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Everything posted by Webel

  1. U can out dps the last phase if u have him almost dead before he solos the last person and that person can kill him u can avoid the knockoff manuever but its for very high DPS too accomplish it!
  2. Light saber throw Aoe Taunt smash Sweeping kicks utilize ur slows and stuns for 6 sec aoe effects single target taunt if needed and if the mobs aint dead before u do all that, thats a dps problem!
  3. In ops 8 mans or 16 man do Hm and Normal share the same lockout in a week?
  4. But Sorezus Razor U get from Columi tokens the tanking saber sounds a lot like the one Anakin has when he kills the younglings but might take someone with better trained ears too tell me its different but too me it sounds the same wonder if someone can help me out with an answer?
  5. You sir are correct I misread the skill completly still think its worth it tho!
  6. Has anyone stopped and thought that maybe Bioware did this on purpose they allow u too choose 2 different classes either Jugg or Mara essentially Maras are dps Juggs are tanks and inside those 2 options they allow u too spec into 3 different trees just Like WOW but instead of limiting you too 1 single tree they open it up too allow u too spec into multiple trees like RIFT and tank how u see fit if U want Mid more then roll immortal u want less mid more dps then go vengence either way are viable speccs for tanking depending on ur play style so why argue over which one is better if ur good at what spec u like then fine. As for the more threat where as in some instances more threat would be nice having it stack better with skills its fine the way it is DPS and healers should learn too play their classes first and use their skills too help u out with threat but if ur CCing adds and using ur abilities coupled with Dps and healers dropping their abilities threat is not a problem. Single or AOE best bet on single is if u find ur losing aggro save ur taunts for when they turn and roll ur taunts as they come off CD if u think u might have too move out of something and stop dpsing and could lose threat all these things help in the long run. Now if they can only fix the boss glitches we'd all be fine!
  7. Sonic Barrier is totally worth the talent points the 4 piece tier set gives u an extra 20% making it go up to 40% so now instead of absorbing a 1.2k hit ur absorbing a 2.4 thats amazing especially if u know the boss is enraging or hitting harder that one absorbed hit could be just enough for the healers heal too go off before u die so yea totally worth taking it No CONTEST!
  8. I happened too get lucky with the drop off last boss in KP normal and got my columi token for it its pretty BA think it trumps the artifact one and the ones u get from FE HM and Kaon HM but by a little bit worth looking into
  9. Threat Really isnt a problem with Juggs its the pulls themselves that dont help dont know bout anyone else but damnit every pull or boss has too many shooters that like too be just out of range from each other so your AOE abilities dont hit everyone and you have too pick and choose and even if u interupt them they have some other skill which is ranged they use and dont move but once u can gather them all up Sweeping slashes and smashes they all stay together.
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