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Posts posted by Lowyjowylof

  1. He can't really take as much damage as a tank. You really can't compare the two. He essentially has two "la-la-la, can't kill me" cooldowns that synergize a little too well with a healer.


    And 50k Protection?


    My suggestion - it's not a personal attack, but rather friendly advice. If you find a class really overpowered, play it yourself. Not from a FOTM standpoint, but from a learning perspective. No class in SWToR is as filthy OP as some players paint it. All have exploitable weaknesses. I have played all of them (well, not all 16 ACs, but all 8 archetypes) on at 55 on at least basic PvP gear tier level. From this perspective the most vocal complaints, quite frankly, look extremely exaggerated.


    I play a Commando as my main, then also have a Focus Monkey Guardian, Scoundrel Healer, and Shadow Tank. IMHO, in ease of play I would rank them like this:


    1. Sweep Monkey: Not as sturdy as Sentinel but almost as much DPS. Shouldn't have as much DPS as Sent but should be sturdier. Combat Focus, Leap, Smash, MS, BS, Stasis. The 2 channeled abilities I mentioned 1 is uninterruptable to traditional interrupts and the other is a CC with a DoT. I should also add the dispatch at 30%. For defense, I get a taunt, Saber Reflect, Enure, and Guardian Leap. I can also create space with force push.


    2. Scoundrel Healer: Loads of mobility and almost everything will tick upper hand, Will more than likely heal through any 1 v 1 DPS. More dps than the other healers, and the hardest to kill of the 3 fly by still hits for 5k x3 on crits, same with back blast. HoTs can be applied to all. Energy Management is not an issue at all. People say LoLroll is OP but 4 rolls and your out of Schlitz. Vanish and Upperhand are to 2 abilities/buffs that can be either used for offense or defense, but only be used for defense for a healer.


    3. Shadow Tank: Hardest Tank Class to play, good for Node guarding (doesn't matter in Arenas), has to rely on RNG for success more than the other tanks. Has the worst passive mitigation of the 3 Classes but highest active, a Marauder with Cloak of Pain has higher passive mitigation. Shadow may have the most DPS potential of the 3 tanks, but not sure as I've never tanked with my guardian and don't have a VG.


    4. Commando: Lots of burst potential, but easily shut down when pressured. Utility specials like Tech override require the use of gray matter as to when to use it and what to use it on. Do you use it for instant heals, or instant GR or Plasma Grenade? Electronet: Same thing, when do you hit the healer with it? Can't forget Heal to Full. But here's the thing EVERY so called utility a Commando uses for defense results in a loss of DPS outside of Adrenaline Rush and Reactive Shield. I use Charged Bolts to instant Adv Med Pack and I've lost damage on my HIB. I use TO for Med probe and I've lost 2 instant Grav Rounds.


    Every DCD a Sentinel has allows it to continue to apply pressure and eventually slip away (camo). With the bulk of it's damage front loaded, that only amplifies it. Of course it wouldn't matter as much if PvP wasn't a burst trumps all environment. On a Commando I only have lots of Front loaded uninterruptable damage once every 1:30 and thats only if I used TO for GR and not MP.

  2. I think that's his point. He does negligible damage outside melee range.


    I am actually fine on the damage a sentinel does outside of focus smash and even that doesn't need to be toned down much, but their DCDs allow them to tank better than tanks. With PvP all about burst, a class like Sent/Mara make tanks obsolete. Why bring a tank when a Sent will last just as long and do 4 times the damage? 50k protection and a taunt do not make up for the loss of ~600k damage.

  3. News flash, other classes have stuns and knockbacks. Those are considered defensive abilities.


    But when your DCDs allow you to do all your damage it's ridiculous. Mara/Sent HAVE 2 Channeled abilities, Choke/Stasis and MS/Ravage. MS/ Ravage are immune to traditional interrupts and stasis/choke are controls w/ a DOT. Your offense is 99% reliable and 90%+ front loaded. Even if you are KB'd you still have Saber Throw, an execute ability and transcendence/Predation which completely negates HTL's and Force run's speed boost. Not to mention, your leap gap closes, roots, does damage, and interrupts all in one. No other ability has that much utility.


    I say let them keep their abilities and give concussion charge and full auto a root instead of snare, add interrupt immunity to Grav Round and Full Auto, and have Mortar Volley Knock Down all in its target area. That would be a Commando with the utility of a Sentinel. You can have Cryo Grenade and Concussion Round back too.

  4. How about just make it so gore instantly kills your target...


    On a serious note, you guys really need to look at it from the perspective of every other class and not just from your marauder. Why should any class eat your burst? Why should any class eat anyone's burst for that matter? The whole point of cooldowns like stuns, interrupts, standard defensive cooldowns and knockbacks is so that, if you have that appropriate cooldown, you can choose not to eat their damage. Giving gore CC immunity is a step in the wrong direction.


