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Posts posted by rzrknight

  1. I completely agree with you Glory. This game has the balance and ability to handle a rated arena system.


    hehehehe this game got the balance and the ability my god , i dont know if you guys just did not play more than a day or if you are delusional , either way this made me laugh.


    This game got the balance and the ability hehe ... good joke mate.

  2. Since the daily rewards are changing from wins to medals, why would you want to quit regardless of outcome?


    Everything about 1.2 is better for PVP. Disincentives for quitting matches, no more RNG bag loot, rated WZs, and removing artificial Valor requirements as a gate to the best PVP gear.


    If one can beat most BMs in Champ/Cent gear, why do they have to grind valor just to unlock the better gear? Skill should allow to unlock that gate. This is what Rated WZs will allow.


    Also, there is a vote kick feature so people sitting in a corner is not a concern.


    hahaha mate you really dont know how to pvp while watching a movie , dont worry , with cross server when i join your team i will show you.

  3. I have fun when i achiv the thing i was after lol.


    In this game , is getting the PvP gear , i dont give a ... , to the fun during the match.


    And thus the reason that now that there is no gear at the end of the stick anymore i afk.


    Do i care if you have less fun cause you lose with 1 less player? I assure you 100% , i dont give a ... again.

  4. This is exactly what people said about World PvP back in the old beta forums.




    Now there is absolutely zero PvP'ing outside of warzones, since all of the 50s hang out on their respective fleets and are too lazy to protect their lowbies on other planets. And as it stands there is absolutely zero value in PvP'ing within warzones.


    This is by far the worst community I have ever been associated with.


    That is because there is NO community mate , here it is each on it own , people dont care about what others think if they will leave ,stay, ruin other peoples game.


    Nops all that matters is how the I can take the most I can.


    Even if it means ruining the game to everyone else it does not matter. Only the I matter.


    People only band together while it benefits them , otherwise it is each man for himself.

  5. umm..


    In beta, people whined

    In launch, people whined

    When 1-49 brackets came out, people whined


    You see a pattern?


    It wont matter if everyone has the same gear, it wont matter if they seperate ratings in different matches.

    It wont matter if they remove all restrictions on pvp gear.


    People will still whine

    People will still cry for nerfs


    If everyone having an equal playing field, gear wise, is that big of a dramatic change that the sky falls and you cant go on.


    L E A V E.


    If your as good as you say, having baddies with gear wont change the way they get roflstomped, it wont change your winning streak, it wont change the solar rotation.


    It means more people get pvp gear.

    It means people who were good are still going to be good, but look better while being good.


    I have never heard of a pvper that gets up in arms about everyone having the same gear.


    mate im not afraid or even consider i will lose many wz.


    The prob is that i want a reason to pvp.


    The just hit a guy on head and get ranks ... they kind of do nothing ... but you got show your friends yey.


    Nah lol , i prefer to lose and get my stuff done faster and win and get rank.

  6. I didn't really anticipate this but I noticed today a lot of people would afk, screw around, ignore objectives as soon as they got their 4 medals.


    I saw things in /ops like "we all have our medals, just let them win."


    I'm not a fan of these developments.


    Are you a spy :rolleyes: that is exactly what i do.


    I mean lol who cares in the 10 i have to play for the ilum i will get 3 wins , the rest is face roll.


    Good thing BW did.

  7. I dont understand why people say the new system is removing the pvp goals. It is just transferring them away from the gear which ANY player can currently achieve, even by losing every single warzone they participate in. Can you people not see that? The current system with gear progression is NOT A FREAKING REWARD FOR GOOD PLAYERS! It is simply a milestone for time spent playing pvp! What is not clear about that?


    The new system (which is not tied to valor in any way because valor != pvp skill folks, it simply == time spent) will allow those people who ARE skilled at pvp to rise to the top of the ranking system, which is a reward in itself. People at the top of the ranking system get cosmetic perks THAT NO ONE ELSE HAS. There is the PvP reward. It's right here, clear in purple crayon! Not only that but more depth is being added to the meta-game by allowing all purple gear to have mods extracted so that YOU and YOUR RANKED TEAM can modify your builds and gear to suit your tactics and playstyle... Can anyone who is playing the current pvp say that the current gear sets allow that? Of *********** course not, because they dont. The current pvp meta-game is so mind numbingly simple that anyone can do it.


