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Posts posted by DurdensWrath

  1. It seems that today's maintenance reduced the maximum number of characters you can use in a character name. The limit is now 15, and I'm not sure what it was before, but I have multiple characters with more than 15 characters in their name, including one created after 7.0.2 but before 7.0.2a. There is no note about this anywhere, so if it is intentional, say that. If it's not, fix that.



    How are they screwing up this badly?

  2. They may have removed renown and it somehow affected rested experience. Does it make sense? No, but coding is so patch worked and there are so few notes you have no idea why some lines of code even exist.


    Maybe it was a dumb idea to get rid of renown in the first place

  3. Hi everyone,


    We will be taking the servers offline on May 5, 2022 from 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM CT (1300 - 1600 UTC) to deploy Game Update 7.0.2a.


    This is a smaller update but we wanted to get the following fixes out:


    • Boss targeting in Operations will be fixed
    • A popup error message will be correctly displayed on the character creation page if a name is unavailable.
    • The panel of the Hypercrate: Ultimate Cartel Packs will be updated to correctly show that it does contain 30 packs.

    The patch notes will be available here tomorrow.




    For the love of all that is holy, could you fix swoop achievements before the next event?

  4. Well, it seems as though some people are more hung up on the 'color' of the gear, and some sort of assumed 'purpose', rather than simply using the gear that most fits their goals. 🤔

    Would you feel different if the gear had the same stats but was some other colour like gold or red?


    To be fair, in every game for all of eternity purple gear has been better than blue.


    When all stats are not better (which is a change unique to 7.0 and sucks) people are going to be confused and unhappy.

  5. Yeah no. They screwed up companions and stats already to please people like you, and it sucked.


    Companions are worse now than in 4.0


    People left in droves because of how 7.0 screwed up solo difficulty. Nobody wants to group things smaller than flashpoints. Accept that.

  6. It's expected and deserved , this is by far the most lackluster expansion and the gearing system made everyone just quit.


    No Man's Sky has put out THREE contrnt patches and TWO seasonal events since the kickoff of SWTOR'S 10th.


    It is utterly embarrassing how mismanaged this game is.


    It would have been better (in my opinion) if they delayed 7.0 to September or October, thereby giving BioWare plenty of time to polish they're new expansion. Instead, it was delayed a week before it's projected release in December, to Febreurary 15th, 2022. It's a buggy mess and honestly, I'm very disappointed with BioWare right now. I no longer see a reason to play SWToR anymore.

    It wouldn't have mattered. The devs were intentionally deaf to all PTS fredback that didn't match their narrative. That level of stubbornness is in indirect proportion to their talent.

  7. Ok, this is getting a bit embarassing now. They simply copied and pasted the old text regarding the double xp event from last time without even bothering to proofread it. Which is very strange, as they had to have changed the dates in that text.


    Whatever the level is below negligence we are there.

  8. That is absolutely inexcusable. It worked fine pre-7.0, just like level sync.


    Considering ~99% of the game is played level synced, it is completely unacceptable that they can't figure out these glaring issues and fix them. :(


    We have Admiral Ozzel devs who shouldn't be touching code but their stubbornness and "vision" cause them to clumsily fool about in things they have not the skill to do.

  9. Hi folks,


    I wanted to follow up on my original post here as I’ve seen lots of confusion around what is and isn’t in the latest patch 7.0.2:


    In 7.0.2:

    • Companions should no longer miss taunts or heals, and should be performing better overall.
    • Players with gear over 326 in PvP Warzones and Arenas no longer have a stat advantage as their stats are now properly synched to 326.

    Working as intended:

    • The base Presence stat scales when Level Synced, but no bonus Presence scales. Bonus Presence includes all Presence gained through higher Influence with companions, Legacy Unlocks, and Datacrons. This can be observed in the Details button on the Character Sheet.

    In a future update:

    • Maintaining Accuracy (and additional stats TBD) thresholds in Level Synced content.
    • Relic bonus stats when activated or triggered on their own applying in Level Synced content.
    • Augments and Color Crystal stats applying properly in Level Synced content.


