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Everything posted by ARFett

  1. LOL! Same could be said the other way around. But why should just "kill" players have their will in PvP? Premades are just clearly having a advantage. More so in kills as they just pile on one player coordinated. And in case you did not notice: You have a arena Queue. And that is all about killing and winning. So please: Leave the random non-arena stuff alone. You got yours - let the other players enjoy pvp with some team focused objectives. Which you can win WITHOUT only brainlessly hacking tons of people to pieces. And for the records: Having premades pile on a lonely pug for kill counters is not a show of skills in my opinion. It is just lazy. And the worst joke is that players make themselves "elite" because of that. You're not. You just have coordinated mass attack like 4 on 1. Does not make you skillful. My 5 cents...
  2. The stupidly overbuffed force classes with the total nerf of non-force users just shows in the broken state of PvP. You find spams of sorc/sages or Assa/Shadow spams. Overlapping overbuffed NON-CLEANSABLE dot damage from sorc/sages, totally overbuffed heals for sage/sorcs which just go way over any other heals, burster assas hitting you for 80k straight while having you in constant stuns as it is the ONLY class with massive stun abilities (no other class has this many stuns with several seconds effects). And non-force users have been nerfed to hell and back. It is a joke. If you find some sniper class or some agent/smuggler heals or dps it is like a lottery win in PvP. Mercs are only there in heal mode almost as dps has been so severely nerfed it is a joke. Vanguards are almost non-existent in PvP as even the term "Glass Cannon" would be a compliment with the overbuffed force classes now. So you just get a flood of this sorc/sage and some assas and one tank also from the force classes. Devs should just have a look how they ruined the balance by nerfing non-force users to a laughable level. Merc DPS, Agent DPS, Agent Heal and god forbid Vanguard (and of course their mirrors) have been just nerfed to such a deplorable state that you can call PvP sorc or assa wars. Just constantly buffing force classes while harshly nerfing all non-force user classes just shows clearly in the PvP teams. This is just destroying any fun as it is the same goo all over and the destroyed diversity of classes is just annoying.
  3. Instead of "balancing" things no one asked for and adjusting things no one asked for I would appreciate their energy put into CONTENT CREATION. Besides: The nerfs and especially the "credit initiative" is just hitting any new players hard as well as making long time players angry. Instead of putting more screws on players be creative whith ways where people want to SPEND their money! And slipping in severe conquest changes and then mumbling a dishonest "sorry" does not make me happy either. It's just screwing over players for the sake of it. As well as the massive changes for crafting, the total deletion of token drops and due to the stupid "loot only drops worthless shells which give NOTHING" which besides makes the Crew Mission Toolbox where you get only worthless SHELLS a total demotivation for players as well as just a money-burner without any kind of reward. The whole package of changes only crushes any kind of player motivation as well as doing changes which were never asked for.
  4. The loot changes are the worst BS ever. Now I am just clearing my inventory with useless drops of green/blue/purple which do not give ANYTHING. No disassemble frags or tokens, no creds as no sell and even on deleting you need to confirm each with a YES. Also lootbox missions got totally useless due to this BS as you pay through your nose for TRASH. Plus any random token drops are also eliminated. We are back to where they pool their energy on choking players and player experience. Extremely player hostile. And I just ignore drops now as the creds I get are laughable and I am tired of deleting 12-14 useless "drops" from my inventory after a run. No reward feeling whatsoever from "drops" now.
  5. About the "not rushed" answer you gave I can only let their own post speak for themselves: "Hi everyone, The team is wrapping up final polish on 7.3, so you should expect the update to be released within the next couple weeks. We’ll announce the exact date when we can but I just wanted to give you all heads up on a rough timeline. Jackie" Posten 5th of June saying next couple weeks. Weeks not days. Then 8th of June: "Hello everyone, Following up on this timeline. Game Update 7.3: Old Wounds is targeted to go live on June 13th and patch notes will become available the day before. Expected downtime details will follow soon." To say they did not know that the patch was NOT ready bug-wise as well as doing ANYTHING really with the feedback nor check about things like tax when sending creds to you own alts (which they said is a bug cough cough) is totally clear. And no: "Not only a few days" So rushed panic release without any view of the abysmal state of the patch as well as the changes which are crushing as well as plenty "non-intended" if I still want to believe they did have a view WHAT these still - sorry - idiotic changes do to the player community.
