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Everything posted by mdwilliamson

  1. I'd still advocate a 100% transfer. Admittedly, spending some time learning a new class may result in suboptimal/non-proficient play, but the valor ranks are predominantly an indication of time spent pvping and not actual ability. It's quite easy to fail your way to battlemaster and beyond, so why not lessen the tedium the second time through? As long as pvp rank reflects time spent more than actual ability a 100% transfer would seem equitable.
  2. It'd be nice if your valor rank was shared across your characters by being associated with your account. Reasons: 1) The grinding of valor rank milestones (predominately for gear) do not become more interesting the second time through and it does not facilitate the illusion of additional content. 2) Time spent pvping on alts would not be an entire waste for your main character.
  3. Sounds infinitely better than its current incarnation.
  4. Joining a warzone match, just to find your team is losing terribly, is a bit disconcerting. Currently, there's little incentive to remain in the match. Under some circumstances you can medal farm for maximum commendations/valor depending on the situation, but it's generally easiest just to leave and requeue. It would be nice if joining a match in progress, especially a losing match, offered some commendation/valor modifier to make it more attractive to stay and meaningfully participate. Something a little more adventurous would be adding bonuses for turning the game around or for making it less terrible/one-sided (e.g. for instance in Hutball, personally or cooperatively changing the game from 0-5 to 2-5). On an unrelated note, it would also be nice if medals better reflected the objectives of the warzone than aspects tangential to the warzone's objective.
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