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Posts posted by Deividoff

  1. I think allowing people to find groups automatically for Heroic missions and flashpoints would serve the most people and would make the biggest impact. There are plenty of awesome heroic missions available and allowing people to get into groups for these easily would positively enhance the leveling process, which is pretty good already.
  2. Getting a little disheartened with this issue. I've reached the level where I left off my Jedi Knight on my Trooper and don't feel like continuing that second choice class (which is fun in itself, that's not the issue), since the plan was to play the majority of the content with the Knight first. What's most annoying to me about this is the fact that the issue was apparently known in beta for months, yet it wasn't added to the known issues-sticky until it was fixed for Knights below that certain story point.


    I guess rerolling Empire for now is the best thing to do for me, that way the risk of overlapping content is the smallest, even if that means the past 18 days were pretty pointless. I never really imagined it coming to this, but the way I feel now is just to let my subscription run out and wait until this is fixed.

  3. I must say I''m pretty disappointed with this. I was enjoying the Jedi Knight story so far, and having a bugged companion who appears to be playing a significant role in the storyline really diminishes the fun I have playing that class. Having all her personal missions suddenly pop up once the issue is fixed just isn''t fun. I wish this was included in the known issues sticky, so I could''ve picked another class to start off with.
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