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Posts posted by crimsonjax

  1. My exact problem as well. Got one toon stuck on a server that a pre-launch guild, which I was in, got assigned to. Now I have 6 toons that I play with buddies from work that got in game later. I was hoping to move my 1 guy back into the fold when character transfers would be aloud. Guess not.. :(


    Is anyone HAPPY with the character transfer system?


    I was stoked to hear it was being implemented, but this implementation is just ridiculous. Never would have imagined they'd try and control which servers will be capable of receiving a character transfer.


    I generally try to avoid the general queque that Bioware gets (ya'll can be quite dramatic little whiners, fellow TORers) but this is indefensibly stupid.


    Yes, my server MAY end up being available for transfer and you're worried about server population, but christ, just let me put my ONE character on Lord Ieldis I made before friends started playing with the rest of my SEVEN on Vrook Lamar. The only way to get this one character to play with the other seven would be to move all EIGHT to Bergern Colony. ***.


    I'm not moving a guild here. It's not a migration of all my characters and the characters of everyone I know. Its one dude.

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