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Everything posted by XInfernoX

  1. Sith Warrior storyline upon reaching Dromund Kaas and being greeted by one of Darth Baras's slaves and promptly cutting him down for being an irritating sycophant. Vette: Well you started the Dromund Kaas death toll early. Warrior: It was a long shuttle ride...
  2. Has anyone else had trouble talking with Lord Praven on Tatooine? The little dialogue box appears over my head, but the conversation doesn't start. Hard relogs, UI resets, and instance resets aren't working.
  3. Free space flight is on the drawing board. Bioware just wasn't able to implement it on release because they had to dedicate so much of their time to ground content.
  4. The class is Jedi Sage. The Seer tree of Sage is dedicated to healing, so it would make a very poor unstoppable force. You're thinking of Telekinetics spec. Jedi Shadow would be a good one, too.
  5. Just use the escape key if you hit a choice you didn't like. You'll exit out of the conversation. Although it doesn't matter that much. You can do whatever you want and you'll be able to raise her affection up with gifts from vendors.
  6. While this is obviously being considered by Bioware, I'm afraid for this game if servers already have 2-hour-long wait queues. At release, the number of people trying to get in is going to increase by five or six times at least. Bioware better do something fast to free up some room.
  7. Harren here. I'm playing on Canderous right now. Character name is Dev.
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