    Rage is case in point of what I'm talking about. It's instant, it autocrits and hits for an insane amount of damage. Marauder's rage spec is even more potent because, unlike the juggernaut version you have a lot of time buying cooldowns. For instance, hit camo - sneak into a group and smash. There is nothing your opponents can do about it. Deception sins and operatives fall into the same category. Both those classes have the potential to gut other DPS classes while locking down their opponent for an extended period of time. Electronet, same deal. Nobody likes getting blown up, especially if they have a limited recourse to counter. It's not fun and it makes for really lame gameplay.


    The difference on Electronet is its on a 1:30 CD. It's far from on demand and forces the Trooper/BH to be more strategic in its use.

  5. I would like to see this:


    1. Armorings moved to Armormech, enhancements moved to Synthweaving, and allow all crafters to make augmentation kits or those that don't make augments, make the kits. This would give all classes legitimacy in modification crafting.


    2. This will generate some QQ but, Raid Tier item modifications should be schematics in Raids and the successful completion of the raids or weekly gives Comms towards the set bonuses. The higher the level the harder the Op. The schematics would be sellable on the GTN. You'd still have to raid for the set bonus, but all the other gear would be craftable.


    This gives everyone who doesn't have the time for raids to have an opportunity to get the better gear. When ever the new tier comes out, the new tier 4 becomes schematics on a vendor for purchase. This is also when resource requirements would be adjusted as well. The exotic mats required for the schems would drop in Ops and be purchasable via commendations from raiding or FPs or received via reward for completing the weeklies. This also takes the RNG out of the equation when raiding for the set bonus pieces. and this route allows for people to be able to choose what set bonus they want for PvP or PvE with out gimping themselves in some way.


    3. Increase the maximum amount of companions able to be sent out. We can have up to 8, there is no reason why 6 or 7 can't be used.


    4. Allow us to optimize all of our companions to meet crafting needs . Like my Commando is Biochem, allow me to change 4X from scavenging/slicing to bioanalysis, diplomacy, or Biochem. OR allow me to swap companions around as a legacy perk on my level 55 characters.

  6. The only thing that raiding should give you is tokens/comms or w/e for set bonus pieces. The last game with any real crafting was SWG. Here, quite frankly, a 4 year old can figure it out. As far as Armorings and Mods go from end game crafting, their sales have been marginal because they can be gotten via comms. However, not one of the "ideal' enhancements can be gotten that way. From a DPS perspective, you cannot get one Initiative enhancement or Adept from a non raid piece of gear.


    What they should have done is move the 75s to the Ultimate Vendor, put the 78s on the Kell Dragon Vendor, then made Kell Dragon Craftable.


    Although, they really have the opportunity to revamp crafting, by doing a couple things. They could switch the raids to getting comms for set bonuses, allow crafters to craft the modifications, move armorings to Armormech, enhancements to synthweaving (this balances the professions) with reliable money makers. You'd have to rearrange augments and allow everyone to make kits, but completely doable and not game changing in the least.


    You still give the raiders preference by having said schematics drop in raids and have other things drop like weapons skins or enhancers that give greater damage more protection and of course vehicles and other vanity items.

  7. Snipers AOE "" ring of death "" is a joke, it paints a target on the ground giving everyone a good 5 seconds to get out of its way. If you stand in it then you deserve to die for being a bad player... All Snipers/Gunslingers AOE's are good for is keeping people from planting a bomb or taking a turret.


    Snipers are only OP if people ignore them. Not to mention were pretty much screwed when people do target us as we can't run and shoot as all are big skills require us to be stationary, which Sins love because it's basically a free kill for them since we can't run away.

    Sin/Shadows are your hard counter for one and life iso hard for you while in cover :rolleyes: when standing still with your AOE Mezz, 30M root, leap immunity, and interrupt immunity. make sure to tell that to every Commando/Merc/Sage/Inq.

  8. dude your answer just prove how horrible and bad you are and you know why? bioware itself said how important accuracy would be on patch 2.0 and your comments show clearly you are a smasher or go figure what other class or then when you claim play carnage but you are a liar saying such thing like no accuracy at all.

    Anyway arguing with you was proved a waste of time, everyone complain smash and sent defense skills and you come with: give GBTF to smash? you are so brilliant that bw should hire you as a developer... this people honestly go understand them...


    Full Power Surge is the recommended build for most of the DPS classes in PvP. Also, you do realize that the devs said Alacrity would be important for non healer classes too.

  9. Since the Power Proc Relics are Stacking again, is it still better to stack those, stack 1 crit and 1 power, or Power and Matrix Cube(Power and Matrix is PvP Only)?


