to select someone in a big melee--say huttball when everyone is trying to gank the ball carier on your team or vice versa. Mostly because of lack of target indicators. Expanding ui customization would greatly fix this (thinking of custom nameplate mods, etc--or nameplates changing based on selection).


    For that matter, lack of target of target is retarded for both pvp and pve--please implement this.


    also agree 100% about combat text (or stats switches). itd be super helpful to be notified of being stunned etc. some of us dont click our abilities and if im trying to figure out which guy i have selected due to crappy target indicators, its a real pain in the *** hwen all of a sudden i realize im stunned, slowed, etc.


    Mostly, the big thing this game needs is the availability of ui customization. well that and you know, arena style ranked play and more bgs :p

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