  6. There was no "artificial threshold" before how high you can go with the unlocks. As everybody did seasons on their own speed and means. Or with their own time schedule. So I COULD decide to use CC OR creds to unlock higher season levels. Now that is curtailed again and choked down. And you can go over this "treshhold" you mentioned on the unlocks - but only via CC. Surprise, surprise...
  7. They knew EXACTLY what shipwreck they deployed! This whole (too soon release) was a panic reaction due to the severe backlash of the Broadswork leak. Why do I say it? Because a few days before the news they will release it the posted they will need some weeks for polishing. Leak came out and - surprise, surprise - TWO days later we got a info: Release NEXT week. It was totally unpolished seeing the rising numbers of issues and errors included. And for so small a patch...again. There is no excuse for that. There was tons of feedback from the PTS - which was AGAIN and AGAIN ignored. Also there are UNANNOUNCED changes kicking the players popping up all over. Now you cannot buy Season levels via creds anymore which was a thing to blow off million of creds so the large cred amounts are reduced. They had also the same options for PvP Season - gone now. It was a small vent to reduce creds for people holding so much they did not know where to use. Instead you need to - of course - use ONLY CC coins for unlocks. This is not a battle against inflation. It is a push to destroy Cartel Item sales vie Credits as well as ANY measure where you can use game creds to do something even REMOTELY useful anymore. Creds as a whole are ridiculuosly devalued and the things you can do with them either priced totally out of proportion or means what you can DO with creds cut away. If anyone still believes in the fairy tale these changes are against inflation: WAKE...UP! Every of these changes do NOTHING to battle inflation or reduce creds for people with bulging cred accounts. They are only destroying social dealings especially for guilds who worked with rewards for certain activities or their tournament or simply helping INDIVIDUAL people gearing or just GIVING them things. If people say "but there is a guild locker" I can only shake my head. In large guilds ANYONE can take the things put in there and to MAKE a individual autho for taking THAT thing out which was intended to give needs a GM or officer adjusting the guild locker on a ridiculuos level. Plus unguilded do NOT have this cred free way of giving away things. And...oh, i forgot: New guildies got a HARD-CODED 30 days ban. There is so much anti-player bias in all these changes that I am frankly astonished how people can DEFEND this total mess. The ham-fisted changes are making me speechless. And again NO feedback from PTS or more importantly WARNINGS were heeded.
  8. Same issue here. The whole of 7.3 is a total shipwreck. Released to soon with rising numbers of issues. Riddled with claimed "bugs" like this which is hard to believe anymore. Probably again a "fight the inflation" measure which is anything but. And don't get me started on these measures just choking non-guilded and guilds alike which are totally overblown. This was a panic release due to the leak of SWTOR going to Broadsword. It shows with the abysmal quality of the whole patch sadly...