    I've been using the Conqueror and Obroan for PvP and Obroan/ Underworld SA for PvE, but curious on the thoughts of the Crit Proc if it seems worth it to lose that amount of Power for ~8% crit chance increase?

  10. I tell you the same i told the others, your problem is smash monkeys, which poping GBTF they can still hit nasty, all the QQ about sentinels are just because that skill? i se sages dealing with that and they are the weakest class in survival. serious why not then cry for allow interrupt snipers in cover and nerf their cd too? lets even suppose BW once again do a stupid nerf and then wath will be the next qq reason? snipers? shadows? people will have to find always some class to cry about. When is most cases are people who want their main class be a counter to every other class. With the stupid amount of c on this game and still have no idea how to use it. Have faced all classes on wz and good players know what to do, or people anyway expect survive when attacked by 2 marauders? let the nerf come and wathever they do peopel will cry still for one more, dont we had enough nerfs until now? the gameplay was far more enjoyable around 1.3 then now thanks to all this changes...


    Snipers will get nerfed when Sents/Maras do. No one should win a 1 on 2 disadvantage, but if there is one class than can when played exceptionally, it's Sent/Mara against certain classes. All classes put out about the same damage but only a few can do that reliably. Like I said before I'm fine, with the damage they put out, other than smash that should be toned down a bit maybe ~6500 crit, rather than 8500-9k.


    The fact that arguably the worst DCD Sent/Mara has is on the longest CD. The rest are at 1:30 or less and that is of the 5 that all 3 trees share. Putting GBTF/UDR at a 3 MIn CD and Saber Reflect on 1:00 or 1 min 30 isn't unreasonable and out of the realm of reality. The only other "god mode" special I am aware of is Sage Barrier and it's a channel where it can't do anything else and on 3 min CD. All Sent/Mara DCDs allow it to keep DPSing except Camo.

  11. See balance is when every class has counter classes. Which is why its easier to balance a game around 8v8 then it is around 4v4 btw. But im not going into that. Carnage/combat, are supposed be the counter to healers (see healing debuff). Lets not forget there are class you simply laugh at when they try to damage you, you probably dont even bother kiting them sometimes. Maybe Shien knight/war. Because you have a counter class that means there is balance. You shouldnt be calling for nerf just because you can be countered by a certain class.


    The Problem is is that Sent/Mara counter multiple classes and with ease. Sniper/Slinger might be the counter to Sent/Mara, but guess what they're the only true ranged class with as many CDs as a Sent/Mara.


    let me get this straight, your lowering the survivability of the two least played specs making focus the primary damage spec, while increasing the utility of the other two specs? So who is your boss at BW? Just like BW seems like you want more smashers.


    The Defence is not the problem, its the damage of smash that would be a problem. Sins have a vanish and 100% immunity to force/tech cd, i dont hear clamour about removing that, and they are the best 1v1 class atm.


    Knights/Wars are supposed to leap into enemies and drive them back (they are melee and hence why they have leap), in doing so, they absolutely must have dcds. No way around it. Especially when you have ranged, like Smugglers with their dodge, and seemingly infinite dcds and gap openers.


    Again, Sent/Mara defense is the problem because they are more survivable than both guardian DPS trees and and more damage. If it was balanced Guardian would be studier as a whole but less DPS than Sent/Mara. I'm fine with the damage they put out maybe Focus/Rage smash/sweep needs to be dialed back a bit, but not into the ground. Just because you get countered by the one pure dps ranged class, doesn't mean you should have the iWIN button against every other class.

  12. Suposing everything crits, tell me the difference between:

    Stun + Ravage. 5k,5k,9k = 19k damage.

    Stun + Maul 2x. 9k, 8k(no proc) = 17k damage.

    Stun + heatseeker + unload. 9k, 4.5k (x3 ticks)= 22.5k damage.

    Stun + Ambush + Takedown. 9k, 7k = 16k damage.

    Stun + Ambush + Series Of Shots 2x. 9k, 3.1k (x4 ticks) = 21.4k damage.


    So your argument about ravage + stun is invalid. The balance between that is the right move not giving a 4sec stun for marauders because they have these dcd's... Oh wait, look at snipers, more dcd's than mara and they have a 4sec stun, seems unbalanced heh?


    You're forgetting on the Merc, the Tracer Missile Ramp Up, which would get interrupted if HO isn't used and that Carbonize has a 10M range. So unless the merc uses the CC, the Mara has already leaped and Smashed or attempted to if the Merc used Jet Boost to KB. Also ravage is immune to traditional interrupts.

  13. This is marauders job, facetank everything... Try to jump on these people with NO dcd's up. Or try to do something because you'll be stunned to death. The amount of stuns and knockbacks compensate the fact dcd marauders have to facetank all the ranged classes to reach the enemy healer.


    You just said why marauder has these dcd's, it's not too much if you look at Sniper, they have more dcd's.

