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Posts posted by Chanez

  1. Kaliyo (agent) appears in Doc's (knight) story line. And by appear, she actually makes a cameo.


    and vice versa

    Doc goes to kaliyos ship too.





    Kolovish is part of the Star Cabal




    On Corellia, when Keeper mentions that the reports for Imperial Forces has been greatly inflated by the Star Cabal, she mentions that there is a big possibility that the empire could lose Corellia. She says This CANNOT happen, as Darth Decimus, Darth Thanaton (SI Story Line), and another Darth are currently on Corellia.


    I believe the other darth is

    Darth Vowran who helps the sith warrior at the end.


  2. The lack of companion quests is really a shame. there's very few, and

    often very quick. More companion quests would really help with

    pacing-it would mean more quests relating directly to your playing

    character, more opportunities to interact with companions and make

    them more life-like and dynamic, and a chance for moral choices that

    would feel more personal.


    Companions ironically are most involved before they even join your party. Then they have a role in the story, before they become part of the xp grind, where you gift them constantly for sometimes as little as 4 lines of dialogue.


    Companions are such a key part to bioware stories being sucessful its a shame they aren't more of a key part of the game (i mean besides gameplay). Mass effect 2 was one of bioware's most popular games and it had the highest focus on companions of any game I've ever played.


    What class are you playing?


    Some classes have more companion storylines and some have almost none.


    Before they become companions they are important npcs vital to the storyline of the planet, so yes they are more important before their companions.

  3. Reason I'm throwing this out: I can reach Dark Lv1 either right before or during Naga Sadow's tomb with the Sith Warrior choosing all DS options. With the Inquis, I'm only around -500 DS by the time I leave Korriban. Just wondering what the issue is there. And a few suggestions on more DS options for SI:



    1: When on the trial with the prisoner, both options to zap him should be 100 DS points a piece. Cause torture is evil, duh.


    2. While trying to open the holocron, meditating on the dark side should be 50 DS points.


    3. The fight in the training room should end with an option to kill your opponents for 100 DS points, or let them live for LS.


    4. After Zash zaps Ffon, you should have an option to kill the helpless Sith pureblood for 150 Dark Side points, or refuse and let him expire from Zash's lightning for Light Side Points.



    Just saying Bioware skimped a bit on the alignment options for Sith Inquisitor on Korriban.


    1.You can do it so much you can get 200 dark side points overall so its ok.


    2.This is a option that doesnt do anything for you and could be farmable if they did that, causeing infinite dark side points.


    3. If you let them live they would have nowhere to go, its either you or them they cant get off the planet without the overseer.


    4. The Zash I know told me not to interfere and be silent, and letting someone die painfully is light and killing him mercifully is dark? you have some serious morality problems imo.

  4. Does anyone else remember playing knights of the old repubilc?because when i went to taris with my gunsliger i found the endar spire.i felt kindof said and wanted to play that game again.does anyone else feel kind of bummed because when all those people are going a round looking for all the holojournals about the people and the promiesd land,they'll have zero idea that YOU where the one who lead them there,YOU where the person that gave them hope to go their because YOU went into the sewers and found all three journals and gave them to rukil wrikle skin.it was YOU.it was THE PLAYER who did it. did anyone else feel like that when they went on taris?just wondering


    Since i never actually helped them completely because they were insane to do that, i didnt care that much.


    It was, however, a sad sad ending, i also feel like they should have moved more than 100 feet every 50 years, but i guess you cant make their encampment faraway gamewise.

  5. having played both i think the knight was more for saving others and serving the republic, and the emphasis is on others including some companions, while the warriors story is all about me me me i am amazing my companions are just there for the ride, who cares about them?


    I liked the sith warrior story better because i like revenge stories.

  6. only reason warriors act better at "manipulating" people because bioware are warrior fanboys of course they try make warrior better at everything then inquesitor.


    also "better" sith you mean as being enforcer in fact when baras asked sith warrior about sith code and it meaning either you bluff or you say you don't need it.


    warriors always existed to be inquesitors sidekicks.


    The whole point of that was to tell you, the sith warrior, can create your own path, the inqusitors however are bound to the sith code from the point they leave their first tomb, making them weaker.


    Warriors are renegades who abide by no rules, not even the councils. The inquisitor is bound to the rules, the council, and the power that got you so far in life, which the ancestor helps you in btw.

