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Posts posted by Wehs

  1. I wasn't happy about it at first, but I don't really mind. Psychologically it makes it more reasonable, kind of more of a "pat on the back" now instead of a "holy balls here's $1 million", more or less, saying that they expect you to win 9 times in a week, here's a little incentive to keep going.
  2. I just can't stand the people who, after you tell them directions on a strategy, continue to do the opposite, or ignore chat altogether. That's what makes me the most mad, when it's spelled out right in front of you yet they can't perform. Then you have an issue.
  3. There are 3 on the BM/WH vendors:


    War Leader, which is the tank set.


    Vindicator, which is the Heavy armor dps set.


    Weaponmaster, which is the Marauder set.


    As dps, you want Vindicator. As Immortal...you probably still want Vindicator. Your implants/earpiece are also called Weaponmaster, I believe - we share them with the Marauder.




    Immortal is up in the air, depending on what you wanna do. If you wanna do more damage/solo pug wz's, go with the vindicator set. You'll pull out a little more dps, and have another heal option. But if you're concerned with blocking out marauders/dps jug's ravage/other white damage, keeping the healer up, and utility, go with war leader.

  4. My answer is more directed toward the topic, but my SW runs with Biochem, Bioanalysis and Diplomacy, so I can keep up with stims and whatnot. However, my main alt is working on synthweaving, archaeology and underworld trading, to gear my SW.
  5. Agreed, getting 30 days to begin with was nice, but another day to make up for today was again, a nice gesture. Forums are widespread of people who wanna complain, at least some people who like the game come out today when we have no choice lol
  6. I couldn't dissagree more. Hybrid specs are now actually viable for the first time (pvp wize)


    I agree with this. With the way that they moved the talents around it makes it easier to not have to go all the way up the immortal tree, when the force scream-absorb and force grip being moved down a tier. I've been running an immortal/veng hybrid for pvp, and loving it. It seems like this spec is gonna get buffed next patch, as we are gaining the 1st tier damage buff in veng tree, as well as the two other talents being moved down. This might result in one of the higher tier veng talents not getting spec'ed into, or getting less points, but it seems like it will work out much better.

  7. Since some of my friends are playing for the free weekends, I figured I should level a guy with them. I'm trying to decide between the following classes:


    • Concealment Op
    • Deception Assassin
    • Pyrotech or Shield Tech Powertech
    • Lightning or Madness Sorcerer
    • Marauder (maybe)


    Might just run this far enough until the freebie zone ends, or use it frequently to do pre-50 pvp, or maybe get it to 50 if I have time and really feel like it. Really wanna focus on burst>sustained dps, especially looking toward 1.2. What are your opinions?


    Marauder is a maybe (perhaps Op too) because I have leveled a Sniper and Jug and gone through the storyline.

  8. Bump


    Already researching what this spec will transform into when 1.2 hits, but I can definitely tell you it will include single saber mastery.


    I'm considering just making it a new post, since I can give it a more accurate title and make some other changes that I cannot do through editing.



    1.2 Get ready for total decimation.


    Ooh please do so. Currently using your spec with dps gear, not too shaby, just have to get better gear. I might go and experiment with 14/27/0 for a little and see what happens, but I'm getting my gear with this spec in mind. Thanks for the info you posted.

  9. It is a solid build. Been using it from rank 37 to 63.


    Just recently moved to a hybrid 2/18/21 which I find both have good burst and very strong AE. However, getting into the build you're using is likely to be a good thing for 1.2 as it, IMO, it is only going to become stronger(or rather, more manageable.


    Dispells is a problem sometimes but that's just the nature of the beast. This is also why I like the hybrid since you also have int/expl probe, and SoS as main abilities. What I mean is that you don't really have fillers in the same sense, all of these skills add something important. Energy management is also much easier, I find.


    Link to hybrid: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bZrI0bRobZGbbkrMhz.1


    I'd try both and see which one suits you the most.


    I run more or less the same spec. I came over from Marksmen and realized that I can more or less run my exact same rotation from cover minus followthrough. But by getting two more dots and strengthening them it's way good for the damage numbers.