  9. This whole economy change is just a total catastrophy. Nothing good came from it other than restricting socializing. You cannot gift things anymore or if pay outrageous sums. Best examples some quotes from this thread of discussion: "So, someone provided me the primary Materials to craft 2 Augments. I critted a total of 3 times and have 5 Augments for them. But, now I have to pay 229 million to mail them to them? Or, now they have to pay 229 million to have them COD? Seriously?" "So my wife and I decided to start playing the game together, me being a player who hasnt played for a number of years, and my wife a new player. Her not having cartel coins, and me having them, I thought I would get her some of the race unlocks, and the additional hairstyles and what not. I went to trade them to her, and they require a 13 million credit fee to trade. I dont even have a max level toon, or anywhere near that kind of money, so now I cant trade them to her. I understand the reasoning behind the changes, but it doesn't do anything but punish those new/returning players who dont have the millions and millions of credits" Also making a mess of conveniently sending around creds as a fast way other than running again and again to a locker each time you switch to an alt. Seriously: 8% fee for sending around creds to my OWN alts in my OWN Legacy? Totally brain scrambled decision. By crushing mailings all the more items are forced to be on GTN where the prices will spiral more out of control again locking out new and returning players with not a mass of creds. And to top it all off: NONE, really NONE of these changes help battle inflation! With progressive taxes and ONLY GTN as sale possibility with brain numbing high fees for MAILING the people will just switch their outrageous pricing to GTN. What comes next? Cutting down the limit of prices possible on GTN? What these "economy changes" have done is destroying socializing, gifting things to friends or guildies, DESTROYING convenience and QoL when you have alts. So much was broken with these - sorry - IDIOTIC changes. As they do NOTHING to curb the problem of people with tons of creds. They only give a kick to fresh players or returning players with these choking changes. And worse: Old players cannot gift anything to new players or even support then because they are ripped off for being...nice? For being a social person? NOTHING about that is good or raising my "QoL". In fact it just makes me angry as things are made anything BUT "convenient". What would be QoL? For instance having access on my legacy account for PAYING things everywhere and on every Alt without needing to run to a LOCKER for getting my creds. Or summon a Legacy Locker which even on several unlocks needs 15 minutes (!!!) to even summon again. Lift the mailing limitations. They are only destroying socializing, cutting away convenience from players and choke off the last bit of communication. And for bloody sake: Instead of choking the game with very dumb changes give us some cosmetic items exclusively for high creds. Or even let us buy some Cartel Packs with insane high cred prices. You already give us cartel items via seasons. So why not via large amount of creds? There is nothing pay to win in the packs - just cosmetics. The road you are travelling is so destructive with these changes one almost thinks you WANT to scare away players. As nothing - for damns sake - really NOTHING you did so far is a thing to battle inflation. Only making life even for subscribers miserable. I am player since the beta and no downtime. And I seriously consider throwing the sub down the drain. These "fighting inflation" economy changes are so mind numbing wrong and going into the worst direction. And they are not even REMOTELY changing anything other than making players life miserable. Especially new and returning ones. Let go of this destructive road. You are just choking off the player base worse than any inflation may do.
  10. Nothing new. But just sending creds AND stuff you switch from toon to toon around is faster by mail by far. And more convenient. So your poor sarcasm does not faze me one bit... And there is no "playing the game wrong". As much as you got a opinion and I got one. Period.
  11. Seriously: I find it hard to believe in the frantic dementi of a "Chief" who assuredly will STAY with Bioware. As for broken promises: There were too many to trust in this reply. Sorry. But Bioware has broken too many dishes and proven it's promises wrong while practically everybody from the "old" team jumped off-board. And now EA/Bioware gives the last rump of Devs a rude "Get fired or go to Virginia". And not as a offer to ALL of the remaining devs. As 50% are facing to be fired. That does sound neither "nice" nor a good outlook for the future of the game. However someone tries to twist it to something "more pleasing".
  12. Not thrilled at all about the changes as if you ARE Rich this is just a pat on your fingers. And things only make it worse for new players as they are hit full force. Also: Tax for MAILS?! I do use Mail to send creds and items around as every time going to the legacy locker to pull out items or even ressource scrips is just bothersome. Please: Tinker with the economy all you like. But do NOT tax normal Mail between alts just to choke off trade loopholes for you "Choke the Economy" plot. As it goes you are doing a bang job of hitting new players or players who are returning with a chokehold and not enjoyment. Choking convenience mails when you have plenty alts is the opposite of making things fun. Sending around certain amount of creds and things like ressource scraps or stims is a common thing. Taxing normal mails...ugh. Guys, your road to changes of economy is WRONG. Rich players are not hit by it. They STAY rich. Give us exclusive high credit cost cosmetic items where we can blow our creds off. Give us "convenience" things which cost high amount of creds. Maybe even run out after a certain time limit. Things like THAT would help with people spending their creds. As it is every change just is a punch in the face to new players or returning players strapped of cash. I am a 12 year sub without downtime and these changes won't hit my cred account much. They are plenty annoying but no: They will not reduce my credits in any way. Choke a bit off? Yeah. But the bulk of creds are still rolling in.
