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Posts posted by xyeik

  1. So, then, your view is that everyone else should be inconvenienced and irritated with a useless time sink and load screens so that you can see more digital bodies in the area? What if BW added a bunch more NPCs milling about the GTN area on fleet, would that work?


    My above snarkiness aside (I get irritated when people want to dictate the inclusion or removal of system or concepts that dictate what I do to make them feel better. My character is my character. What I do with it is my choice, just like what you do with yours is your choice so long as we are not impeding the freedom of each other. . . which is what those type of suggestions do.), I don't disagree about the lifelessness of the worlds, the other night I was on Tat and there were 20 split into two separate shards. It's sad. But this is not the way to combat that; dare I say, this only makes it worse, since people are having to leave the planets where they quest in order to go to the GTN.


    I also believe that things such as looping music, "critters", and mobile NPCs would go a long way toward fixing that "feel". But I'm straying form the point of this thread.


    Give people a reason to be at fleet, not a reason to go to fleet.


    Having to travel back to a Capitol City to use the AH (GTN in our case) is not a new concept, I remind you. I have never thought of going back to the original pre-expansion content Capitol Cities to use the AH was an inconvenience.


    However, I do agree, there should be a reason to be at the fleet, other than the GTN. Maybe the solution should be easier travel between the planets and the Fleet?


    None the less... you have made some good points. :)

  2. Vodalus/Miallen & others,


    While I agree the GTN shouldn't be the only reason to go the fleet, it still is a reason.


    I want to see people gathered around, running about, vendoring their junk. If they never speak, that's fine with me. It gives me the warm fuzzys that i'm not the only person on the server.


    You may disagree, but I loved running into capitol cities of other game and seeing hundreds of players standing and milling about.


    Lag is an issue in the Fleet, a big issue, but I don't want to see it instanced. I personally think the instances need to be removed across the board... but I'm changing the subject.


    Bring people together for whatever reason, should never be a bad thing. After the GTN UI is updated to be more useful, maybe a solution is to allow posting to the GTN from your ship, but not purchasing, or the other way around.


    My point is simply this... There are too many parts of the world that already feel dead and empty because of instancing and player base, the last thing this game needs is to give players more options to further isolate themselves.

  3. While I understand the wanting GTN on the ship... Why would you ever leave it?


    I believe the point of having the GTN in the Republic Fleet, and other social hubs is bring people together in a common area and out of the ship.


    If Lag on the Republic Fleet is the reason for not going there so often, then lets fix that and not isolate players. Many of the worlds feel dead already, we don't need more of it.



    I'd pick 2 mid level planets and Ilum.

  4. Thanks for providing your feedback about patch notes! Though we are occasionally required to make a note somewhat vague, we are always working to improve patch note clarity so that the community understands exactly what we're changing and how, especially when it comes to class abilities and other information important to you. We appreciate you taking the time to give us this feedback!


    Don't be afraid to have fun with the patch notes.


    It's always fun to see...


    "X bug has been fixed... again and for real this time, but don't hold our feet to the fire."

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