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  1. I agree that it will help in the end, but also hurt in the end. WE are all part of an MMO, yet this tool will eventually be misused by those that will apply it only for exclusion and not for education, which has been stated by those that argue the need for it. To explain, PUGs will just kick someone for not being as useful as they could be without any discussion on what could be done differently. At first glance, I would agree, yet not all people will know how to fix this issue (the ones being "carried"). Here are the two exceptions to this : 1. You have joined a raid group and doing so means that you will do all that you can to help that group. You will need learn from your mistakes and will also apply the information to "min/max" your character. You may not use the tool yourself, but you should use the information given to better help the group you voluntarily joined to help. 2. Those that will disregard any information as being an intrusion on their style of play regardless of how it affects those they have chosen to play with. In the second example, you need to understand that you are part of a group and need to help you and the others complete whatever it is you started. If you ask for this help that the tool gave information on, that is acceptable and commendable. Not all of us are veterans of using this information, and need help from those of us that are. If you refuse this and expect to play any way that you want, that is fine. I agree with your "right" to do so, but don't expect others to cover for your stubbornness and pull you through everything. Without a cross server PUG tool, you will shortly get a reputation for this and will eventually be excluded from things. I don't think that all that I group with to be "pros", but I do think that all should be able to be willing to accept constructive information that may be of use to them. Not all suggestions will be correct, but information is never a bad thing. Either good or bad, it is useful. For those that think that anyone in a PUG should know how to play the way you think they should play, think about what you are saying because not everyone will use this tool, but still may want to know what they are doing may be affecting the successful completion of a mission. Yes, those that don't want to use it and state that they will take no suggestions from those that do may need to be excluded from the group. But those that don't use it and accept information and applies it should be applauded, they may end up realizing that the tool is something they should start using. Not all will turn into pros/endgame raiders....but they will be useful to a PUG. To those that will take the tool and become one themselves, I think that you need to realize you are playing an MMO as well and not everyone should be as pro as you. Be helpful, use it to help those that are willing to accept it. If you don't get through something as quickly as you would have liked (in a PUG) yet you didn't die be happy that you got through it. If you aren't getting through it as fast as you would like, maybe you don't need to ruin it for them, maybe you need to be the better person and leave yourself. There will always be another group, either that day or the next day that you are able to play. In leaving the group you may help the rest of the group realize you had some good advice/information after they have to disband due to not being able to get through the content. In conclusion, use it if you want to, don't if you think it is a crutch. Don't be surprised when it is misused and on the other side of the coin, don't be surprised if you get some advice about something you may need to look into. Without it you may be fine, with it you may get better. Either way, it is a tool.....like a wrench. Without it you can tighten a bolt/nut, with it you can tighten it so that you don't have to go back constantly to adjust it as it loosens. Just don't use it as a hammer.
  2. For all of the people that have had issues with this, have you all sent in your specs and logs like they have asked? Just wondering if you are part of the solution....
  3. Please look at Dev forums, they are posting updates that are imminent, and those that may take a bit longer to roll out. AA/graphics was addressed
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