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Everything posted by Amorianallund

  1. Then why is it only ever Star Forge? There is something wrong with the server, and they can't be bothered to fix it.
  2. And yet you told us that the server was back up. Then took half an hour to realize that no, it was in fact not working despite what you said. Despite the banner that reloads every time I refresh the forums. After all that you say "oh were taking the server down" You never fixed the problem in the first place. Added on to the fact that this is the 5th time in a month and a half that only this particular server has been down.
  3. It's been down for over half an hour, and you say "were taking it down in 10 minutes" ?? The sheer incompetence.....
  4. Only took them almost half an hour to realize "oh duh, server not ackshually work"
  5. I love how the banner says the server is up, yet we're still stuck on the loading screen 10 minutes later, even after force shutting it down and rebooting. Between you and the in game mods, it really feels like none of you actually do the jobs you are paid to do.
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