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Everything posted by Kalekk

  1. That is a lot of really sad stuff bundled into 1 single post, I do wish you the best of luck and will pray for you before I go to sleep shortly. Hopefully luck goes in your favor VERY soon.
  2. I apologize because i don't know what portion of the forums is for this, however this even has crew within the title and the rest being a more broad subject so maybe this will do fine here... anyway. The couple people I play with say this doesn't happen to them and the chat icon on the companions picture stays up there for a very long time for them but mine stay up for anywhere from 20-30 seconds to 5-10 minutes and maybe 1 time for 20 mins. why are my chat opportunities in such a damn narrow time frame? I was on fleet in the cantina portion for example, companion will have a ship dialogue opportunity so I begin to make my way there and on the way to the hanger it will disappear and I will continue anyway and when I speak to them on my hunk of junk they wont have anything to say to me.
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