    Undying rage needs to be removed? Endure Pain and Kolto Overload is the same, gives you some seconds of life...


    I'll say again, marauders CAN'T 4sec stun you, this won't matter? Play one with no stuns and try to control your target.


    I could be going out on a limb here, but I think it's a tanks job to face tank everything. Now in randoms that ain't the case all the time, but I'm pretty sure most ranked teams have them. When a Focus/Rage specced Sent/Mara can tank better than a tank something ain't right.


    Also, how many roots and snares do you have? 4? Or is it more?

  14. Once again, the issue is rage with it's base 7% (better than heavy armor) mitigation and 45 second cooldown on undying rage/GBTF.


    That would be a start as well. IMHO, Heavy Armor wearers should have 5% minimum more base reduction in equal stats and any other armor, the exception being Shadow/Assassin Tanks. Damage reduction DCDs are fine but those that are on 1 minute or less CDs should be lengthened.


    Figure ~30%/25%/20% with BIS gear?

  15. Idk,

    I have a hard time seeing the other Kni/War DPS specs out damaging smash in a 1v1 scenario. They have to nerf Smash damage.

    Easiest would be to nerf its auto-crit ridiculousness or increase the CD duration and put it closer to the other big aoe specials.

  16. I will respectfully disagree here in that Shi-cho at a master level (Kit Fisto) does indeed do a large amount of damage. But it's effectiveness is against multiple opponents and weaker against single targets. So the smash/focus spec in this game is actually, at a high level right on par with lore. Sorry I had to reply. My lore nerdiness went into full alert.


    He lasted what 10-15 seconds against Palpatine (Juyo)? ;)

  17. I'm just saying the playstyle isn't any "easier", the damage output is not on par or the other stuff is not as well balanced by comparison. So something need to happen, buff or nerf.

    Yes, it would be easier for BW to give the necessary tools to Merc/Commando to be able to DPS reliably but you know they will give sniper/slinger BB guns and then give Merc/Mando the Death Star Laser.

  18. That youtoob vid on daily pvp where that team of lighting sorcs shut down and doniate that smash mara team is enough to prove to me that the QQ a out sage/sorc is just bads complaining that they dont know how to play arenas.


    Sorry no link, find it your damn self watch it learn and quit cryin.


    Sure it can happen, but that doesn't necessarily make it the norm. I was in a WZ with 6 other troopers and a sage and we won an ACW against a team with 4 smash monkeys.


    Commandos don't have the ridiculous facetanking survivial abilities of a mara/sent. But a) you're not melee, you shouldn't be facetanking melee dps; b) they're ridiculous, why should you get them? You do have some great abilities like Electronet and Hold The Line. If you haven't the wit to work out how to use these abilities effectively, then I accept you'll be unhappy.


    Predation negates HTL's speed buff and it's not about face tanking of a Mara/Sent it's about keeping them at range and not being shut down after the opener because we're being interrupted and leg humped eg. the littany of utilities that Snipers/Slingers get. If you're using EN on a DPS you're doing it wrong.

  20. Not a good idea, assuming they did decide to make heavy armor more meaningful. Tracer Missile is only used by one tree. Why make heavy armor mean something only for Arsenal?


    Very true, didn't think of that, maybe tie it to the Aim % talent or a passive ability in the Merc tree?

  21. Just an observation from my experience as a jugg or marauder last night: Those sorc's/sages that utilized thier speed burst to create line of site issues for both melee and ranged dps, survived!!


    I was able to blow up those that stood there but, the mobile sorc's/sages, who utilized the maps, we're a challenge. I found myself changing my game play immediately against good ones. Come on, this is not a difficult concept!!


    But you still neutralized them because if they're moving or hiding, they aren't DPSing or Healing.


    Heavy Armor:


    Heavy armor is not an advantage in this game. It simply isn't noticeable to me, unless I'm on my sorc.


    If they're going to keep on with that nonsense, mercs should get a talent that buffs heavy armor with more damage mitigation.


    This or give heavy armor some passive elemental/internal damage mitigation 10-15%, but I wouldn't go more than 20%. You could tie it to tracer missile buffs.

  23. Shield < Cloak of Pain (w/e Sentinel version is)

    Adrenaline Rush < Undying Rage (w/e Sentinel version is)

    Even Saber Reflect is better, can't forget force camo either.


    BTW Predation negates the speed buff from HTL.


    But Commando can heal to full and that 2.4 second med probe is just awesome under pressure. :rolleyes: I suppose Commando could use TO to get 2 off, but more than likely it was used on Grav Round. Could say Adv Med probe but that's only instant on 3 Grav Rounds. Commando has the grenade but that's heal isn't very good. If the heal crit was doubled, it might be adequate.


    Commando has the worst DCDs in game and the longest average down time.

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