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Posts posted by freest

  1. Ok here is the deal. I was very excited when the game was announced and preordered it early. Had loads of fun leveling my first character, a sith warrior, to level 50 so I bought 3 months subsription. Shortly after I started leveling a bounty hunter but suddenly got bored after leaving starter planet, nevertheless I pushed on "spacing" through the normal quests and only watching class story until I've had enough at level 38. After taking a few days break I tried leveling agent and inquisitor but couldn't get past level 11-12 so I quit SWTOR at 10th of February completely.


    I kept the game installed but every time I tried to get back into the game I just couldn't bring myself to push the play button on the launcher after logging in. Finally the game was uninstalled at the beginning of March. Now I see that I still have 17 days left on my account and wondering if it's worth it to come back before the sub runs out :rak_02:

  2. Space combat was kind of amusing until I started getting higher-level space combat missions that were exactly the same as the lower level ones I'd been doing, only now the targets had better shields and armor. Oh, and maybe they'd throw in another enemy or two. Other than that, same pathing, same patterns from enemies, same objectives... really disappointing.


    We all know there's a better way to do it, but we've also all seen Bioware's coding in action on this game. I don't, at this point, trust them to be able to put together a JTL type experience without it breaking the game.


    Yeah at first I thought that I've started the wrong space mission.


    I don't think JTL type experience is possible with current engine but I hope I am wrong.

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