  13. As for the slinger changes: Having you choose between the three skills that TOGETHER gave him a bit of survivability... Sigh. This is a mess. And let's face it: 3% heal in 2 Seconds is a joke with the damage you get blasted in operations and PvP. Added to that you need to be STATIONARY to get that. To even have a MINIMUM effect on the survivability of Slingers it would need to be 3% per SECOND not two. And even then the need to be stationary as well as the huge damage dishout of most of the classes it would not really make for survivablity. Gives us back the roll heal. Other classes have some kind of active healing skill. Slingers are just fodder for PvPers now. Especially when they got no heal in team.
  14. That's literally what I said before in my other comment. 😄 They are indeed destroying the incentive for any new player and solos to join and giving the harcore PvPers the 8 person Premade to say: "Here - lord over the Pugs! Good? No?" and killing PvP with it more than anything else as these guys are venting their frustration and also their need for "superiority" (though I do not know what is "superior" ganging up with like 6 players on one and such. That does not make a good PvPer. Just farmer with Voice-chat coordination...) with humiliating the other team and stretching matches to "farm" the Pugs. New players experiencing that won't queue again. If I want to be masochistic I can do plenty else. 😄
  15. 7.2 changes are just bad. Only good thing was splitting 8v8 and 4v4. Now? - 8 person premades ravaging solo and newbies due to their frustration of ranked being scrapped. Thank you very much for that. PvP will be SO attractive for solos and Newbies now... - New medal system is moronic I was fully on offensive the whole time dealing damage and killing people left and right and got...3 Medals! Sitting on the turret otherwise got you to 6 in no time. No wonder people are only sitting on guard because this is just bizarre. - Lockout system is unbearable. Especially as when you have a bad internet connection you are punished severely for it. And don't get me on how frustrating it is to get ganged by Premade after Premade in the matches. And yup - thks for a lockdown of 6 HOURS for leaving matches like that?! Are you totally out of your mind?! I PAY for this game and being 6 hours logged off because I get frustrated by YOUR changes piling toxic premades on rampage on me I get LOCKED OUT for something I PAY?! Everytrhing about the changes in PvP other than the queue split are just a total mess. And no this will not be a "attraction" for newbies to join this hot mess... I am done with PvP. Used to q solo but this whole mess makes it unbearable and unattractive. These changes are only angering and frustrating the PvPer community as well as casula PvPers like me. And worse you gave the PvPers a vent with their 8 person premade. Which is used to make the game more toxic for solos and newbies. And no - not attractive at all. Because these premades have fun HUMILIATING players - more so to vent their frustration now. Not only crushing but humiliating players: - Extending matches to farm kills - Destructive gameplay like making Huttball a game of two different things: One team farming you and scoring only to stay ahead and continue farming while the others just get pasted. - Parading on the line with a ball and rampaging a mixed solo and newbie team just teasing them with the ball And, and, and. So the whole frustration of casual and Hardcore PvPers just breed more reasons why people should NOT queue for PvP. So many changes not asked for, so ignorant of the feedback of paying customers for PvP even before. It is breathtaking - and makes me very angry.
  16. Well, that will be the death to make PvP attractive. They wanted new players and now they get killed over and over again. By some 8 person PvP just stomping on Pugs. For me that is a shot in the foot. Wanting to make things attractive and then this. I for one q solo and no it is not rewarding to get ganged by some premade...every...bloody...time. This kills PvP more than the ranked non ranked discussion. People will just leave their hands off PvP as the same frustrated PvP'er will vent their frustration on the "new guys". And yeah there are plenty PvP'ers who instead of just winning a match humiliate Pugs to the best of their ability. This kind of elitism breeds the glee that people teasing the PvP'ers makes things worse in a already heated discussion. Not a good move. And I think PvP will wither and die as the PvP'ers without ranked won't come back and newbies just leave it because getting ganged on every time is not motivating for PvP. 7.2 made the wrong move in a dire time for PvP in my opinion.
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