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Posts posted by Fendril_Tharkun

  1. playing the game i.e. leveling was great, nice storyline good ideas, hitting 50 and seeing the endconent tough is outright boring ... pve solo, not much to do, groups, far too easy flashpoints, raids .. too easy as well and the typicall wow itemgrind which is in itself not much of a motivation


    pvp ... besides huttball which is a gorgeouos idea, it sucks, openwolrd pvp is non existing, and ilum is a bad joke, so regarding motivating content in the endgame, the game as it is now is a fail. launched too early, and yes i know lots of you will say, give them time, well if they update the content to a motivating level especially pvp content with the speed they did fixing bugs, then it can take some time,

    so canceled my subscription and looking into the game maybe in a year again.

  2. Cheers all,


    as a final feedback to the devs, i am quitting this game for three reasons:


    1. open world pvp is a joke, especially illum, huttball is nice though but that doenst compensate.


    2. pve flashpoints are boringly easy and grinding tokens like in world of warcraft is realy not motivating.


    3. the tons of bugs that are not fixed since the start are realy realy annoying, accomanied by the worst customer support i have ever seen.


    the only realy good thing you did in this game, was the class storyline.



  3. Best pvp game all out - EVE - its simply incredibly.


    Fantasy side - Warhammer - best pvp concept battleground wise - aslas bad endcontent

    DAoC - great RvR and open pvp - 3 Realms, be it player or one AI side wich sides with the other weak realm = perfect concept for realm balancing

    Ultima online


    WoW never was and never will be a pvp game but i admit, i learned to love battlegrounds there. Reason: usually a chance encounter is very often (though not always) decided by the side with more people. taking this out as it is done in battlegrounds, the side with more skill wins (idealy -besides some class balancing issues)

  4. absolutely right - great post, great thread.

    You smell the sales department behind their statments.

    Sofar i liked the storyline of the game, obviously the only good thing they managed in the game. al else need serious rework and fake excuses wont keep the customers for long. its in their hands how they deal with us and how they work on the game, if its going to be a long time cash cow or a one time shot.

  5. It definitly is unfinished - it has good elements and rather finished ones at that - storyline and the pvp warzones but thats about it.


    From a new MMO i do not expect to have a great class balancing from the beginning, or other balancing stuff. errors, aka bugs will be there as well, no doubt about it. but the sheer amount of bugs, basic bugs and not some tricky ones one would not find easily are realy far too many, to deem this a product ready for launch.

  6. i wish the mods would respond to my tickets and resolve them as quickly as they react here on the forum:

    so 2nd try and a few words in advance for you mods:


    this post is not a suggestion and not a bug report, its a summary, a review from my experince with this game the last months. it will contain several statments which you might deem for other sections, nevertheless as a review from my experince over the whole game it still fits best here:


    swtor - a great game or a big fail?


    sofar i was amazed by the inovative ideas and old prinziples which have been displayed in this game. One might say that its too much copy paste from wow with some additions.

    granted - i think thats true and alas also holds true for several of the bad aspects of wow.


    this post is for summaarizing my feeling after playing this game for a month.


    The main aspect that faszinated me is, the incredible faszinating storyline, the dialoges in the quests, the cool instances and the more or less nice pvp.


    Of course my expectations are low since the launch took place and with each MMO game launch comes a lot of things to do.


    My personal assesment of the game heavily dependet on the endcontent and since i have reached 50 for quite a while now and seen lot of the endcontent i must say, i am dissapointed.


    The general storyline is gorgeous, the three pvp zones nice (balancing is an issue of course) but thats about it.



    My critics on:





    The pvp world ilum is the worst joke ever - thats not a pvp zone with the so much promised pvp content, its a zone with some walkers 2 bases and a little pew pew ...

    bad design. I expected at least a planet with lot of different pvp quests including the other faction and not some large alterac without any content.

    The new addition in patch 1.1 do not change that, its a simple slaughterehouse in the republic base in form of a slide show (and i got a good computer) ... thats not a pvp WORLD as i would have expected an innovative game would present.


    The rewarding system champions bags is also pretty bad since the randomness in getting the items out of the bag has led to many a frustrated player


    The pvp quests are bugged to a point where its realy realy annoying.


    The balancing of the classes (especially sith sorcerer) need some changes (but that was obvious that there will be balancing issues).

    I got the impression that in general the ranged classes are in advantage regarding their dps output.





    The Flashpoints vary from difficult to outright easy ... at points the challenge is obviously missing


    The factor of gear has, as in wow, a far bigger effect then the players abilities in playing his class. A thing that leads to item grinding and inflation of gear far too quickly.


    Crafting is ... boring.




