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Posts posted by anonnn

  1. I try to play Warzones daily, because I'm trying to make it to maximum Valor (100). Plus, Warzones is a good way to gear up because over time it rewards a lot of Unassembled Components which let you purchase a specific gear piece now and then.


    I can't even remember the last time I saw Warzones as the *Bonus* activity! And this is the point ... that Warzones and Operations are the two most popular activities, yet they don't get much of any attention in the Galactic Command.


    There should really be a second *BONUS* activity that alternates between Operations and Warzones. And then the other Bonus activity each day can be one of any of the other activities, other than Operations or Warzones.

  2. Are you aware that the Unassembled Components you slowly accumulate while playing Warzones lets you purchase 242 gear?


    To get started, purchase a Tier 1 gear token from the generic Tier 1 vendor in the outer-ring far right room in Supplies, which costs between 75-120 Unassembled Components depending on which gear piece. Then go next door to turn in that token for an actual gear piece, then run back to the token vendor room and you can UPGRADE the Tier 1 gear piece to a Tier 2 token, which costs between 115-180 Unassembled Components. Again, run next door to turn in the Tier 2 token for an actual gear piece, then run back to the token vendor room to UPGRADE the Tier 2 gear piece to a Tier 3 token, costing between 175-270 Unassembled Components. Then one last trip next door to turn in the Tier 3 token for your final 242 gear piece which is a set piece if it's an armor piece.


    The total number of Unassembled Components for each 242 piece is as follows:


    . . . . . . 365 : Waist / Wrist

    . . . . . . 380 : Earpiece / Implant / Relic

    . . . . . . 475 : Head / Chest / Hands / Legs / Feet

    . . . . . . 570 : Mainhand / Offhand


    With a little dedicated work you'll have a full 242 set on your main character ... it really wasn't terrifically difficult since you can buy a specific 242 piece using the Unassembled Components.

  3. It's nice to have a *BONUS* activity on the Galactic Command queue'ing screen, but the truth is that it almost always goes unused for those of us who don't partake in all activities. Which makes it kind of a bummer most days.


    How about activate a SECOND bonus activity, but the second one is always Ops or WZs? Those are the original high-level end-game activities that are still enjoyed by many.


    And maybe, just maybe, every now and then the two *BONUS* activities could randomly fall on the same activity (either Ops or WZs) and that activity would be **DOUBLE BONUS** for that day! :cool:

  4. You do realise that the last dev post in the GSF forum was about 2 years ago - which asked a question, but it never got followed up, despite a wealth of advice from the players..... so respectfully: 'dream on'


    Yes that's the plan... I can't be sure but it could have been my post on inventory-stack sizes that ended up getting the feature implemented for us.

    . . . . . . stack materials to 9999 units

    ... so yes, I'm inclined to dream on :cool:



    I think bright colors might help people to perceive how awesome an expanded GSF ship lineup would be:


    . . . . (1) pilot + 3 turret gunners

    . . . . (2) pilot + 7 turret gunners

    . . . . (3) pilot + 15 turret gunners


    even just option #1 would be immensely fun

  5. It does not have to be so hard-coded like that. There could be a switchable mechanism both BEFORE the event starts and WHILE it is going, where you could "switch seats" similar to how Battlefield 1 allows you to do so when inside a tank or vehicle by pressing a key to alternate the seat (turret hard point) that you are in.


    Think! It need not be where it frustrates people. There are ways to make it not be so unpleasant.


    In fact the gunships should all be instanced, meaning you start out running around the bridge and hallways of the ship, before getting into a turret or the pilot's seat. Here's my "Space PvP" section from my other post:


    Space PvP

    Multi-player GUNSHIPS with a minimum of 3 turret gunners and a pilot, but no requirement for a co-pilot. This could enable massive space-PvP battles with multiple gunships along with single-player ships in a new style of space pvp zone. They also need to add open-space-sector NPC-ship hunting. If they add these space features, this alone is likely to attract a huge number of subscribers. They could just add THIS and ignore the other following ideas and I think EVERYONE would end up happy. As a practical consideration, I'd suggest TWO gunships: a smaller gunship with pilot + 3 turret gunners, and a larger gunship with pilot + 7 turret gunners. Maybe even a capital gunship with pilot + FIFTEEN turret gunners but maybe that's a bit much. (not really.) It goes without saying that all gunships should be instanced, which means you can run around the ship interior in order to hop in the pilot's seat or into one of the turrets. Only subscribers would be able to OWN a gunship, but anyone would be able to go on board someone's gunship as a turret gunner. One very notable facet to a space side of the game is that it's level-neutral: a player's character can be any level and it won't make a difference for their skills and effectiveness inside a gunship.



