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Posts posted by thRussted

  1. On my server, we barely get to 60 50's at a time on the Republic side. Empire side has 100+ constantly.


    People on the Empire side start to know who's who, and we just talk. Like civilised people. What on earth do you get for killing people in Ilum? It's way more beneficiary for them to FINALLY complete their quest, because there simply aren't enough Republic people to capture the objectives for them.


    Maybe it will become better once there are more 50's, but I have my doubts that Ilum will be the battlefield everyone/Bioware has hoped for. It's just not rewarding enough.

  2. So we finally had a full raid group to go to Eternity Vault, and we got the turrets down, but the boss won't spawn.


    We asked the other guild on our server, and they had a problem that the turrets hit their tanks for 4k+, on normal mode, so it would seem that the game 'thought' it was on heroic.


    Has anyone had this before, and/or know a fix to this or we're just screwed?



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