    The bugs i have seen in this game are incredibly abundant .... there is not a day passing where i send 1-3 tickets about a bug.

    One seriously gets the impression, the game was not tested and released far too early - Keeping sales policy out of the consideration.


    There are SO MANY bugs that it reaches a point of uter frustration and dissapointment.

    I'd never seen a game launching twith that many errors and i am astaunded that BW releases new content, where not even a friction of those bugs has been fixed yet.


    I will not list examples to prevent some MOD from arguing, that this is a bugreport ...

    i guess most of you know them well enough.





    So summarizing from my point of view:


    Gorgeous storyline, nice pvp warzones, lousy implementation of the rest.


    Will it keep me playing the game. No, i do not think so. Once you are finished with the stoyline there is not much left. Illum is not interesting as it is and the tons of bugs are realy seriously impairing the gaming experience.



  7. swtor - a great game or a big fail?


    sofar i was amazed by the inovative ideas and old prinziples which have been displayed in this game. One might say that its too much copy paste from wow with some additions.

    granted - i think thats true and alas also holds true for several of the bad aspects of wow.


    this post is for summaarizing my feeling after playing this game for a month.


    The main aspect that faszinated me is, the incredible faszinating storyline, the dialoges in the quests, the cool instances and the more or less nice pvp.


    Of course my expectations are low since the launch took place and with each MMO game launch comes a lot of things to do.


    My personal assesment of the game heavily dependet on the endcontent and since i have reached 50 for quite a while now and seen lot of the endcontent i must say, i am dissapointed.


    The general storyline is gorgeous, the three pvp zones nice (balancing is an issue of course) but thats about it.



    My critics on:





    The pvp world ilum is the worst joke ever - thats not a pvp zone with the so much promised pvp content, its a zone with some walkers 2 bases and a little pew pew ...

    bad design. I expected at least a planet with lot of different pvp quests including the other faction and not some large alterac without any content.

    The new addition in patch 1.1 do not change that, its a simple slaughterehouse in the republic base in form of a slide show (and i got a good computer) ... thats not a pvp WORLD as i would have expected an innovative game would present.


    The rewarding system champions bags is also pretty bad since the randomness in getting the items out of the bag has led to many a frustrated player


    The pvp quests are bugged to a point where its realy realy annoying.


    The balancing of the classes (especially sith sorcerer) need some changes (but that was obvious that there will be balancing issues).

    I got the impression that in general the ranged classes are in advantage regarding their dps output.





    The Flashpoints vary from difficult to outright easy ... at points the challenge is obviously missing


    The factor of gear has, as in wow, a far bigger effect then the players abilities in playing his class. A thing that leads to item grinding and inflation of gear far too quickly.


    Crafting is ... boring.




    The bugs i have seen in this game are incredibly abundant .... there is not a day passing where i send 1-3 tickets about a bug.

    One seriously gets the impression, the game was not tested and released far too early - Keeping sales policy out of the consideration.


    There are SO MANY bugs that it reaches a point of uter frustration and dissapointment.

    I'd never seen a game launching twith that many errors and i am astaunded that BW releases new content, where not even a friction of those bugs has been fixed yet.


    To list just a few of the bugs i found:


    Keybindings buggy: reassigning ctrl+F2 or ^ does not work. the former does nothing, the later always comes up with the bug report interface


    Objective rating in warzones buggy - i scored 2 times, getting no objective rating - thought that one was about scoring the huttball - besides that objectives doesnt seem to have any influence at all.


    Short disconnects in WZ kicks you from the WZ - HEAVILY ANNOYING!!!


    More then 8 players in WZ sometimes.


    WZ daily - wins do not count - HEAVILY ANNOYING!!!


    Proton torpedos in space missions bugged: shield generators can not be targetet by missiles or guns anymore.


    Several daily quests bugged on Ilum


    Finishing DI 7 crashes the party to desctop - al of us.


    Doing some HM instances - no member of the party got any social points accounted for.


    Implanted Armor mods - disappering.



    Aweful "features":



    Mouse targeting - clicking on player is a luck game ...





    So summarizing from my point of view:


    Gorgeous storyline, nice pvp warzones, lousy implementation of the rest.


    Will it keep me playing the game. No, i do not think so. Once you are finished with the stoyline there is not much left. Illum is not interesting as it is and the tons of bugs are realy seriously impairing the gaming experience.



