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Posts posted by karnyboy

  1. Soon you will see no one guardian, who will save your healer alive under guard...


    You can still play defense.....why does everyone have to be the blender that chews up the player, guard your healer, and leave the DPS to the actual DPS....In the end you both come out winners (winning a WZ)



    Man, everyone wants the spotlight, they need to implement roles again into PvP.

  2. Nah, learn to play man. Macros aren't a quality of life issue in the game. You can do all that stuff by targeting and ...you know...pressing the required key for the skill.


    Macros basically make a players sense of awareness drop over time. You should be agile with your fingers on the keyboard, know your layout, and use your mouse hand for the things you need to do. Macros make for lazy players.


    Do they help, without a doubt, but are they needed? No.

  3. People like you cry about anything and everything. Ranked Warzones will fix a plethora of issues with this game. And factions, regardless of what the OP or yourself think, Are not that important on the grand scale of PvP. A faction should not influence anything but cosmetics. It means nothing. If you lose, its because you were worse than the other guy, not becuase you play Pub, or Imp.



    Who said anything about crying? I am telling you directly ranked warzones will not fix the underlying issue. Comprehend that in whatever way you want, but the truth of the matter is it's a band-aid fix.

  4. Additionally I would like to add that Infiltration does need some sort of counter to its reduced burst, I am hoping they increase our DPS flat out or give us shield and/or armor penetration below the over 100% accuracy requirement.

    Ahhh thanks


    The "on use" abilities on relics can no longer be used inside Warzones. PvP relics (such as the Recruit, Battlemaster, and War hero relics) now have passive boosts to the same stats that the "on use" ability affected.


    •New relics that offer "on hit" triggered abilities are now available from PvP vendors


    that's about all I see as a nerf...but it's more of a trade off due to the new "on hit" relics for pvp.


    Do I agree that the relics should be this way? no, but now we may have sustained DPS instead of 6 second burst DPS. It may just work out better in the long run provided the on hit activation % is not too low.

  6. Not to bust your bubble dude, but check out the 1.3 patch update. Your burst is gone. True story.


    I read the patch notes, I am still trying to find what part that Infiltration got nerfed. Looks the same to me, I see the Kinetic Tank hybrid specs got nerfed, but not infiltration, correct me if Ia m wrong, but I don't see it.

  7. Call me a troll, but they do have one, it's called shield and sprint.


    If you can't kite melee around you're doing it wrong.


    Also, I forgot to add, if you're the only healer in a WZ, then you will most likely have a hard time and life sucks and all that jazz. It's a lot easier to focus fire a single target than to spread that focus across another healer and/or two guarding tanks.


    Just saying group composition is everything in SWTOR pvp. Stop whining, sages/Sorcs healers are still VERY VERY powerful

  8. I was wondering if there would be any chance in the future to have pvp mods you can purchase instead of dropping

    1000000+ in credits removing them from armor, plus, it would be nice if it were possible in the tech to combine the "set" bonuses through the mods and then I could wear armor I like the look of (rather than wearing ugly Republic armor, imo)



    Just a thought process going through my head. Has this been suggested before?

  9. Dude these are PROs. They get paid BIG money to play video games. If Bioware doesnt watch itself they might pool their money buy EA and shut this game down/fire everyone.


    BA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! God you're hilarious, especially if you believe that.

  10. Like I said PROs do NOT make this crap up!


    You should have listen from the start, but good form making good on it.


    I guess STS will be around for rateds after all, C you in there guys/doll!


    And to all you people out there that DOUBT




    like I said


    I'm always right!





    lol at Pros. Really dude? Really?



    Pros aren't whiny little *****es camping base camps and lowbies. get off yoru high horse it was just Tseric at his new job at U4-T2 or whatever, maybe he'llg et fired here. You think this is the first time a big MMO has had some drama? God you younger generation of MMO players make me want to smack the entire lot of you for thinking you are entitled to so much.


    I'm surprised that the op of this whole debacle didn't get a forum ban for posting all of these into the forums.

  11. Obviously operations and new flashpoints are incoming, but thats not the point. They need to keep whatever they are doing now, PVP, PVE but add something else thats where the sandbox elements come to play.



    How many datacrons have you found without the use of the internet to help out? The elements for extended play are there. How many lore objects have you found without the use of the internet? Try finding this stuff without outside help like that and actually figuring it out on your own and your game time will be extended immensely, unless of course you aren't interested in Datacrons and Lore objects then I am unable to help.

  12. I see whos leaving is ****** PUG dpsers who think they should be able to kill assassins in tank mode. How about bring a *********** jug or guardian friend. Hell a healer and my sniper have no problems woth sins. Specially tank ones in dps gear which lose the factor of being an actual tank.

    Ops healers, all I hear there is wahhh cant kill a healer by myself and you shouldn't its the same exact principle WoW uses ever see how disc priest work.

    About guard learn to kill the squishie tank because they truly are squishie is called group PvP not warzone hero time.


    I take it you missed other points in my post that put it in an entirely different context. You need to really learn to comprehend a post as a whole rather than pick out the pieces you want to debate to.


    It's the synergy between certain specs and the lack of "random" groupings actually making an opposable difference.

  13. I think really, what killed pvp will be a biased opinion of the ones who are leaving. If it is anything to anyone, I am going to add my 2 cents on what killed it for me.


    The major issue I see is not the changes made in 1.2, after getting a full BM set pvp is the same as it always was (in essence). However, that being said no amount of patches can fix stupid and horrible players. This game is VERY unforgiving when it comes to class make up in warzones. The synergy between certain class specs is too high for a random group to pull off any sort of successful win.