    This whole argument is a obvious troll and people buying into it just feeds it. Seriously, when will the madness end!


    the problem is that while i agree that the rewards should be given based on your rating i dont agree that the rating should be the ONLY freaking thing you get.


    Cause plz , cars colors and that other crap does not count.


    What is the point of playing to be the best , if all you get is NOTHING.

  8. Anyone else find it extremely irritating how BROKEN huttball is? Its pretty ridiculous to get stunned on a fire vent, use your cooldown to get out of it, and .1 second later get ANOTHER stun thrown on you... it leaves me to ask Bioware this question, why the hell doesnt the cooldown have a 2-3 second immunity from further stuns/cc like every OTHER MMO. :mad: ALSO fix the passing system where you target someone to pass to them... its so stupid how someone will be on the outer edge of the passing circle, and intercept the ball when your teammate is in the center of it. :mad: ALSO THE *********** AIR VENTS, CAN YOU AIM THEM. ****.


    Mate ... there are solutions to ALL the problems you listed ... guess you just need to play a few more hundreds of times.

  9. Waah, your game sucks but I'm still going to play it because I have nothing else better to do, waaah!


    Stop blowing things out of proportion. The biochem nerfs needed to happen, servers will fill back up when 1.2. is released, and scoundrels are still killing machines. I'm glad you can't wait until GW2 comes out so you can cry about it as well.


    I agree with all you said LESS the part you get delusional and say people will come back for that crap lol.


    Cause i know NO pvp player will.

    I dont see why PVE player would come for a new operation , but maybe they get the gear in one month tops and quit again.

  10. Dumb analogy is dumb. You should add in there that the person who wins the gold medal every time is the one who dopes their blood because that is what having the best gear is. Or is a genetically enhanced Clanner, Aff?


    Im amazed you still respond to a person that HAS JUST QUESTIONED the way the Olympics a freaking event with more than two thousand year old history works LOL.


    I could say what i think of him , but that is against the forum rules hehehe.

  11. Unfortunately OP most player of this game are either casual or PvE players , from these just a very small % will get anywhere when the pvp gear is given based on skill AND they know that.


    They know they suck , only point i give to them ,does prove they have a brain.


    Thus the reason the masses cried till a gear that requires NO TIME and NO SKILL to get came.


    I dont think it is gonna change.

  12. that's because pve is the main thrust of this mmo. if you didn't know that going into the game, shame on you for not bothering to read anything about it.:rolleyes:


    i see people complain about casuals and pve'ers all the time, but you know what? it's those peoples subs that keep the mmo going. stop acting all suprised when devs cater to them.


    ya see i dont really care for who they cater lol.Cause i for one dont care about them.


    I will just keep running in circles in ranked lol.


    movie watching pvp FTW , no reason to win? Then winning is not we should be doing.

  13. Here's the thing... All the current Battlemaster Gear players got their gear EXTREAMLY EASY, yes I said Extremely easy, you know why...


    1) Due to flipping you could finish your Ilum weekly in 15 mins and dailies in 5 mins, so for less then an hour you could get 9 Battlemaster bags just like that, where now it takes several days depending on your play time..


    2) 50's got to pound the stuffings out of lvl 10-49 players because their was no 50 bracket, so they pretty much won all the time giving them several hundred extra valor each time


    3) After the pvp change on Ilum for several days people could camp the other players outpost and spawn camp the turrets for MEGA Valor, A lot of people went from Valor 30-40 to over 60 in just days because of this...


    Yes I beleive you need to have some sort of carrot to keep players intrested in the game, but please don't give me this BS about how rough early 50's had it trying to get their Basttlemaster gear....


    BTW it still takes time to acumlate your sets of gear, it's not like you turn 50 and Bioware gives you a full set of Battlemaster gear...


    The QQ'ers just want to keep the gap huge so they can have easy kills....


    By no means i agree that the BM is how PvP should work.


    IF in 1.2 they gave everyone a basic set , exactly the same and AFTER THAT we had a gear based on rank , which you get with skill NOT YOUR VALOR RANK, then it would be how PvP gear should be given.


    To the best players the best gear. Nothing less than that.

    Your earn what you wear see?


