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Posts posted by Thanathlas

  1. Got 60 valor today, at firat i was happy. Then i realised. Battlemaster boxex gives champion commandations. Wow Great, im was already full champion equipped before getting 60 valor. SO boxes worth almost nothing since Battlemaster equippement chance to drop is almost nothing.


    Nice work giving useless champion commandations. Killing at the same time Dalies PVP quest.


    Not to mentionned you killed at the same time ilum giving armements in WZ.


    And rated PVP games... equipement worrth nothing.


    Dont know who the great architect of all those decisions but he must be FIRED.


    What is left for PVP players? get in WZ to get nothing...


    Very bad Buisiness decisions. We play for our character to grow. Thats what keep us playing. Not too fast not too slowly. Just to have the impression of always having something more to get.


    FOllow that line and youll win more players. Keep the same path you are currently using and SWTOR will die.

  2. What level are you?


    Does anyone try to co-ordinate the team in your WZs?


    I would think 20 defeats in a row is rather unlucky even on a % chance. The bigger issue still stands on how Imps can get better ranks/gear faster from quicker ranking from Illum Zerg farming.


    Indeed, Imps have now a huge advantage on gear they can use due to ilum farming. They have all the 60+ valor to get better gear. Since Republic is only 1/3 of the server population we cant even think about going on Ilum.


    Now no solutions are good enough. Yeela server is broke and it wont change. Roll Imperial character in the only solution

  3. Im really frustrated about warzones. Its rediculus, played 20 games and not even a single win tonight. I play Republic on yeela server.


    I may be a bad player but even then i should be able to win time to time. Some of republic player must be good... NOOOO... republic players cant compete, look like we are all bad.


    I tryed to think of something to be constructive, tryed find a solution but anyway, who cares. Looks like the only way is to be on the Stronger side.


    Lets roll an empire character


    Never the less, PVP is a huge fail in this game.

  4. Theres a lot of irritation on ilum PVP issue. I think that what is done is done and i dont beleive any "penalities" will change anything. In long term Republic will eventually catch up since valor have a maximum.


    Imbalance in PVP will always be at some point. Of corse, balancing classes will always be necessary and the balance in number between Empire and Republic players will have an impact on open PVP Zones.


    There is solution for Warzones thought, why not split people that queue in 3 groups based on valor rank. Something like regrouping players that have 0 to 29 valor in the same WZ. And do the same for pple that have 30 to 59 and those with 60+.


    This would make WZ much more fun cause gear of players should be more balanced.


    For now, im not shure ill PVP til a real solution is applyed. Getting really frustrating to loose all the time and to be farmed cause i dont have the gear to compete against all those BOOSTED Empire players.

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