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Posts posted by Admittance

  1. I use mine to buy blue mods for alts.

    They aren't bound, so you can send them in the mail.

    This, of course means you'll have even more unspent comms on the alt, making each successive alt a bit easier to keep geared.

    You can buy the boxes if you want to, but my opinion you get more mileage out of those blue mods from the fleet comm vendors.


    This, mods are pretty much all i buy unless there is something cool looking on the equipment vendor

    Enhancement are 2 commendations, Mods are 2 commendations, Hilts are 7 commendations, Barrels are 7 commendations and Armoring is 7 commendations. very easy to keep your self geared up with these i think

  2. I can understand it, I personally chose gear for looks first then worry about stats second as long as it is modifiable I don't see the problem. I use the imperial trooper minus the helmet set on my mara. of course if you needed something the other guy could of used it is wrong if he was BH it would have directly affected him.
  3. Prblem is, there is already a huge Emp v Rep population imbalance, this would only increase said disparity as you can be sure that more republic folk would swap empire then empire to republic, and when there is already a almost 3 to 1 ration, it just would end ugly. They'd have to sort out the imbalance first before thinking of something like this.


    that maybe but i would stay as i would miss stomping the imperials into the ground

  4. While it is a nice option if it was there, I don't see how being light side or dark side dictates what side of the war effort your on, one can be virtuous and good to his own people yet still believe in the tenants of the empire and vice versa.
  5. How can you move stuff with your mind! this is witchcraft i say, your bringing logic into a world that is pure sci-fantasy. but i agree that learning abilities without traveling to a trainer would make the game even easier just think there is a trainer on the major hub of every world so its not like you have to go back to your stating world or fleet every level just use your quick travel or taxis to get there. personally i just wait till i hand quests in no hardship in this and if it is your playing the wrong genre of game
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