    Take for example Tankasins in DPS gear able to hold a node solo via self healing and heavy mitigation talents with high burst, Kiting Juggs guarding a BH Healer with a shield that negates any incoming interrupts/damage. Mirror classes having animation differences that actually make A better than B (Bioware stated it was minimal, but in pvp 0.5 seconds makes a difference between a heal off or stun in before the next guy)


    My damage went up in 1.2 but so did everyone else, the damage increase on Tanks that are dpsing is in need of a serious toning down, heals are fine Healers require a guard to survive, which bring me back to the synergy part, some good some badly overpowered at the moment.


    Guard not having a cool down and being popped from target to target, Marauders with a "second life" 99% Damage reduction in a form that stacks increased damage the longer they live in a spec that has major survivability in pvp already.


    Interrupts not interrupting long enough, how many times have you sat there on a healer only to interrupt, dps, stun, interrupt, only to not have made huge progress on them and their resolve bar is now full and they heal full, Ops healers come to mind at the amount of kiting they can do AND heal at the same time.


    And you people think rated will fix this? It will only make it worse.

  14. I would just like to add that in SOME cases focusing the marked healer will not be a good idea.


    An example I will give is on my server there is both a WH geared Juggernaut and a WH geared Bounty Hunter Healer


    We tried and tried to kill the BH and he would not drop, the Jugg was merely soaking his damage and the BH has enough tricks (shield mainly) to quickly burst heal up with the taunts on us attacking.


    So we instead focus fired the Juggernaut, with someone CCing/Interrupting the incoming heals from the BH and he fell and then we would take out the BH.



    So in closing, I would like to add that when you pvp you need to be able to see ineffective moments and quickly (QUICKLY) adapt to succeed.

  15. lol for 5 seconds? wow big deal, stun them. you want to talk about 99% of damage reduction, look at Assassin, defense stances combined with resist? are you kidding me dude? that's a easy score in hutt ball.


    99% damage reduction removes half of the hp, so you just fail at life if you lose to that.


    Is it really there fault you allow them to build 30 fury? Because it's mostly game if you do that lol?



    Sure it sounds easy, but how often do you see a pug not filling up a resolve bar to wait for that chance? I know it to stun them at that point...but really dude, think realistically.

  16. NO i am saying that there should be no nerf towards marauders, or any class. the game is just fine as it is, they just need the rank pvp in or 8 man ques. Bioware should not worry about people who obviously don't know how to play their class.


    99% Damage reduction at cost of 50% health....yah it needs a nerf, either a long cooldown or ,make it 99% damage reduction with a 99% dmg delivered debuff or a 50% less healing received while activated so they can't become a one man wrecking machine after 3 stacks of Juyo form.

  17. I'm pretty sure someone already stated this, but pugs are a larger problem in SWTOR over say WoW because he group sizes are smaller. the smallest it gets in WoW is 10v10.


    Apparently 8v8 in SWTOR makes a huge difference when 2 or 3 bad players exist on your team. I am not sure what exactly makes these players bad, I'm no pro, but I can hold my own in a clusterf***k.


    Numerous people don't seem to realize in pvp first and foremost it's a numbers game with stats so BiS is important, next it's knowledge of your talents available and then after that knowledge of your opponents abilities available to them. TEAM WORK TEAM WORK TEAM WORK. Focus Fire is SO important.


    Lastly, but certainly not lastly it's adaptation to fast changing strategies, paying attention and taking a proactive rather than reactive approach when it comes to the maps available. Knowing the strategies for each map.


    It does ultimately come down to the individual themselves, however, it's a culmination of these points I made that make up a great player and a valuable team mate.


    Edit: Knowing your role in PVP is also important, Ops/Smugglers aren't normally good ball carriers nor are they normally good to have on the forefront of a battle for example.

  18. Ha!


    Oh wait... this guy is serious.


    SWTOR has been out since December, that's 6 months live.

    WoW has been out since November 2004, that's 7 years and 7 months live.

    There are several bugs in WoW that still exist since its inception. If you want to point fingers at buggy code that doesn't get fixed it really hurts your argument to suggest that WoW is a better alternative.


    Ah yes, remember the loot bug? I remember sitting there looking at my guy crouch over for about 2+ hours sometimes, never actually looting the corpse, never actually being able to play the game.


    Or the once upon a time BiS item for Mortal Strike Warriors being a blue Arcanite Reaper, stun locking SM/Ruin Warlocks with no shared DR on seduce + fear. Oh the days of OP joy.


    Or what about the time WoW didn't load for what, 1 week? People do forget that it hasn't had 100% good days either. Sigh I hate when people put WoW on this huge pedestal too.

  19. I've heard alot of talk, most of it very defensively protecting it, that the Hero Engine was a bad choice etc. etc.,



    Looking back, if I would have seen this video before my pre-order I don't think I would have purchased the game and would have quite probably skipped SWTOR altogether - not to say I didn't have some fun & enjoy several aspects of the game, but do you think it was bad an idea as I do to use this "Hero Engine"?


    I mean really, "Everything you need to make an online game" !? 300 million and you 'buy' an engine?... ... THAT engine!?


    I don't mean for this to come off as rude or condescending, but ugh I wish I had seen this a year ago :(.



    Well additionally, they should have created a 64bit client as well from the get go, since most PC gamers are actualyl gamers first, then it makes sense that most of us already have a 64bit Windows....that alone would have saved them a lot of hassle. Game companies need to start getting in the 64bit parade and tell these people that have 32bit to start progressing their tech and move on.

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