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Posts posted by CSPJediKnight

  1. This thread is like reading an argument out of a book set in the 7th grade. Grow the **** up people. YOU didn't read that it said early access would be staggered, YOU preordered late. It's YOUR fault, NOT bioware's. And for those of you who say that everyone who's in is just bias. No, I didn't get to play the first day, and you know what I did? I said "damn, that's what I get for waiting a few weeks to preorder, hopefully I'll get in tomorrow." What makes you feel so ENTITLED? How many games aside from mmos allow you to play early just because you've preordered? Stop acting like just because you put money down on the game knowing FULL well it's launch date was the 20th, you're somehow entitled to something that Bioware doesn't need to do at all. You still get to play early, just not as early as the people who preordered before you, which is ENTIRELY fair considering Bioware has said this FROM THE GET GO.
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