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Posts posted by Athilis

  1. Nowhere near the bottom. Know what you talk about before you talk about it. Sure, it didn't hit WoW numbers, but noone ever will again, that was just perfect timing for the mmo industry when they launched, that is all. It was the first mmo to step off the beaten path a bit and go their own way.


    And this game didn't go it's own way. They made WoW with Star Wars skin. Thats all they set out to do and thats all they did. I have not played in a month even though I have game time still. If it were free to play, I still wouldn't. I am a huge Star Wars fan and have been all my life. Thought Kotor was great...This game...it's boring and repetitive. They didn't go their own way at all. I wish this wasn't the case but it is, and the numbers show it. What am I to do now that I hit 50 and ran all the flash points and ops? Do the same missions over and over to get better gear to do the same missions again on a higher difficulty? And pay $15 dollors a month to do it when I wouldn't do it for free? No thanks. I made some one else GM of my guild over a month ago and until today haven't looked back. Why today? Just to see what 1.3 would be...a major over-haul?...nah same old stuff. You can keep this game. I've seen enough.

  2. Keep bashing him wow players! Thats the only thing you guys do well...besides getting divorced. I never played wow. But i watched people play it. This guy is right . It is wow in star wars skin. The devs on thier own thread, on this site, call ops raids! lol They acually use wow terms for everything. But the worst thing is the wow players they targeted are here! And your all *** holes. So i got a month left but i just made some one else GM cause im done now. They got 100 bucks out of me but at least i don't have to stick it out another month while they blow smoke up my *** and call it an update. Good luck guys :)
  3. The Main problem with the egg is the 4 hour respawn along with the BOE. This is why I have very little faith in this Development team. That egg situation was a no brainer. But they don't care about function, only the gimmick so the c$sh keeps rolling in from the little community that is left before cut-throat EA shuts the whole game down.
  4. No, No, No. They are trying to expand the ability to find groups. If they had this option, I bet your *** people will try to enforce it as a requirement. They already do with ops and some pvp premade teams. To all of them, I tell them no. Do not want to hear abunch of teenagers talk about nothing. You can always use the chat option. Voice chat would only be needed for organzing a large group or between ACTUAL friends. And everyone knows that ONLINE FRIENDS ARE OVERRATED.


    There is a very good reason everyone requires it. For the reasons I listed above. To make a comparison; every military on the planet uses voice communication on the battlefield. If your method was better, why wouldn't soldiers just text one another? Second, I don't know very many teenagers who play this game. This is not the cartoonish WoW game it sounds like you're accustom to. Third, what does "ONLINE FRIENDS ARE OVERATED" have to do with the way they communicate? Sounds like your just not a very social or friendly player. Maybe shoudn't be playing a multiplayer game.

  5. Dude that is so not true ^^ . The first mmo to use a good voice chat system is going to be the best one. I know guys that get thier own mumble and vent servers just like i did for the soul purpose of talking to the other group members. The problem is going out of game to do logins and passwords for short heroics and people who don't currently have latest chat software like mumble. This service should be intergrated into the game! Its 2012 for heaven/s sake. This is going to be a must soon. I am a gamer, not a secratary and many of us cannot stand stoping game play to type. Often your instuctions are coming too late to matter in ops flash points or war zones.
  6. I agree with most of these guys. My companions don't have a clue how great I am. They don't care that i just got 10 medals in a wz defending thier honor. (hint hint) I also am married to Jessa and now she never talks to me. I would like to see some repeatable dialog options always availible for who im married to. I feel like Jeasa misses me, but I have no way to "comfort" her. A nice sexy cut scene would be nice and make me feel more important and needed.
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