    In my original post, I wrote out specifically what would be in 7.0.2 to set player expectations. When ‘future update’ is mentioned, that means the work is in active development but a specific patch has not been identified for a roll out. When the work is closer to completion and we are ready to deploy that content, it is at that time when we will communicate the patch number.


    Outside of those things identified above, you should not expect any major changes to the Level Sync system until we communicate otherwise. Other related aspects, such as individual content difficulty and tuning, we will continue to address with each patch.








    I have noticed that not only do my stats NOT remain the same on a planet (for example Korriban) once I pass the level threshold, my stats actually decrease for every level.


    Honestly, can you just stop being stubborn and put stats back to pre-7.0? I truly believe you are just throwing things against the wall and fail at simple math.


    Were I coding this, every planet would have been in a table, with threshold stats for every advanced class and stats did not raise or lower from it. And never touch tertiary stats like Presence or Crit. And then you'd be done. God only knows what you actually did.

  10. Well, I've read some real bovine fecal matter before, but this takes the cake.


    If the scoreboard doesn't show "the true results", then either show the real one, or suck it up and reward the people as the board said.


    None of this horse pucky with a list only you see and maintain .

  11. I've saw this shortly after 7.0... probably a week 3 SM run? You don't really need to run the mechanic, but I was bored and the pirates were just taking pot-shots from their spawn location (they never aggroed onto the healers), so I grabbed a barrel and... nothing. Was completely ignored. Another guildie also tried to get their attention on the next wave with no dice.


    Since it wasn't required for clear (most groups skip it entirely; we didn't even use it in HM last expansion), I don't think I wrote a bug report on it, but maybe I should have.


    We ended up having to use the volley (blue following circles) to kill the pirates, instead of the barrel runner bringing the adds to the circles


    We wiped a dozen times trying to run the proper mechanics.

  12. The problem are not the activities, I'm almost done too (not spamming fp today) but the fact that some activities worth 8 points and some 12.


    ALWAYS, the one at 12 are the wz, gsf and now even the operation.


    Some people try to get all the available points.

    This lead to all the problems inside pvp things with people entering and going afk or similar ruining the experience for the ones that actually WANT to play that content.


    This week they also added Ops...


    If the points were distributed in a different way, Noone would feel robbed not doing those things.


    OFC don't even try to contest this if you are not going for max points or you aren't a mainly solo player. Still lot of pvpers complain cause of all those ppl around not playing seriously.


    I don't know what the big deal is. I do the things I want and I am at 75 on season, without starting this week yet.


    I will be 100 well before the end of the season.

  13. The new unranked PvP point system will award 1 point for losses and 3 points for wins.


    This only solves the problem of completing dailies and weekly while ignoring the issue of participation.


    We have people in GSF and unranked PvP AFKing whole matches. They come up with score cards of zero damage, zero defense, zero deaths. In GSF I am pretty sure some people don't even bother spawning.


    The new point system while great for allowing people on losing teams to advance their dailies and weeklies solves nothing about the AFKers.


    If players were instead awarded points for participation, earning medals, then players could no longer AFK in matches like they currently do from start to finish.


    Earn 1 point for 4 medals, another for 8 medals, an one last point for winning a match. The upcoming point change will only encourage people to AFK even more and unranked PvP.


    Vote kick them chief. We have been in GSF


    You want to play with elites, go play ranked.

  14. I don't like some of the changes.


    Unranked Warzone Weekly and Daily quests were perfectly fine. What will be the point of following objectives and winning after the changes go live? Why are we taking a step back?


    If the changes go through at least raise the Unranked Warzone Weekly to 20 (up from 4 wins now) and daily to 5 or 10 (up from 1 win now). Something similar to what it was in the past (i don't remember the exact numbers). Make wins mean something. Don't turn the Warzone PVP into another GSF.


    Hey, you want to be elitist, go play ranked. We don't need your kind dictating unranked.

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