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Posts posted by Kalevryn

  1. If you want the NEW CAR SMELL I suggest TERA. Fun game, lacking end game, but really fun combat.


    And no, I am not re-subbing. This over-servered joke of a game can keep the remaining time on my 6 month renewal and hopefully turn it into a real experience for their consumers, or choke on the money they made. 180 mill in box sales, + the abortion of a subscrition fee buys a lot of ********...... and they've been spewing it for 4 months.

  2. ToR needs to be an MMO and it won't need to be F2P.


    Get all your subs in the same 20 servers and roll with it. Right now you are losing money because people log on and wonder *** is MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER about this experience. Well. i can account for the masive part


    it's a massive failure atm.

  3. He doesn't post because he agrees with all the shi* spewed on the forums. Or some of them.


    Not saying he agrees with the mass amounts of over the top QQ, but i bet he sits at the comp thinking "OK these peeps are really pissed about server pop and that seems to consume 90% of the threads........" " Ya, I just might let that one be"

  4. As peoples sub time ticks away it is only more important to get the content out. BW knows this, it's no secret. However, the fact that it will take another couple of weeks + a couple of weeks to test must be a source of serious concern down in Austin.


    I cancelled my 6 month sub 2 months ago, hence my ability to post still. As a major backer of this game, and its development, the complete lack of dev insight was troubling since Feb. My sever died a slow death, culminated by 2 large guilds leaving because the server was .... well... dead.


    Now, what's left of the community is left to wait for at least a month for the most glaring thing that has plagued this game since February.... SERVER TRANSFERS.


    Self admittedly they can not even transfer to the PTS with 100 % accuracy. Perhaps I was mistaking,. but the biggest joke in this games success currently is the server pop. If people had people to play with, would these forums be so polluted with upset fans? I doubt it. Let me run the same content and daily quests for 2 months. I'm fine with that. It's the MMO way. BUT LET ME AT LEAST RUN THE CONTENT. My options are currently wait a 1/2 hour for PVP pop (crucible pits is my server) or farm daily quests for the 154th day. Keep your Legacy, keep the armor changes, i can live with my crafting not being worth a shi*, but for the love of this game get everyoine playing together.


    Any more time that BW wastes getting this update out will only bleed more subs, and push it closer to the dreaded F2P. I have kept a close eye on this game in hopes that it figures out the problem,. because i really do enjoy the game. It's just the non stop time waste in looking for anything that resembles a group that drove your population nuts ! From +2 to +4 to FP regs to FP HM's to OP Reg to OP NM -====== you get the point

  5. They all get screwed over because BW is a MMo fail. However, the names should be the least of anyones worries. I focus more on the 6 month sub that they are getting from me to not play their game.


    At least i get to post in their forums until i get suspended. I wonder why so many other people are upset? Must just be a bunch of Trolls from WOW, or perhaps there really is a problem with the servers.

  6. i love that this quote was issued out like 2 weeks before the 25% sub loss report was released. i feel bad that daniel has to be the one responsible for this quote(since he's just saying what he's being told to say).


    but it does tell you bioware isn't afraid to bend the truth


    Yup. Funny what companies traded on the stock market will say...... nothing but black and white with them :confused:


    I truly believe that they will pull a FF 14 here.... let everyone freak out and then beg for forgiveness

  7. I know they'd never show it, but I would LOVE to get a glimpse of these "metrics" that BW apparently continually uses. The server pop one must look like Blackberry's stock over the same time period, an arrow that projects South East on their cardboard chart. Then, once they've had a chance to digest the info, ask them at what point in the chart should someone have recognized the massive problem unfolding?


    It shouldn't take a math wiz to figure out the population numbers were steadily getting worse from server to server. For months, multiple threads have wrapped 1000 posts about population dropping, but in media, and any official reply it was "working as intended" "we have the metrics". All garbage.


    I would be interested in doing a poll of the number of 50's from low pop servers that have actually managed to see all of the Operations. I have had the fortune of running exaclty 2 EV and 1 KP since February. Yup, 3 OPS in 3 months due to no population, and 3 failed guilds because of population exodus. Thanks Bioware for ensuring the metrics were working as intended.

  8. I don't understand how they can possibly look at the "Server Status" page, and not make this a higher priority.


    I'd like to use my 30 days of free time when it's actually fixed, because right now they may as well have kept it. I've tried logging in each day but my drive to do anything has been completely crippled. I want to game when I log into a game, not do the same work (see daily quests) and stand around wasting an hour just to find 3 people interested in running something (much less 7 others).

  9. I am really curious how this will play out. I had the misfortune of ending up on a server that isn't the worst of the worst, but with only 75 empire, and a repub side that gets about 15 at peak times, it's frustrating.


    A month ago I re-rolled to a higher pop server (Harbinger) in hopes that I could re-unite my 3 50's, and many game hours on Crucible Pits with the new character. Based on this Q&A, I see me having to pay to get my characters from the lower pop to the higher pop...... seems kind of BS if it shakes out this way. As much as I have put on a grin and tried to play through this lack of people to do anything with, I fear I may be at wits end with this population issue that has been allowed to get worse by the day.

  10. My account shows something similar, as I was charged twice on the 19th (today) for $74.99 (the price of the DDE minus the $5 pre-order down-payment which was charged months ago). But it also shows a reversal of $74.99 today, as well. So it looks like, at least for me, they recognized the mistake and credited the account.


    Which, after thinking about it, would be bad for people who didn't have enough in their account to cover both charges. Luckily I did.


    This is the purpose of my post. I also am not in a rough spot missing the $80 at the moment, but I'm sure there are many people that used their debit/visa card and may have a rude awakening if say rent tries to come out, or perhaps a car payment

  11. Companies do this. Even when you go to the gas station they do this as well. Its to verify that the account is in fact real and not falsified. The second one is the actual charge. In 3-5 days the first charge won't even show up.


    I have never had my credit card charged twice for any purchase I have ever done. It shows as an active monetary withdrawl with invoice numbers listed.

  12. I thought it should be brought to everyones attention; I suggest that you check your credit card statemenst if you ordered online. Myself, and my brother in law were both charged twice for digital deluxe editions. Once on the 16th, and again today. Only one email was ever sent with info on my product key


    Sorry if this is out there, but I searched the last 8 pages, and don't seem to have an active search function.


    I just noticed it now, and Origin does not have support currently available so I don't know where the mistake is, but I'm sure it's correctable. On my origin account it shows the DDE and the Pre-Order as active games.


    I'll post here again if there is an update in case others have had the same problem.


    Devs, I realize this isn't an SWTOR issue, but thought this was the easiest way to get it out.

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