    Now , to the best player ... cars , color gear ... pets? hahaha yeah sure.


    No mate there is NO reason to fight harder for that.

  14. What you say is valid but, when a BH attacks me. I just ignore him, as his damage output is not even noticeable. When tank spec. Because he is doing his job, tanking. Not DPSing. Try that with an Assassin / Shadow and he will eat you up in matter for seconds.


    Please read the forum before making accusation that i do not understand classes. We are talking about Darkness and darkness/madness hybrid Assassin /Shadows. They are spec tank, but have more utility than a Sorcerer and puts out decent burst.


    If you do not believe me, just go to torhead. And check Assassin's talent calculator. You will see they have so many dps increase talents.


    Edit: I forgot to mention that even tank spec most assassin are running in Stalker pvp set instead of tank one.


    A full tank sin , will not , that i assure you, considering the gear is similar.


    A hybrid one that specs till force pull then goes looking for dmg on other trees , might.


    I dont consider it unfair at all , BH may hit lower , but it is ranged and he can take more beating , we can hit harder and die faster.


    lets just keep the utility of a sin and a BH on the same lvl.


    Edit: oh mate, in the stalker one you cant even compare the time they last.


    Sure i agree hybrid with stalker will hit you harder , but they are giving up a lot of their time alive for it.

  15. And that's the attitude and people that should be removed from the game and the community like the cancer they are.


    hahaha well guess you will learn that like a cancer it may reach a point where it cannot be cured. And i assure you in games it is AWAY pass that point.


    You think i care for the other players mate? I dont lol. Why? For the same reason they laugh when i say spent my time getting all the PvP stuff and they now face roll and get them.


    In the end we all pay 15$ , and we all do what we want to moment we want lol , hell , did i ruin your rank? Go cry to your guild maybe they care cause i sure dont.


    I will keep movie watching until there is a purpose to pvp , than maybe i will actually play to win lol.

  16. Here let me further explain your thesis.


    What makes it OP


    High heath pool

    Survivability as a tank

    Decent burst


    2 stun that does not fill resolve, 1 instant mez, and force pull (seriously)


    ? You must not know the classes right ?


    Cause i assure you the BH tank can take a MUCH LARGER beating before going down in pvp lol , AND he can the stuff you listed AND MORE.



    The only things a sin can say he got over a BH is the stealth and the force run , which are quite good skills.

    But take those 2 and a BH OWN a sin.

  17. I love PvP.


    I love the PvP in this game in it's current form. I don't care that I face opponents with better gear then me.


    I'm not looking for a "fair" fight, there's no such thing.


    I am paying for this game in it's current state though, I'm paying for it based on what it was advertised as. It's a mmoRPG. I don't start at level 50 with full Champion Gear, I level up and earn it all.


    Sounds to me like all the ones complaining are the ones that want things handed to them on a silver platter. What next? Will you be asking Bioware for an "I WIN" button once you realise you're still losing even though they made the game more "balanced".


    Nops what these people will do next is QQ mate they will QQ like crazy that EVERY single freaking class is OP. Dont matter what class you play you will be OP cause to them only their class will be gimped , they are not bad they are sure of it ... and it is not the gear it is the same, no ... that freaking class that killed them is OP nerf it BW.


    That is what is coming next.


    Now will the pvp still be worth playing? Im not sure for now all they said is PLAN STUPID , i mean colors ,cars? Do you really think we care for that stupid stuff BW?

    If we cant afk we run in circles i dont care mate , i alrdy play pvp while watching a movie atm.

  18. Remove the leap and pull abilities and Huttball will be just fine. Even the area push is ok since that is an issue of positioning so that you don't get tossed into the pit, however there is nothing you can do to defend against leap or pull.


    Yeap there is x pull i do it all the time. x jump ... yeah ya cant counter jump.


    Still , taking 2 skills from some classes DEMAND that all classes get nerfed also , since we actually spec or get those skills in our trees.


    I wonder what every other class is willing to pay to have those skills removed lol.

  19. I picked simple because stealth + tank is awesome hell i always wanted this combo.

    And i got it finally.


    It is OP? Not at all near some other skills.


    Wither was actually buffed a lot, simple cause it was a horrible skill lol.No tank was going full spec , they had to make it do anything.

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