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Posts posted by Orila

  1. I would think it would be for both as they would probably add retroactive romance options.


    Off topic: I would hate to see it in the game from a lore stand point. There has never been a gay character in Star Wars. Adding it in would be gratuitous. That galaxy has TONS of lore in it and none of it ever has contained homosexual relationships. The galaxy far, far, away doesn't need imo. Also, it's just a cookie cutter thing that is in every BW game like DA and ME. Why put it in this one? break the mold with this one and go away from the norm especially since the lore doesn't have it at all.




    There has so been gay characters in star wars.

  2. As a primarily PvE player, I'm getting tired of seeing people decked out head to toe in PvP epics.


    Why? Because you can quickly gain PvP gear just for showing up. You don't have to be any good, you don't have to win, you don't even have to try, and you still move forward towards EZ-mode epics.


    If you go into a hard mode in PvE gear and can't pass the first boss, you don't get partial credit, you don't make progress, you can't just repeat that fail over and over and still get epics out of it.


    Now, I wouldn't care if the PvP gear was ONLY GOOD FOR PVP - AS IT SHOULD BE. But, the PvP ez-mode epics from head to toe are almost on par with similar PvE gear, and in fact, since many are epic from head to toe in T1/2 sets, their gear is actually easily better than a lot of PvE players who couldn't possibly have every slot covered already, because raids have lockouts, hard modes have locks outs - PvE gear progress is purposefully slowed.


    There is no limit to PvP (and there should be similar to how gear progress is throttled for PvE...right? It would be logical and fair).


    If you go into PvP, like a warzone, in all PvE gear, against anyone compentent, you'll get thrashed - because your gear lacks the magic PvP stats (and has considerably less endo for health too, because for whatever reason PvP gear has more health than PvE gear even though as long as every has similar health pools for PvP it actually doesn't matter).


    So - go into PvP in PvE gear - get owned.


    The reverse isn't true. PvP geared people can PvE just fine, if not often better than PvE geared people (more health on that gear helps with a lot of high dmg mechanics, for ex). PvP gear is generally just missing one PvE secondary stat you can live without (replaced by magic PvP stat).


    What SHOULD happen is that PvP gear should be about 50-75% effective for PvE. Period. Similarly to how effective PvE gear is in competitive PvP. A PvPer should be a liability in ops and HMs, as a PvE geared person would be in competitive PvP. They should get destroyed, just like a PvE geared person would get destroyed in a warzone against competent PvP geared players.


    It's poor design, simply put.


    And it's a steaming pile of crap, especially given how ridiculously easy it is to get decked out in every slot in PvP gear in a hurry.


    I surely don't want it any easier getting PvE gear. I like a challenge, and I like to EARN my gear, not just show up. But it makes me sick seeing how easily PvPers can get epic from head to toe, especially knowing that a lot of clueless clowns can do it without having a shred of a clue how to play.


    PS - I'm not saying all PvPers are useless subhumans that have no clue and slop their way to easy epics, obviously there are many excellent PvP players, but it's hard to deny how ultra easy it is to get fully PvP geared in a hurry in TOR.


    Yeah Pve is so hard to get.

  3. And the "elitism" begins. NO, we do not need meters of any kind. We need people willing to just play the game. If you need some meter to tell you something about someone else...you are not playing YOUR game but wishing someone else to be playing yours.


    When my group can't kill hardmode content cause some is missing a chromosome, that is affecting my ability to play the game.I dont wanna spend time wiping to a boss because someone can't play their class.

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