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Posts posted by eonfoo

  1. Hey m8s. I havent played since launch up to about 6 months or so. So I maxed out a few characters did some raids, hardcore pvp'd and thats about it. Anybody have any tips for someone jumping back into it? Revan questlines, new Xpac quests where to begin etc? Any help appreciated!
  2. I played Anni from 10-50 and into about Rank 45. And I have to say Anni is pretty gear dependent as is the class itself.


    I tried Rage out and it's pretty much faceroll as long as you dont miss your smashes. The burst is pretty insane and getting medals is super easy which makes the race to BM really nice.


    However I recently went back to Anni at about Rank 54 and I gotta say that with gear comes a bit more fun with Anni. I really enjoy the play style...




    Rage was a nice refresher and can pump out some serious numbers quickly.

    Annihilation is more rewarding and gratifying in the long run.


    Rage is easy mode

    Anni has far better utility and solo-ability.


    I can't comment on Carnage because I have never played that tree...

  3. I very rarely do under 300k damage in any of the 3 warzones unless I'm defending a node that no one comes to in alderaan or if I end up running the ball a lot in huttball. Hell I was doing 250-350k wearing full cent with champ weapons. I'm not sure if you're undergeared, not using your abilities properly , have a poor spec or what but if you feel like mara are underpowered you're doing something wrong. They are far from overpowered though , in fact they're in a pretty damn good place.


    The people that think they need buffs are undergeared or do not know how to play the class to its potential, those that think they need nerfs probably have no idea how to fight a marauder and just get rolled. Just remember its a warrior class, they almost always feel lack luster until you get gear, it's part of what balances them.


    With out actually seeing you play at all, I honestly don't think anyone will be able to help you properly but I can tell you for a fact that if you think we're a support class you're doing something extremely wrong. Yes we have some fantastic group buffs, but that's about 1/10th of a marauders roll.


    Out of curiousit whats your spec like? I was Anni for a long time and I loved it, however I wasn't seeing the numbers I wanted or the 1v1 ability, not to mention my gear was lower, however I tried rage out and I gotta say its faceroll easy...


    Just curious because I know how great Anni can be with gear and a little bit of know-how


    PS I leveled 10-50 as Anni and played through a good portion of 50 as Anni, so I don't think its a l2p thing

  4. If the OP actually made a post without sounding like a 7 year old who wasn't getting his way I'd at least take what he said to heart... But, the fact that he keeps referring to what I'm assuming is the Warrior class as Fluffy Kittens is extremely irritating.


    I'll agree with you Mara pvp is frustrating at times especially when their older stronger brother the Juggernaut is a beast at pvp in almost all aspects. If you can't roll with the changes go make a Jugg and stop complaining because threads like these are annoying to read when all you do is cry and talk about how everyone on your server is too pro to be beaten. You're obviously doing something wrong.

  5. Does using force lightning while tanking cause you to be unable to parry / dodge / mitigate any damage? And if so is it even worth using?


    Thanks in advance.


    There would be no point in putting an ability like that so far into the tree if you couldn't dodge/parry with it...


    Thats a WoW mechanic, you're not playing WoW anymore :)

  6. Interesting concept... I actually might try this out...


    Personally I'm taking Thrashing Blades and Static Charge... and I'll tell you why I wont take Recirculation.


    In my experience, the chances of getting 5 stacks of Static before the CD on Discharge is up is low... I can usually get about 3.. If I'm lucky (I'm currently spec'd for both Static and Circulation.)


    To add to the low proc chance point (again this might just be me) your VS is a 100% to apply a charge for your shock. Meaning you'll get the most out of your abilities. Not taking Recirc also gives you more chance to build up charges before the CD is up.


    One issue is your lack of fillers in-between the CD's Shock's CD is relatively short when you take into account GCDs of other. From what I've heard on the forums a lot of people are saying Shocks/Discharges are your strongest abilities... It might not be as beneficial to lose the ability to Discharge as often... But, like I said I'm not seeing the Procs/numbers I want to see from Discharge to think it's as good as people say it is... I see some big numbers occasionally but, nothing I'm impressed over and to be honest Maul does a surprisingly decent amount of damage with the spec I'm using so it's hard to say...