  6. A whole bunch of people have explained it, in posts on this thread, in posts on other threads in the General Discussion forum, AND in many many threads in the PvP forum. Maybe you should actually read what everyone's saying? Just a thought.


    Stop insisting people repeat the same arguments they've already made, then crowing how people you disagree with don't have legitimate arguments when they get tired of doing so over and over again. It's borderline sealioning.


    Then no one cares about your problem.

  7. Another non pvper adding their 2 cents and don't know what the issue is for dedicated pvpers.

    Would I be right in guessing you are a story player who does little or no group content on a regular basis?


    You should try less trolling, and just go ahead and explain why you think there's a problem with gearing up for PvP in the new Command Rank system. I've leveled to Rank II gear already on almost only Warzones, and I'm unaware of what problem you could POSSIBLY be having with the new system. And if there is some difficulty you're having, how exactly is it pertinent only to PvP purposes? It's the same gear set as for PvE purposes.


    So... I ask again, what in the world is your difficulty with gearing up for PvP in the current SWToR? FFS just explain it ...

  8. They should hire ME into their dev team, I could put the proper amount of attention where it's needed, on architecture, the quality of the code, and preventing what's called "bug regression". They need to have a very extensive testing procedure, to test for specific known possible bugs to not recur when the source code has been heavily modified. That way, if you've seen a bug once and fixed it, you'll never ever see it again. Or predictable bugs, will also never be seen even once if they're tested for from the start in the regression testing.


    Plus, there are so many ridiculous bugs in the game, that have been there for years, that should be EASY to fix:


    . . . . . . . . . . . . (POST-5.0) fix SWToR's long-standing annoying bugs



  9. I'm not sure what you're complaining about ... the gear grind is all one grind now is it not? We do ANY of the activities we can queue for, earning Command Points and eventually getting another Command Crate for the possibility of getting another good gear piece each time. Since PvP gear and PvE gear are the SAME gear now, if anything it's easier to gear up for PvP because all queue'd activities get you a little closer to gearing up completely.
  10. A perfect idea! In my recent new thread:


    . . . . . . . . . . . . SPECIFICALLY add fun into SWToR


    ... I mention the possibility of 3 levels of pilotable gunships that have a pilot plus turret gunners:


    . . . . . . . . (1) pilot + 3 turret gunners

    . . . . . . . . (2) pilot + 7 turret gunners

    . . . . . . . . (3) pilot + 15 turret gunners


    These gunships would be usable in new PvP areas in space, that would allow open-ended space PvP between factions. And single-pilot gunships would also be usable. Areas with enemy NPC ships to hunt would also be a great new space feature. The Command Cruiser could be #3 with pilot + 15 turret gunners. That would be awesome!

  11. To say that SWToR didn't meet expectations is a huuuuge understatement. Apart from them needing to take a permanent chill pill with the proliferation of cinematic storyline content, ... to bring SWToR back to the realm of fun, they need to add:


    Space PvP

    Multi-player GUNSHIPS with a minimum of 3 turret gunners and a pilot, but no requirement for a co-pilot. This could enable massive space-PvP battles with multiple gunships along with single-player ships in a new style of space pvp zone. They also need to add open-space-sector NPC-ship hunting. If they add these space features, this alone is likely to attract a huge number of subscribers. They could just add THIS and ignore the other following ideas and I think EVERYONE would end up happy. As a practical consideration, I'd suggest TWO gunships: a smaller gunship with pilot + 3 turret gunners, and a larger gunship with pilot + 7 turret gunners. Maybe even a capital gunship with pilot + FIFTEEN turret gunners but maybe that's a bit much. (not really.) It goes without saying that all gunships should be instanced, which means you can run around the ship interior in order to hop in the pilot's seat or into one of the turrets. Only subscribers would be able to OWN a gunship, but anyone would be able to go on board someone's gunship as a turret gunner. One very notable facet to a space side of the game is that it's level-neutral: a player's character can be any level and it won't make a difference for their skills and effectiveness inside a gunship.



    Quality-based Crafting

    SWToR's crafting system is far too simplistic to be called fun, and it really leaves no room for ambition at all. In order to create a definition of crafter expertise, they need too add quality-based crafting materials, which would enable variable-quality crafted items driven in part by the quality of the crafting materials, and in part by crafter-specific Mods and Enhancements (crafting suits) and crafter-specific stims and buff items. And if we can craft our own ship parts (with custom-tuned performance stats) for our multi-player gunships, that would open up a whole new angle of the space side of SWToR. I'd suggest an assortment of (subscriber-only) stronghold machinery for refining crafting materials which would have a possibility of increasing their quality which would in turn allow higher quality crafted items.