    I find this to be very heavily-reliant on aoe abilities. When you find a group of people, you really wanna take advantage of spreading the aoe-dot, aoe-grenade, and if you're lucky enough to have oblivious sitting ducks, Orbital Strike + crit/surge trinket. Imagine seeing a whole group taking 3k damage every tick on top of dot damage, and again if done correctly, seeing one tick for another 3k if you can manage an explosive probe before the initial orbital strike. It's really good at clearing out nodes in The Civil War. Huttball I find myself spreading dots most of the time, which still adds up to a lot of damage. Voidstar's a mix of both.


    Try it out, see what you think.

  10. Immortal's not bad, but I find myself reliant on having a good healer and at least one good dps with me. Currently only have centurion gear, but I picked up all dps gear and the shield, because from what I heard, absorb is pointless in pvp. To my knowledge, we're supposed to stack defense rating, and any absorb mods/enhancements should be replaced with dps (power maybe?) mods. Sorry I'm not spot on with this because I'm still fairly new to the gearing system, but playstyle-wise, it's not bad.


    Immortal pvp you're gonna be jumping your guard around on different allies, making sure that you're taking the 50% of their damage without taking any additional damage to yourself. You're gonna be interceding as much as possible under optimal conditions to give that ally the defense buff. You're gonna be taunting enemy dps to lower their outgoing damage (aoe taunt is boss for grouped up opponents). Most of all, you're locking down the opponent healer with cc's and interrupts so the dps gets strangled and team goes bye-bye. You're the healer's best friend, especially when your guard is on them, which keeps them up, you up, and everyone else up.


    Immortal's main purpose: utility and mitigation/protection. Shutdown their healers, weaken the damage output of the opponents, and weaken their defense so everyone else's job is easier. Hope that helps a little!

  11. With time you'll come to anticipate where they're gonna go. I personally give a second window for the server to register where I am, and where the character is. Usually works out successfully. It's a crooked way to play but it's how it's gotta be done with the current system.
  12. I'm afraid I don't understand why having a stun is bad?


    In pvp, we don't wanna fill up their resolve bar, which builds after successful stuns. Full resolve makes them immune to any stuns. This is bad because, as a competent jug who should have not taken any points in crash, only use charge to close a gap between an enemy. We don't want to fill up their resolve on a gap-closer because we want to be able to stun them when, for example, a healer tries to heal. We wanna lock them down, but if we fill up their resolve just by charging + one stun, it's gonna be tough to lock them down and clear out a team faster.


    Yes, we have interrupts, which maybe they're trying to stress us to use more, or perhaps think of charge in the same way. But in some situations, like huttball, a jug (tank esp) is gonna use it to get around. With the charged opponent already half-resolved, it's gonna be tough to cc them at important moments.


    I'm gonna start experimenting with alternatives, such as charging to nearby targets (preferably near-dead or unimportant dps) or executing intercede more often (although I like saving it for tanking purposes).


    TL;DR Yeah it sucks, now we gotta reincorporate what was a convenience to an advantage. (It's possible).

  13. Pvp-wise, I go with a tank spec, but rather go with full-dps gear and a shield. Damage isn't quite where I want it yet, but I'm only geared with Centurion/orange gear at the moment, in Soresu stance nonetheless. I suggest checking out your spec and your rotation, really helps to get their armor as low as possible before dishing out any dps, and you want to take advantage of people who are vulnerable to death. That's at least my perspective from Pvp, Pve-wise I'm not as qualified to speak.
  14. Is this really worth speccing into when everyone around me would presumably have 100% accuracy, and my defense chance being so low as it is? Like, how often does it really pop off, and is it worth it compared to other skills I could buff.


    Ultimately coming down to whether or not I should use it altogether since I'm running out of keybinds.

  15. Oh this got me so pissed. I had to bring my Sorcerer friend along so he could push him off the ledge and I could attack. My work-a-round is to get my companion to go and attack, then return to passive to where I stand, which is LOS'ing the boss. From there I got Jadus off the ledge and could attack as usual.
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