  7. I think it would be great if we could get more into the backstory of the race we select in the game. For me I feel like the race you choose in the beginning as just aesthetics. I feel there is a disconnect of experience of a race's culture in the game. The overlying system of culture is the republic or the empire way but not much is explored about the races you choose. I wish you could do a race's planet that involves exploring the backstory of the race you choose. It would be interesting to see the different type of architecture and the way of life of a particular race - the zabraks, the miralukas, the pureblood siths, heck I'm interested in the origin of the humans in the star wars universe. I mean why are they the most abundant race? And also surely each race must have their own unique technology. The setting of the game - the thousands of star systems in the galaxy, the republics insistence in diversity, and the empires domination of other star systems suggests that there is a great diversity of culture out there, yet this is rarely explored. If anything the different races in the game feels like wallpaper in game with their different looks. There is a feeling and a sense of homogeneity that seems to percolate to both the republic and empire side that ignores this diversity. An exploration of this issue would add another dimension to the story of the game.


    Race is nowhere near as important in this game as wow put on us, and thats how i like it.


    By the way if you got the datacrons and read the codex that comes with them you would know that humans were first born on coruscant and spread across the galaxy faster than other races.


    And also all sith purebloods start on their homeplanet, unless you have a legacy pureblood.


    Zabraks are diverse and have 2 different cultures and really have no home planet because of it, or maybe their planet was destroyed i have no idea.


    The miraluka home planet was destroyed and only a few survived, i dont know how they grew so many numbers in 300 years.


    Since most cultures revolve around the republc and empire trying to take planets their really is no individual culture except for a few neutral planets.


    Race shouldnt change anything in a class driven game, and their is lore to find everywhere here and in the kotor games.

  8. Agent Rating: 6



    Killed the red blade on hutta

    Met Jadus

    Saved millions

    Destroyed 2 terrorists groups

    Avenged Jadus death

    Killed a jedi


    All else is classified. :)


    Warrior Rating: 9



    Took the Ravager

    Took a jedi under their wing

    Killed 6 republic generals

    Killed a dark council member

    Killed a lord 2 or 3 times

    Saved a dark council member

    Downed Darth Baras

    Became emperors new killer



    Knight Rating: 8



    Saved 4 or 5 planets

    That emperor really likes to destroy planets


    Killed a dark council member

    Killed like 6 sith apprentices of the dark council member (why so many dude?)

    Set the emperor into hiding.

    Took the emperors wrath from him


    That the gist of it i believe.

  9. I think that the planet quests kinda of brake the lore a bit as they make us think that all the classes are on par to be able to defeat the bosses of each. The IA never defeats a force user on an even 1v1 unless it's a planet quest.


    What about

    Ardun Kothe



    I think the inqusitor would win since he can make people bow down to him with his mind.

  10. SI have his last companion ("ranged" tank, which is more a melee tank) right before... Corellia. This guy have max 5convos and you're done. Also, you have companion quest AFTER the ending. I don't think any other class have that.

    The healer on hoth is incredibly annoying for the smuggler. We have 2tanks when we begin (ord mantell then nar shaddaa) which is COMPLETELY useless.

    The only complain I have for the JC is Nadia. We have her around Belsavis, which is near the end, and she is our padawan/romance option.

    For the JK, I'm stuck with the droid tank and the melee DPS. I'm glad I have 500+ presence, so they can tank and DPS more than myself, because I would be mad as a sentinel.

    So far the trooper have the best companion, gameplay wise. The first one is a good DPS and an average tank for the beginning, the second one is a healer. And every of them need the same gear than your character (heavy armor + aim).


    Correction JK has kira last quest after story.


    I found the agents crazy spaced out compared to jk and sw, very nerve wracking.

  11. I always thought kreia was right, misguided or no.


    Hew views make sense and even though the force creates life, it trys to destroy it too, kreia only wanted to destroy the latter, everything she said made sense to me, except you cant destroy the force without destroying everything, but cant save the force without destroying. The light and dark are the destroying elements of the force, the gray is the creation elements.


    Just wanted to say my opinion on what lucasarts gives us.

  12. SW: Kills those who are a threat to the emperors new, uh, "body?"


    IA: While helping Lokin in some kinda companion like quests, you find a threat to the republic and empire.


    JK: Trying to defeat the emperors hand.


    Sorry i dont have much of an imagination and ive only played 3 classes.

  13. Sith Warrior has one of the hardest Final Bosses in the game as well as some of the toughest bosses in general. Not many other classes have to fight bosses multiple times. The things that makes the Warrior epic is your direct tie to the Emperor and all the betrayal and the way you bounce back from it, not to mention having the only story that directly transforms a companion based on the type of story you are writing.


    I didnt think you had a "direct tie" between the emperor, although i did love the story overall, i think Baras masters apprentice was underdone, he could of had more story.

  14. If this game becomes popular enough to spawn several expansions would it have made more sense to have it take place maybe after Return of the Jedi or even during the time of Cade Skywalker?


    I figured inparticular if they really want to avoid potentially trampling canon ((which i have already seen people on this board whine about)) and perhaps even expand into new planets or even new galaxies.


    This is kotor 3 not star wars 7 sorry.


    The point of this time period with nothing already known is so they can create anything.

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