    SWToR's deco system is more than a little ridiculous. Once you've dabbled a little with deco in SWToR, you don't even want to touch it again. It's clunky, overly constrained, literally entirely devoid of ambition, and just absolutely lacking variety. They need to relax the placement constraints, add a much bigger variety of furniture, sittable chairs & sofas, and items we can interact with that at least do something interesting when you click on them. Honestly, did they think they could get away with not even trying to make Strongholds fun? It's totally absurd.



    Fun Social Features

    The Chevin event had red glitter powder as one of the mission rewards. But they haven't even put this red glitter back into the game, other than on the Bounty Event vendor for a literally impossible price for only ONE non-reusable glitter item. This, along with them nerfing the Stronghold Slot Machine, is proof positive that they're not putting any effort into making the game fun. It's like they're actually worried that we'll stand around Fleet half the time just goofing off with other players, rather than playing the game content. They're completely out of touch with MMOs and what they should be like for the players. Fleet should have a step-in personal instance near the GTNs (that can be decorated and other people could be invited to) ...but they've added nothing of the sort because they're out of touch with how to make MMOs fun for the players. A good indication that they just don't get it is that the dejarik emote drops an interesting looking dejarik table in front of you but there's nothing on it to click to get it to do anything interesting...



    Bring Back Ops Loots

    Is there any reason to run Ops any more, if you've already run every one of them multiple times? I'd say not really. They need to bring back special Ops loot, whatever that might be, and create a new looting system that isn't modifiable by the group leader... that has only one mode of function. Everyone can only win ONE class of item per run... whether it be a green item, blue item, purple item, or deco item ... and looted items that no one clicks Need for get deferred until the Op has been completed, and everyone has one more chance to Need on unclaimed items. I don't think I need to describe that there are individuals in the game that can't be trusted to manage the Ops loots fairly. And yes that really does completely ruin it for the other people in group. In retrospect they were extremely foolish to have ever added a Master Looter setting into the game. Fun special Ops loots they could add are: a higher level of combat/healing/tank stims, unique animated clickable deco items, funky 5-use out-of-combat costume items, Huttball 1-use trick-play items (like increased pass distance, temporary shield, enemy pushback, rocket boost to jump up to a platform, etc), and 1-use unique verbal emotes. All sellable only via direct trade. A certain level of proliferation of these items would make the game a lot more fun and interesting.



    If they want MORE SUBSCRIBERS they need to specifically add FUN into the game ...



  12. They need to initiate server merges IMMEDIATELY, rather than give the game a chance to truly flounder across all servers and become an unrecoverable decline.


    THE TIME IS NOW to at least merge all East-Coast servers into one and all West-Coast servers into one. This means we need to give up on all server types except for one PvE server on each coast.


    . . . . The Harbinger (West Coast) <--- The Bastion, Begeren Colony

    . . . . Jedi Covenant (East Coast) <-- Jung Ma, The Ebon Hawk, Prophecy of the Five, The Shadowlands


    They can start transfers immediately by offering free character transfers into The Harbinger or Jedi Covenant, so people can immediately ditch out of any of the painfully low-population servers. And to follow up they'll need to force character transfers of the remaining characters on the deprecated servers.


    They can also merge the European servers into the 3 language-specific PvE servers:

    . . . . The Red Eclipse (English) <--- Tomb of Freedom Nadd, The Progenitor

    . . . . T3-M4 (German) <--- Jar'Kai Sword, Vanjervalis Chain

    . . . . Mantle of the Force (French) <--- Darth Nihilus, Battle Meditation

    ...although depending on population levels of these European servers, it might be necessary to be more drastic and merge all European servers into The Red Eclipse:

    . . . . The Red Eclipse <--- Tomb of Freedom Nadd, The Progenitor, T3-M4, Jar'Kai Sword,

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vanjervalis Chain, Mantle of the Force, Darth Nihilus, Battle Meditation



  13. Yeah that. Didn't Musco call it GC before it was released too?


    Why do people have trouble with something as simple as spelling out an acronym? Is everyone really so belligerent? Maybe that's why the game is dying ...


    All it takes is one person willing to be cooperative instead of hostile ... SO. What is "GC"

  14. It seems quite inevitable, given the noticeable and continuous population decline even on the most populated servers. But I suspect they're going to wait too long to merge servers, and even more people will leave literally just because of low population. The time is NOW for them to merge servers. And they'd better come up with some better game content, and i DON'T mean more Chapters and freaking storyline cinematics which is only a recipe for boredom and obsolescence.
  15. I'd much rather them work to bring back the Chevin event, as well as create a new and innovative event for us to enjoy. The new event should have a mixture of combat and non-combat missions, and at least one event mission that requires a group of 4 to complete (not a major Ops boss encounter like Eyeless in the Rakghoul event). The mixture of mission styles is the key ... similar to how Eternity Vault is very popular because of its diverse mixture of boss-stage encounters and highly varying environments throughout the path of the Operation.


