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Posts posted by Admittance

  1. i Agree i would love to have my republic armor as a med without the armor hit, i can out stat other stuff but the armor difference helps in PVE, i don't know about pvp as i dont tend to do it that often. and amen on the freaking hair bands to add insult to injury my jedi is a chrome dome so he doesn't even have hair he needs to keep out of this eyes lol.
  2. Tell that to the guy in stormtrooper armor that was hit with a spear thrown by a mechanical arm, and all that did was ding his armor some(was in some novel if I recall).


    tell that to the stormtroopers who got there asses handed to them by some primitive tree dwelling bears lol :D

  3. well they are only demigods and someone like starkiller who has nigh on godly powers(ripping a star destroyer out of the sky is no mean feat) not so uneven of a fight. now if we are talking the Emperor pre-hersey, or the gods of the Immaterium or the Ctan then yhea all force users are gonna get smashed like a bug.
  4. i always hate these things but always have an urge to comment on them, just for clarity are we talking all of the star wars uni i.e. sith empire plus the republic Vs the entirety of the Warhammer universe (not even going to attempt to list all the wh40k factions lol)
  5. wow people really like to bend over a barrel and take huh, regardless of how active someone social life is or whether or not they have things to occupy them if you pay for something people expect service. its not unreasonable for people to want to play a game they have paid for, some of us over a hundred pounds but this is something only ea/bioware or time can fix, so have a little patience if they were to keep bulking out the servers to hold more people we would be complaining that the servers are always going down. its a balancing act on the devs side of the fence and i think they are handling it the best they can.
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