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Posts posted by Dearl

  1. I haven't actually checked to know with 100% certainty. However, Nightmare Pilgrim has an ability specifically called Mental Assault which is the whole reason for the inhibitor in the first place. I would assume that it would not work for Fearful. I could be wrong, because Z and T is easy enough as it is without the need for using one to see if it would work.


    I understand the intended use and that fearful is an easy mechanic to avoid for most. I would not assume that it wouldn't work on fearful because the tool tip clearly states that it "will protect the user from even the most powerful mental assaults for 4 hours".


    My question was aimed more at trying to get some feedback on whether the community thinks this is an exploit, intended, or doesn't care.

  2. I see the lack of information concerning the access waves as a good thing. It could mean that they are very fluid with the number/frequency of waves based on how well each wave is going. Best case scenario things go better than expected and we all get in earlier than they originally would have "scheduled" us.


    But then again, I am the 1%... optimistic.

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