    TL;DR I'd like to try this just not 100% sure how much you're giving up to be a little bit bursty...

  7. I said that synergize us with stealth, not help stealth. Although I do believe stealth is a big tool in our tool box, I don't believe our class revolves around it like say the operative. Spike really isn't what I would consider an alpha strike, because it can be specd into to make it a nonstealth ability. I'm talking about an ambush style alpha strike.


    Might have to give up on it Cowflab. I can look at your posts from outside the box and see what it is your saying... I'm also not an idiot.


    Just because a class has a few similar abilities from a class of a different game doesn't mean they are the same class. Most people don't see that.

  8. Deception is very much like a rogue.


    And as far as I can tell I do more dps than operatives.


    You are definitely not a support class.


    Assassin dps is great >.>


    Also what do you support with? Your slow, which sorcs get too? Your spike, which you can use once?


    Darkness certainly plays like a DK more than a rogue, but that is to be expected, as you're kinda doing the very opposite of rogues do, standing in front of a boss and punching it.


    Madness has its dots and probably isn't terribly roguelike, but it is the shared tree between sorcs and assassins.



    I guess I should have been a little more clear with the operative point.


    People want to come out of stealth and do massive amounts of damage with some sort of stealth opener which Sins don't really have... Not like Operatives. I think Sins are fine with the damage they do my point was simply that you are not a wow rogue.


    As far as support is concerned. Darkness is definitely the true support tree...


    However that doesn't stop me a Deception sin from dark charge/guarding the flag carrier. Mind Trap into electrocuting someone to let my teammate cap the flag/door.


    And my last point, I'm fully aware that Sin dps is fine I never said it wasn't. I just said we are a jack of all trades and as such we don't see huge numbers in any one aspect of the game.

  9. To prevent yourself from playing a class you could eventually hate read up.


    Rule 1 (This rule will also save you the wrath of Cowflab): You are a not a rogue. If you rolled assassin in the hopes of playing something akin to a wow rogue turn around and head over to the Operative forums.


    Please do not make threads asking why you don't do as much damage as an Operative. You are a support/utility class that if played right is completely viable in all aspects of the game.


    Rule 2: Stop comparing yourselves to other classes (kind of a follow-up of rule 1). You are playing a class that is unique in it's own way. Thus you won't play like other classes, comparing yourselves to Bounty Hunters is frustrating to everyone who reads your posts. You're not a BH you're not an Ops, don't compare.


    Rule 3: Your "niche" in pvp is... You guessed it Support/Jack of All Trades. You have abilities for almost every situation. You have plenty of control/interrupts if played and timed correctly. You must also realize that while all specs are viable you are going to be giving up something in return for the other I.E Survivability vs Burst. You can't have both choose one or the other that fits your play-style.


    Rule 4: Probably the most important rule... This is not a face-roll class. If you were looking for the I-win class you're in the wrong place. This class requires an understanding of your surroundings so you can use the right tools for the job. You have Force Shroud great against spell casters... You have deflection another great defensive CD against melee and ranged. If you are darkness you have plenty of tools to protect your teammates/yourself if need be.


    Rule 5: If you're going to make a thread to complain about something please do it in an intelligent and respectful way. Plenty of people here who would love to discuss the class without letting it turn into a *****torm.


    Or TL;DR Know your **** before you make a thread complaining about something.



    If you have read all this and still feel the urge to play a Sin congrats you'll probably have a blast and will probably succeed in your career as a Sith Assassin. Have fun out there!


    Love you.

  10. What people always forget to focus on is.




    So many non-50 characters crying that they can't do tons o' damage to enemies... I bet they're going up against 50's with full champions gear... Expertise is the money maker in pvp complaining about your classes performance pre-50 is ridiculous... Wait till 50's get their own bracket to complain about low level pvp...

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