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Everything posted by Gorband

  1. Lol, I know! but mine was rounded so you get the 1-up I'm working with Oofalong over at MMO-Mechanics governing gear balance to dps for Annihilation, so there may be one or two more updates from me depending on when I find the perfect balance/Lucky RNG
  2. Another new update from parsing Annihilation 36/8/2 DPS 3359 http://www.torparse.com/a/413724/time/1378473012/1378473426/0/Overview
  3. Update parse with current gear-set. DPS 3314 http://www.torparse.com/a/410996/time/1378255809/1378256227/0/Overview oh and you have me colored Blue instead of Red.
  4. Forgot to post AMR with it; http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/4e27da1f-b116-4a12-ab2a-40536dcbd92c
  5. Congrats, yeah let the masses go back to using the broken SA bug and still falter. I'll continue to use SA/DR combination thanks to its consistency, as the two parses before were 3180 and 3237.
  6. Was messing around on the dummy tonight during O-meeting and figured I'd post it. Gorband - Annihilation Marauder - 36/8/2 DPS - 3244 http://www.torparse.com/a/404802/time/1377925857/1377926341/0/Overview
  7. I'd have to pass and thank everyone for their nominations. I'm retiring after this progression cycle due to being accepted into medical school this coming September. I'm also primarily a PVE Annihilation guy, so I imagine the community would like an individual or two that know all three specs, in orientation of PVE & PVP. Oofalong does great work with Annihilation theorocraft, LagunaD does good work with Carnage discussion, and Rage spec just gets no love in general in the PVE scene, lol. Guddarzz would be my recommendation for the PVP scene with all three specs. My vote and those for me should be deferred to Steadfast, elyvnfrenzy is his handle on the forums. He's my right hand-man when it comes to progression and dps, as well as a master of all three specs for PVE & PVP. If anyone is looking for the same kind of representative as I depicted above, Steadfast is your man.
  8. If you deselect the clipped version which shows the 3015, you'll end up with 2922 overall in a 10min parse. Starting with Full Fury is not a built-in mechanic of Annihilation, unless you re-spec Carnage then re-spec back to Annihilation.
  9. Sure there are different ways to complete a boss encounter but the choice of whether to stay or not is up to the individual. Nobody is keeping you there, less of course its a guild run or a run with friends but even then I don't blame you for leaving because I don't see any reason why you should get saved to a run that honestly looked troubled and didn't deserve a reconsideration. Now you are more experience in knowing how 'that group' does things and won't have to bother playing with them again.
  10. It's true that there is a higher theoretical DPS cap but eventually everyone who has top parses to post will have 72+ gear, and as this thread is more of a means to see how different dps classes perform against others, everyone has gotten the general idea of how 72 geared dps parses fair against others. It would be interesting to see a growth table for specific tiers of gear, but that may be a little much for people to wrap their minds around Myself specifically in 72 bis I was doing (2900-2950), but now with 3x pieces (Offhand, Relic, Bracers) of Kell I do (2950-3000).
  11. Sadly started with a full fury bar, was great parse though
  12. Another update for Annihilation - Marauder 36/8/2 - 3015 3015 DPS
  13. Update for Marauder - Annihilation spec. 2994.46 36/8/2
  14. This may sound a bit elitist but if the player isn't pulling their weight for the spec/class that they are playing I will kick them outright. I'll warn them first that they need to work on things and provide ample info/sites for them to better rotations/gear-sets. Usually though people don't take constructive criticism well, specially in a video game, but better for me, I guess.
  15. Hey, was informed about the post and was told I should participate because Annihilation wasn't getting much love Gorband - Annihilation - 36/8/2 - 2964.55 (2 BA Uses(Underworld), 2x Adrenals (Reusable not Blue), 1 BloodThirst) Blue Infused-Nano Used. http://www.torparse.com/a/297196/time/1371658809/1371659125/0/Overview *Will reparse when I get more time, low Crit Avg, nonblue adrenal, no bombs (Can bombs be used?) AMR Gearset - Build http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/9ed5af86-77e5-4473-8a70-d5c450ec27d6
  16. Nah, that's already set into my timing macro from my Razor Naga Epic, don't want to **** that up.
  17. Yeah, that's my big o'l "Shut the **** Up" interrupt button But people say I'm to big of a Try Hard so maybe I'll put something else in there, maybe Deadly Throw! /gasp
  18. Two more operation clears to add to the R.I.P list by SuckaFish 16M HM TFB 16M HM S&V Total time in clearing 16M HM S&V was 2H 50M, our first time attempting the operation with 16. Every boss was a 1-shot except Titan and Dread that were 2-shotted
  19. Since he doesn't accept it on word alone here... 16M HM Golden Fury Achievement, although we cleared in NiM Hope this will satisfy your thirst
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