  8. ilum --- where is the pvp? where is the gorgeous epic battle between empire and republic? ... nowhere ... atm its simply daily farming with leaving the other faction as much in peace as possible to get ones daily. why should we do otherwise? there is no other kind of reward that would justify doing pvp, except for the pure fun of it and of course (sarcasm on) after one got ones daily done.


    this concept is a fail and a big one -- i was eager to see a cool pvp zone but now that i have seen it its simply aweful.

    the core idea of pvp is that its a. fun and b. brings rewards. the moment one can flip flop to get a nice reward, pvp is mainly dead, we had seen this in warhammer (castle flipping)


    so BW PLZ include dailies redesign the war efforts and reward pvp!! not some pve flapping

  9. The problem with ilum is not that it needs to be a timed event, cause then it yould not be much different either as it is now - a bad joke - people are ignoring each other to get the pvp daily done and since there is no further reward for actually doing pvp, no one is doing it in favor of the daily ... worst concept ever
  10. The discrepancy is created if the weight of the better items clearly outshine the prior tiers. The "best" game is a game where gear plays the second role to skill and not vice verca. if you would increase the hardcore items just by a smal friction, it would serve all definitely better and still be enough reward for those players since they obviously also have the teamplay at their side.
  11. Operatives are not OP - yes they have immense burst and if they OPEN on you they will most likely win in a 1 on 1. but after that if you survive and especially in group pvp this alevates realy quickly. In contrast the real big dps currently comes from all those troopers and bounty hunters which is ridicolous!
  12. Having Played both classes myslef i agree, that the operative has more burst while the assassins survivability and utility is much better. From my point of view the dps otput of an asassin is still too low and could use an upgrade. This holds true especially if looking at ranged dd and their immense DPS Bursts.

    So for my 5 cent, increase assassins dps a bit, decrease ranged dps alot!



  13. Brackets, no thanks


    I give you the following reasoning why the current system is good as it is:

    Basically in the long run, there will be mainly level 50ies. So doing lowlevel bracket based WZ for leveling is nice, albeit experience showed that there will be less and less zoness opening prohibiting the WZ pvp at all. So the idea of brackets does only work if enough players of all levels are present, which will not be the case. The current solution is one of the best i have seen sofar, since you can play with your friends having different levels all the time. The only thing which has to be taken care of is, that the scaling up is done propperly to make it also enjoyable for all.

    Yesterday i went into WZ with my long time pvp friends of old. We were a level 20 assassin tank, 25 assasin dd, 42 sorcerer heal and 50 bounty hunter heal. We had hell of a time, so much fun. Pretty balanced, lower levels could contribute beautifully and we won often and lost lften as well.

    So overall good system.

  14. Hi folks


    Since i got a disconnect and have to wait now, that i am in a queue again, and yes, i know that there was a statement days ago that this is anissue you are looking into, i still take the time (i have nothing else to do right now since i am WAITING) to complain again about this issue since you still have not fixed it and it is pretty annoying. Deleting posts like this as you have so quickly done with my first is not helpfull either, since the only thing i am doing is, complaining about a realy annoying issue.

  15. Hi folks,


    Well i see that many are frustrated and i was also dissapointed to not being able to play the game right away.

    Well honestly i know i ll be able to play it pretty soon.


    You know i had several experiences of game launches the last years in the MMO world and none of them was perfect or strange.


    basically you can choose between pest or cholera.

    from a players point of view, not only being able to access the game is important, but even more the balancing of one's server is VERY important.


    Granting full flight access to the game providing enough servers to rush that led in one game launch to two very ugly things:

    1. tons of people in the newbie zones and

    2. after several weeks, some servers were totaly unbalanced and some already deserted which had to be shut down soon afterwards.


    (Guess which game that was)


    Then on another very pretty game from the asian region, they learned from that as it seems and opened the servers slowly and were monitoring the balance and forbid players to choose the side they wanted, if it was already too crowded regarding the balance.


    OMG imagine the comments on the forums, it was hell, in the end though it served the playerss since afterwards servers were pretty balanced.


    I could continue the stories but guess what none of them was pretty from a first day gaming experience point of view.


    The idea from EA for having early access and granting that in waves, i do understand that as a prevention of overcrowding in the newbie regions too extremely, and secondly monitoring the required capacities, which (as a computer scientist myself i know can be pretty ugly) i'd rather do carefully then badly. So the basic idea of letting people in in waves sounds like a very good idea.


    critics on this aprroach are clearly:

    provide an ETA, you knew in advance how many preorders you had, so based on the huge amounts of beta testers you should be able to do at least an educated guess when you will open the access for players, regardless of your monitoring. We are speaking of days, not hours.


    secondly, i would presume this whole feature of wave access with whatever launch reasoning behind the idea to provide as much of a nice launch experience as possible, should be "standard" and expected in nowadays mmo launches. If you are already using us with this early access thing to get it smootly done, don't charge extra 5€ and let us wait without any time guess at all.



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