    And in the new event I would mainly hope for something completely new that we've never seen in any other event, some kind of challenge (preferably non-combat) that perhaps requires a minimum of 2 people to accomplish, and that makes for a decent amount of fun.

  16. The problem with gold sellers is they just keep creating free-to-play accounts. So this solution is marginal at best for preventing us from seeing more and more credit-spamming on Fleet.


    Besides which, this solution would be bad for the gaming community because then prejudice and bullying could result in players being singled out and put on a multitude of people's /ignore lists, for every character they would ever create. Fracturing the player community and providing tyrants with more powerful tools is the last thing this game needs. And believe me, I see what kind of tyranny the muggles tend towards in SWToR. They're very predictable.

  17. That option would be nice, because I have a dozen or so characters but only usually play 2-4 of them.

    We also need to fit as many characters per page as possible.


    The entire function of the tool is to select a character, don't force me to flip to an entirely separate page so often! Just need to fill the vertical space, condense each list item to a shorter height, and move the "Create Character" button to somewhere else where it doesn't use up a list item.

  18. I don't recall ever seeing a single person use the acronym "GC", not in game nor on the forums. You might want to go ahead and spell out that acronym so everyone knows what the heck you're talking about...


    I think the game is dying because a large part of the player base is truly tired of story content. And this one-trick pony is all story content. It's one-dimensional with its cartoon animation. They haven't added ANY decent social features or actually fun add-on content in pretty much forever. We haven't seen a new emote in a pack in probably at least 6 months. And they didn't make sure the cinematics run smoothly on computers that are 4 or 5 years old. These computers aren't archaic - they have SO MUCH processing power they qualify as supercomputers ... yet the stupid cinematic sequences won't load smoothly and play smoothly, freezing up for a few seconds at a time - truly pathetic. It originally worked great, so this is all on them and their low quality development efforts. It also means they're lazy and lack ambition and technical expertise. Of course it's the same lack of technical expertise that results in a myriad of ridiculous game bugs that plague us every time we use any in-game tool or try to do anything important. They just don't care. I'm sure they've long since lost most of their technically competent developers who either left the company or were placed on newer projects.


    Basically they gave up on actually developing anything REAL for the game and just gave us bunch of *&^%#@ lame cinematics. What an idiotic waste of money and effort. They should have been developing new FPs and Ops with fresh styles of completion requirements, team coordination, puzzles, and boss mechanics. Uprisings are okay but they're really not as well-done or exciting as they should have been.


    They also made a HUGE mistake getting rid of the Weekly High-priority Operation. Ops used to be fun to look forward to each week, and now there's basically nothing to take the place of that. They seem to be making a habit of taking the most enjoyable parts of the game and just bashing it over the head. They're entirely out of touch with the player base. They have zero expertise in MMOs, they just think story content in more and more quantity is an intelligent formula. They're very wrong.

  19. A couple of things that might be good along these lines:


    Semi-ignore: block /tell and /whisper and General Chat blabbing from these people, but don't block them from being in group with you in Group Finder. Because particularly if it's a slow day in Group Finder, restrictions from joining the next group to form in Group Finder would be unacceptable for a lot of people.


    One-click Credit Spammer Ignore/Report: It's getting really really old having to choose TWO menu options to /ignore credit spammers and then report the credit spammer, and then have to click "OK" to dismiss the confirmation dialog. there should be a single menu option (located always on the top menu level) for ignoring and reporting a credit spammer, and it should have NO confirmation dialog to have to click. Maybe even add a Hotkey setting in the Preferences for this option, so we can just attach it to something like Ctrl-F12 and have it always accessible in an instant... to minimize the annoyance from this eternal supply of credit spammers that seems to exist.

  20. The first five in the list are absolutely critical to fix, to get rid of the ridiculous levels of frustration caused by those bugs. This should be considered top priority, to repair the quality of experience for players which has become diminished by these major bugs.


    The next 4 in the list are also very important and should also be fixed.


    The last 7 in the list are important, and should be fixed if there is time and motivation for it.

  21. Yes but it doesnt work for the jawa killing, only for the PVP kills


    It must just be an oversight. Especially since they named the buff "Party Jawa"...


    ... they should see fit to make sure this new Jawa buddy helps finish the <That's Just Wrong!> achievement.



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