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Posts posted by Kesica

  1. Love my Marauder but the class is so overplayed its insane.


    If and I mean IF you can find group be happy, your butt can be replaced in second with any of the other Dps classes.


    And just remember Tank & healer are the group,,, start trouble with them and it will be you being removed.

  2. I almost never group with level 55 Assassin anymore for dailies. And I'm pretty sure that reason is over 60 percent of the population on my server is Dps class. People play Assassins for few weeks and start over with class that has more value to group and/or guild.




  3. im sorry but that is an extremely dumb way of thinking. (not saying you are dumb)


    dev 1: Hey everyone is enjoying sorc


    dev 2: yea, but they wont see all the work we have put into another class


    dev 1: hey man, great idea, lets nerf sorc


    dev 2: but then everyone will play another thing like sentinel or mara


    dev 1: ok, then every month we nerf the new fun class!!!!!!


    dev 2: then they will keep playing and we will have monies to buy everything


    Its overplayed because its overpowered, Its been that way since the beta, During the beta sorcerer/sage was one of only few classes that could complete H4 alone,


    With my level 50 sorcerer I can still 2 person heroic 4 thats just insane. She does have good gear but still.


    Anyways back to my point , the population on my server is around 75% Sith. I should post some screenshots its


    just out of control

  4. - Start a group. Invite people that are camping so you both benefit. Quit being anti-social. Also keep in mind, Objective first, then kill mobs.


    - I have news for you, it's not 12 year olds. Quite a few of these are considered, legally, adults.


    - Get a better PC and/or Connection.


    -I cant force those people to group, And they don't want to from my xp


    -I had total of 3 people on ignore before F2P, That's from over 6 weeks of playing my new character, Since F2P its

    almost full page, I cant count how many times I saw F__K Y__ in general chat last 3 days.


    Like I said I'm not happy and I wont renew at this point..

  5. yeah you have the right to tell people to stop whining when they change the BIG lie about free to play and call it Free To Try, this game has nothing to call ftp because you cant earn the coins in game as any other ftp game and they charge you for money in every corner, WORSE than that is that you need to pay for UI, i mean really no other game did that!


    This game has to make money or it will be turned off. I dont think you understand that

  6. I really dont like the F2P.




    -Its taking me alot longer to level my alts now, It seems that every quest has 3 or 4 people camping the locations


    - general chat is now controlled by 12yrs ,


    - game lag



    I just resubbed last month after taking sometime off,, but I will not be renewing at this point

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