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Posts posted by Daovin

  1. that purple one is stripped from a columi mainhand. it sucks anyway cause the stats are low, i destroyed it for a better crystal from kaon.


    It really wasn't, as I do not even have a columi mainhand weapon yet.


    I'm trying to find a way to prove this, asking some guildies for screenshots.


    If it's anything it was a server first kill a month ago.

  2. I am hoping that "The Queen of the Sands" is a Krayt Dragon. I am sure many people missed the recent drama over The Queen, and the search for her. The Queen of the Sands is in the game files, but (as confirmed by a Dev) is not currently implemented in the game, it will be eventually, but there is no current ETA.


    Or a Sarlaac!


    ... somehow.

  3. This is factually inaccurate. You can be powering through the encounter and get the mob to 1 percent health showing that you are perfectly capable of killing the encounter only to have the timer kick in and double the difficulty (as one example). It has zero to do with being able to meet the DPS requirements and everything to do with meeting the 'timing' that was picked for whatever reason.


    At this point I have stated my piece over and over and those of you from WoW (I assume) that are incapable of seeing beyond that game dynamic can keep espousing how this mechanic actually accomplishes something outside of what it actually does.


    In WoW, and other such fantasy MMOs, healers don't have nigh-unlimited resources.


    Enrages exist because healers don't go OOM in this game, meaning they have to put the pressure on another aspect of PVE, in this case DPS.

  4. as a healer i always make sure to bubble shield the group before we start the convo that triggers the fight, i also drop a hot on the tank.


    then when the fight starts i cast my aoe heal and spam heal the tank.


    unless the tank is wearing garbage gear, we make i through no problem.


    Unless he doesn't attack, (bad tank), you get threat from the HoT and get one shotted!

  5. as a healer i always make sure to bubble shield the group before we start the convo that triggers the fight, i also drop a hot on the tank.


    then when the fight starts i cast my aoe heal and spam heal the tank.


    unless the tank is wearing garbage gear, we make i through no problem.


    Unless he doesn't attack, (bad tank), you get threat from the HoT and get one shotted!

  6. I thought the republic merged all the sith technology after the fall of the empire, then disbanded their army after it was no longer needed, then the clone wars was just updated old republic gear. Which eventually makes it's way back into the hands of the empire.
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