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Posts posted by AnAcuteAngle

  1. You made a mistake you wasted credits.


    It looks embarrassing to see someone complaining about it and ranting that their mistake means the game is broken.


    There's been a ton of money sinks put in the game recently and with the ease you can get credits (200k+ an hour is perfectly doable without doing something mind numbing) there was reason for it.


    So anyway, money sink.


    Your money really is meant to be sucked in and lost forever to get it out of the economy.


    Research more before spending money you consider to be significant. It's all out there and has been for ages.


    Oh, here's this too.




    You must have been one of these people :D

  2. Why did you buy the Mk-5 again?


    Also Biochem has a TON of advantages that my main BH armormech does not have - access to reusable consumables, adrenals, etc.


    You may want to consider playing an alt for awhile and leveling another crafting profession while enjoying another class story.


    You understand the basics of economics don't you? The sellers on the GTN pick the price of an item, not Bioware.


    To illustrate - - - I craft level 22 blue augments - - A few days ago, the blue Reflex Augment 22's were going for around 9500 on the GTN. So I crafted 3 blues and looked at the GTN and there were NO blue Reflex 22 Augments - sooooo . . . I CHOSE the price - - and you know what I set the price at?? 35,000.

    And people still bought the augment.


    Also, 400k people didn't unsub because of the price of augmentation kits - - what would you have BW do? Not create anything new for end game crafters to craft? Remain at the status quo because it suits you better? If you don't like new content and change (albeit all the changes are not always for the better) maybe you shouldn't be playing an MMO.


    I know it depends on the sellers, but when BW makes the augment ingredients so expensive, it drives the price up. Also, BW controls the price of implanting the augs, tho that is trivial.


    Biochem is pretty broken now. I can craft 2 items that help me in PvP, compared to 28, which also help in PvP.

    The warzone adrenal is, for a fact, broken.


    And I bought the MK-5's because I couldn't afford the MK-6's at the time, and figured that it would count towards the MK-6's anyways.

  3. It's still poorly designed, regardless of what you try to argue.


    Money sinks are pathetically useless. It's almost cynical that they would introduce such a flawed system such as this.


    I'm tired of being punished for not playing the game as 'The flavor of the month'. This is the least balanced MMO I've ever played, and it's just awful.


    Anywho, I just unsubbed. Peace.

  4. Hey guys, here's some quick insight as to why I'm writing this article. I'm a huge MMO fan, played WoW for about four years, Rift for a year, and I've been playing TOR for about six months. As you know, there's always some sort of gearing customization in each individual game (Gems for WoW, this worked incredibly well, Enchanting, and whatever it was that came out with Cata that allowed you to relocate certain stats; Rift had augments, different system... it failed).


    Now we have augments in TOR. At first glance, it's a really cool system. Ideally, it should work, but BioWare never seems to let that happen. If you didn't previously know, here's how it works.


    There are six different levels of augmentation kits. There are roughly twenty two levels of augments. Level 22 augments require the highest level of augmentation kits, but level 21 augments can use either level five or level six.


    So, suppose you were using some level 21 augments with a level 5 augmentation kit (the highest you can go with level 5's) and you wanted to upgrade. First, let's factor in the cost of these augments.


    On my server, level 21 augments are roughly 14,000 credits. The level 5 augmentation kits are maybe 40,000 credits, and to purchase the slot (using up the augmentation kit) it costs 15,000.


    So, 69,000 Credits for 14 of a stat bonus, and 10 Endurance.


    Now to the upgrading.


    Level 22 augments would be roughly 22,500 credits. Level 6 augmentation kits are 55,000 credits. The final slot is 30,000 credits.


    So, if you purchased a level 5 kit, bought the slot for it, and bought the augment and then decided you want to upgrade, you will be spending a total of:


    176,500 Credits for one piece of gear.


    I'm speaking of the blue augments here, people. Recognize that. For 16 of any stat, and 10 endurance, you're paying 107,500 credits if you hadn't spent any previously.


    That is absolutely ridiculous that previous augments, kits, and slots don't count towards the cost of what you're paying for. The fact that it is 107k regardless of what you've previously paid for, is absolutely absurd.


    After playing around with augments, my character (whom just got a total of roughly 1.2mill) went bankrupt, and I'm not even geared with decent augments yet.


    It's sad and pathetic that Bioware would inhibit players from test playing by making augments and such so ghastly over priced.


    And don't try to tell me that it's 'supply and demand'. Maybe there would be more supply if Bioware didn't rework the entire crafting system every patch. I'm sorry, but I don't feel like I should constantly be punished for choosing Biochem as my crafting skill.


    News Flash. This is why 400k players unsubscribed. It's not getting any better, only pissing off veteran players who actually care for the numbers of this game.


    Oh, wait. This game is about story. My bad.




    And inb4 some writes 'LOL, NOOB. YOU BOUGHT MK-5 AUGMENTS.'


    Of course I did. I'm sorry I don't claim to be omniscient when it comes to content released within the last week or two.


    I give up. I'm done with this game. This thread will probably be locked anyways.

  5. Lol.


    I don't know what you guys are talking about.


    I love advancing gear-wise with my character, it's part of the progression that's necessary for any sort of end game. Take that out, and it's just pointless.


    And to tell me I'm a bad PvP player because I like upgrading my gear? Really? That's just absurd. Really, really ridiculous.


    We all had Recruit gear at one time, bro. At least it's handed to you now.


    People need to stop complaining. It gets old.

  6. What's your opinion on it? I've heard it's best to cap between 1100 and 1250, others say it's linear and you can increase it to 1300+


    Anyone know what's recommended?

  7. Is there any way to tell which ones you already have and which ones you don't?


    I'm somewhat of a completionist and I collected several a few months ago, but not sure if I have all the ones I need.


    Is there a codex counter or anything? Really I'm just looking for Aim/End on my Bounty Hunter.

  8. This probably sounds a little toolish since Shadows seem to be the flavor of the month, but hell. You guys all play one (obviously) so maybe you can help me out with speccing and gearing mine.


    I always wanted to roll a Shadow, and this seems as good of a time as any.


    Can I get optimal spec (preferably tank) and gear combination for Shadow PvP?


    Thanks in advance.

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