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Posts posted by liquidus

  1. I left Warhammer Online after the Bright wizards nerf not because it wasnt needed (the class was definitely OP) but because they nerfed it so bad that the class became a joke.


    I left Rift because of all the nerf cries being attended. And i will leave swtor if this game becomes a nerf fest.

  2. I might be wrong but i think this system works something like this:


    - until you get to a certain valor level you have better chances of getting stuff from bags.


    - after a certain valor rank the chances are lower.


    The only reason im saying this is because when i hit 50 i was valor rank 28 and got gear in 3 out of 5 bags.


    As soon as i reached valor rank 30 (gladiator) e got 20 bags and not a single piece of gear. The only gear i got i bought with the centurion commendations that i looted from the bags.


    The thing is, im level 50 and have a crap pvp gear because i was too close to valor rank 30 when i reached 50. So, its best if you start pvping at lvl 50 because you might have more chances of getting champion gear.


    Thats what i think anyways. I might be right or i might be wrong.

  3. Looking at the amount of topics that have the letters "OP" in it i think Bioware should serious consider to nerf the entire game.


    Really, just nerf the entire game. BH dialog options are way too bad a-s-s-e-s when comparing it to Jedi consulars. Nerf dialog on BH pls!!!!


    Some world bosses have way too many HP. Nerf world bosses pls!!!


    A few weeks ago, a rat from Tatooine killed me because i took a bio break. They are doing too much damage because i only took 1 minute afk. Nerf the rats on Tatooine pls!


    I want to kill Satele Shan but i cant!! Nerf Satele pls!


    Cant you people understand how ridiculous you are for crying nerf every time you die in pvp?!



  4. I will say this game has much more balance at launch then Warhammer did. Bright Wizard anyone?


    I was a Bright Wizard since day 1. I admit, they were OP but it was the most fun class i ever played in any mmo.


    The pleasure i felt when all those fire balls came out of my hands to crit everyone in front of me was absolutely gorgeous :D


    But then they nerfed it. I agree they needed to be nerfed but they didnt need to make the class absolutely useless :p

  5. Yesterday a IA operative 3 shotted me on Hutball. I'm a BH mercenary with 400 expertise and 16k+ hp. He 3 shotted me and i didnt even have a chance to fight back...


    I could whine about it but the fact is this only happened once. I've done lots and lots of warzones and it happened once. And im guessing he was lucky too because all his hits critted.


    Operatives and scoundrels are suppose to have a very high burst damage. But their sustained dps is very low. Thats why you rarely see them on top dps at the end of a warzone.


    On the other hand the class usually on top of dps in warzones are the Bounty Hunters and Troopers but its mainly because we do a lot of aoe.


    BH and Troopers are great at range combat but everytime a Sith Warriors or Jedi Knight comes to us we are going to have problems. If we are lucky to have our CC ready then we can try to kite, but even then its hard because of the force leap. If our CC isnt ready then we either die or try to out damage them.


    Every class has its ups and downs. Operatives/Scoundrels have high burst damage but low sustained dps. BH/Trooper are great at range dps but have a hard time when the enemy closes on them. And the same goes for the rest of the classes. Sith warriors/jedi knights have lower dps but have lots of survivability and sith inquisitors/jedi consulars are balanced with good range dps and good melee dps.


    So, yes, in my opinion Bioware did a great job balancing the classes. A few very little tweaks here and there are needed, sure, ill give you that, but overall its a very nice job.


    Too bad i can't say the same about the pvp. Its really bad. Its amazing how it is actually worse than WoW pvp that it too, was absolute crap.


    I wonder when we will have pvp like Daoc or UO again in a modern mmo...

  6. Hutball is kind of a "caputre the flag" game. You just take the "flag" to the enemy base instead of your own.


    Why would i want another wz like hutball?


    If they add new warzones i hope its new stuff, new ideas, new mechanics.

  7. Seriously people complain about anything. Everything is wrong for some people.


    They complain about the IA/Smuggler but when it gets nerfed they will complain about the BH, then the Inquisitor and after that is because the game has no addons...


    Just play the game!


    I play a Bounty Hunter. Yesterday a IA Operative 3 shotted me in hutball. I have 16k+ hp and full champion gear and he killed me easly.


    Was it frustrating? Yes it was. Was he lucky? Yes he was because he critted every blow.


    Is this usual? No it isnt. It was the first time really. And in that match i manage to kill him twice too.



    As a Bounty Hunter Mercenary (arsenal spec) i have a hard time with Sith Warriors/ Jedi Knights because i lack the tools to keep them at distance. If my jet boost is on cooldown i'll have a hard time with them because i cant kite.


    Now, should i open a new thread asking to nerf Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors?


    Vote 1 for yes, 2 for no and 3 to go back to *insert mmo name here*

  8. No macros please!


    Bind the abilities to your keys. You dont need a 200$ mouse to play the game. My mouse has 2 side buttons and 1 i use for auto run.


    Shift+1, 2, 3, F, Q, E, R, etc

    Ctrl+1, 2, 3, F, Q, E, R, etc.



    G buttons for logitech keyboards...


    There are so many options. Doing macros is just being lazy.


    Besides, if macros get in game they are very easy to abuse.


    So a big NO to macros.

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