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Posts posted by KaosPeppers

  1. I did not say thati did not find groups, and maybe swg spoiled me but tatooine is not big and open.



    wait now people are just gonna say "its not sandbox duh"



    Im not trying to bash the game guys, im just saying bye.

  2. The storylines were great.


    The game is an awesome singleplayer game.


    The world however is too restrictive and tunneled.


    I might come back if the game gets ironed out.


    So long swtor, was fun. Good luck to those that are sticking with the game right now.

  3. Decided to give swtor another shot. ORCS and trolls arent very interesting when you can have blasters and lightsabers. Anyway im interested in joining an RP-PVP server that is actually populated and has server events.
  4. So with the Legacy race unlocks you level to 50 with one race and that race becomes available to all classes. My question is how will this be handled with the zabrack, are they considered 2 seperate races in game? or is it customization options for the same race?


    Would be interesting to see blunt zabs as sith and sharp zabs as jedi.

  5. There is a skill called Tumult that for some buggy reason it doesnt work on a stunned target, so has anyone else heard a fix for that?


    And off topic, hey BIOWARE!!! Nerf sith lightning and powertech? Really? will this game be like a cookie cutter of MMOs where if your evil=OP? WOW and LOTRO are the same way. Or is it like that in all games, good=wussies and evil=bada** Mother****that are meant to be OP so everyone would play an IMP, HORDE, CREEP?


    and how was horde op, omg shaman and pally were different!!!!


    Yet in AV ally could hop the horde fence.

    In WSG ally could glitch on the roof with the flag so horde couldnt kill the fc.

    In AB stables was closer to spawn then Farm.

    In Eye ally took less fall damage from spawn.

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