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Posts posted by rzrknight

  1. Highlighted part for emphasis.


    That is about the most ridiculous opinion I've ever heard for a thread about wealth and making money, not dying over and over again in heroic 4 dailies just to complete them and be stuck with a huge repair bill.


    Not all of us have stealth. Worse, I've seen a vet from our guild do the stealth trick for the heroic 4 on Belsavis. He died twice. One time I had to run back into the area and heal/shield/rescue him with my sage. Not worth it if you're doing these purely for credits.


    If you are going to die why not make them naked? Not like that will be in the way of stealth.

  2. Seriously,


    I want to be a female DARK LORD OF THE SITH - not a frakkin belly dancer! I realize Star wars comes with a decent amount of sexism and racism imbued in it from the outset but seriously guys - get your art department in order.


    Your gogo girl female chest pieces are horrible. Just my 2 cents.


    Other than the slave social gear , what gear makes you look like that?

  3. Nice opinion, heres mine.


    Kill count pvp is easy mode, for the simple minded.

    Objective based requires coordination and coordination equals skill.


    Yeap i agree to this.


    I get my share of kills during the objective matches , why would i want them to make me just fight.


    fight + objectives is much better than just pure brawl.

  4. Yeap BW should totally allow to pass on the lead.


    I mean , i have a freaking high valor , why they think that means i want to lead?


    is freaking boring to mark , to say the path to victory and all that.


    Man , i dont need victories , i dont need to win.Why they think i want extra work for nothing is beyond me.

  5. They're really not. It's just a matter of actually being social and making a name for yourself through gameplay. Play well and believe it or not people WILL remember you.


    When cross server hit that wont matter anymore also lol.


    Want pre mades? Get in a PvP guild.

  6. Tanks , FOR NOW , are viable , since you can use BM gear and that will allow you to tank well x most players.


    Now when 1.2 hit is better to go a hybrid spec using dps gear , that is for sure.

  7. What the **** are you babbling about?


    The requirement for victory is to hold 2 of 3 objectives for longer than your opponent.


    Winning in alderaan also requires holding 2 of 3 objectives for longer than your opponent.


    It's *very* similar.


    Well when you reach x2 the life points you enemy got in Ald it is over.You can win with 1 turret and i never saw a team so bad they managed to lose at that point.


    Now , if ya need 2 till you enemy is dead , you can win with 5 HP left.

  8. Lol@ the few carebears who depend on their gear as a crutch. All these "baddies" aren't saying that is the only reason they lose. They are saying that's only way you can win, if you actually do. So thank god for your gear gap, ehh?


    :D the dream of the weak.


    Mate all that will change is that these people that cry about gear will cry about OP classes when 1.2 hit.


    Player that think they can own in 5 secs because they are simple AWESOME.Why the hell do they need to play many times to learn lol?


    Nops , they are gonna learn quite soon, the gear sure helped some players , but many will still wipe the floor with you and laugh hard.


    Experience goes high when the match is not simple brainless. These are no arenas , just being able to kill wont save you lol.

  9. Bump... anybody actually have any thoughts about this topic?


    Hum this opinion comes from a full BM sin tank.


    If you want utility and a better dps i would go for sin.


    If ya seek more time alive then i would go for jug.


    I wont complain about my sin lol , i prefer the utility over more time alive , after all , wzs are about objectives , not simple staying alive or killing.

  10. Patch 1.2's balance changes are stupid.


    Right now healers and tanks already dominate warzones.



    Now, they nerf a couple classes that actually kept healers in check (read: ops/scoundrels and a couple other dps specs)





    Patch 1.2 is a big middle finger to anyone that isn't a tank or healer.


    Yeah , maras are so weak.


    Cant imagine how they manage it :rolleyes:

  11. that's absolutely nothing compared to grinding your toon to 2 top elite brackets, then get force sensitive, then grind 19 weeks in 4 alternating phases to just get Padawan, then grind to full jedi of your choice which totally makes you feel like a jedi.......




    SOE totally wipes what you did away and says here is a toon we created for YOU to play now called the NGE.


    hehehehe , that must have been the change that made most % of players of any MMO in history to quit.

  12. Clock is ticking Bioware..


    Tick, tack...


    Go play it.


    I will stay on this one where there are no arenas lol.


    Not that diablo 2 needed arenas to begin with , i remm fighting just outside Act1 city for the ears, no problem with that lol.

  13. you won't be able to transfer to a server you have all slots full, you also will have to pick a new name if an existing one is taken. there may be a delay between deletion and the name being allowed to be used, might want to test that out.


    Usually , it is instant.


    At least in game.


    I got many names reserved and tested this.Now about how it will work with char transfers i cant say.


    Usually , ya need to delete the char if you transfer and the name already exists you need to change the name.


    What i really wonder is what happens when 2 server merges, cause then you dont have an option and the name may collide.


    They then force you to change name?

  14. Yeah im glad they got rid of that bullsh*t rank requirement so the TRUE good pvper Will mop the floor with the little kids who thought they were better because they grinded Some gear.


    "True" skilled hehehehe?


    mate the day i lose a casual will be indeed a bad day.


    Give them the gear, but ya know ... BW cant give ya much more than that :rolleyes:


    I can only laugh at people that think they can learn how to play in a instant and own.


    No mate in the end, ya will need a high valor rank to be of any use.


    This change is actually good for alts , so it is nice.

  15. IF this was arena , you would be correct OP , but in wzs completing the objectives is more important than simple being strong.


    Sure , they are still "unbalanced" atm , but that happened because people would not stop the cry about how weak they were , soon BW listen the QQ again and nerf them.


    Maras are a pain.Do they win a match alone?Never saw one doing that until today.

  16. Why do we have them? Right now the only purpose they sever is as hard separation of factions. Each fleet effectively takes half (maybe more) the population out of the swtor world.


    The fleets make need from some unnatural designs in the game world. For instance (pun intended) because nearly all the max level character are on the fleet, half of the swtor galaxy is hidden, permanently to each respective faction to protect lower level characters that would have no protection if they were unhidden. Has this ever been done before? Half the game world is hidden to the opposing faction? Permanently?


    I don't think massive new development is needed to put this 50% (or more) of the population back into the game. Something as simple as a buff can encourage this population to call Coruscant, or Dromund Kass home.


    Food for though BioWare,



    Yep , it did.


    Ya create high lvl areas or places like the fleet , that is where the top lvl go.


    Ya wont see , top lvls hunting low lvl unless they want to move out of their way to do it.


    Atm top lvls could go ilum for an example , or other places where they got dailies.


    Ya wont see lvl 30 running there.


    About the idea itself i think it is horrible.

    Simple because of how long it takes to load a planet when we compare to the fleet load time.

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