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Posts posted by JediMoJoe

  1. What up! Skydread Legacy here. You might know me as Vectato or Incautious on the Imperial side.Razer Comms is a currently in-BETA program from Razer. As long as you set up a free account for it, you can start using it immediately. People can create new rooms for the warzone, everyone could join one that's predesigned, etc. but we could eliminate the frustration of queing with morons that don't know how to PvP and all use this program to increase communication and fun. What do you think?
  2. I, myself, have my own account with several characters ranging from 1-55 on The Bastion. My brother also has an account with a few lowbies and a level 50 Marauer. He has been very busy and has basically quit playing completely. I purchased the game for him via Origin as well as subscribed his account for several months. I have receipts, in addition, you could use your own records to verify that my bank account information on my account and my brothers is the same. Seeing as how I've purchased this account and subscribed as well as helping gear and level, I'd like to find a way to incorporate this level 50 Marauder into my own (Skydread) legacy. I'm more than willing to assist in verification of payment as well as paying for the legacy characer merger. I'm even willing to purchase the Rise of the Hutt Cartel again for this level 50 Marauder. Please help with any inforation regarding this, Dev. Team.
  3. I always wondered what Vectato looked like IRL, thank you for the revelation you have bestowed upon me.


    P.S. How many pets are we required to own to join?


    I could have shown you what I look like just for the asking.

  4. lmao. i find it ironic that this prepubescent kid is this arrogant when noone has heard of him/her/it and/or cares. Please keep posting your stupidity so myself and the many others can laugh at you. Try again. You're dismissed.
  5. The Warrior/Knight classes are only OP in the sense that they've got about 3 or so interrupts. As far as damage, they seem pretty balanced. I mean the entire job of a Warrior/Knight is to dish out damage and lots of it. If you're having issues dueling them, learn some strategy. I rarely lose to a Warrior/Knight anymore mainly because I acknowledge that they're only good if they're in your face. Get some distance, move around, use cool-downs, etc. The best way to beat them is to practice fighting against them. It's pretty common knowledge that once Undying Rage is activated, you can't hurt them for a period of time so that's when you get defensive. As for me, i'm an assassin so I cloak out and wait. Then I spike, assassinate and mourn.:cool:
  6. Hello. My name is Vectato on The Bastion. I am a Madness Assassin and can play my class pretty well. I've been encountering a few issues with the ranked warzone system. Countless times I've been fighting in a ranked warzone and my entire team's connection seems to lag quite a bit but my latency is perfectly fine Now I'm pretty computer savy. I'm not running any bittorrent or using any programs on my computer that would draw from my bandwidth, etc. I'm wondering if this is a new hack or exploit people are taking advantage of. Also, in ranked warzones, sometimes my FPS dropped to maybe 10 and when it returned to normal, my entire team was wiped. Anyone else have this issue or any information?
  7. I agree with this thread. I mean ranked warzones are supposed to be a test of skill and team work. It's the healer's job to keep the team's health up and if they can't do so that player should die. It makes 1v1ing someone on a door, node, etc. impossible to kill. I'm also very much aware that I can use the same adrenals but I communicate with my team and ask for help instead.


    < Vectato (Madness Assassin) on The Bastion

  8. If you're looking for a laid-back, objective playing team to fight in ranked warzones, join <Blood of the Fallen>! It's extremely frustrating losing a game completely because the other 4 members on the team are either under-geared, or just have no clue how to play objectively. Our guild plays very competitively, communicates well, and has fun. Whisper any of the fallowing characters located on The Bastion. Robo'fett, Poundz, Hovah, Vectato.
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