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  1. My OPS group had the same issue last night too, 8 man hard mode. When the group was pulled in, we would use the 80% marauder speed boost and the clothies were still not able to get out. The damage extended far beyond the edge of the circle too. The heavy armor people could make it out with cds, but the med/light armor were saying the took 25k or more damage while running.
  2. Ok so In HM and NiM KP you need to 2 tank crusher, so every other time you are tanking the enrage your shield will be up. After he finishes his enrage and goes off to charge a random raid member, the 2nd tank picks him up and he goes through till the enrage. It is very easy to do and you won't have any issues. As to the rest of your post, My raid uses 2 PT tanks, myself and another. We have cleared KP and EV on NiM and have the timed titles for both. We are currently 3/4 in HM EC, and I can say that we haven't come into any issues with being BH tanks. You are geared for the content you are running, so that isn't the issue. Now Toth and Zorn are just beasts and hit super hard. Have you healers put on their big boys pants and get ready to heal a ton.
  3. I use the champ supercommando blaster to tank with, it has good stats and was easy to get. I'm currently doing HM's with it with no issues.
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