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Posts posted by Argonloris

  1. Chapter 11- The crystal needed to complete the weapon is very specific. And while its composition is unique and nearly indestructible, it cannot be duplicated. Shan mentions that a crystal that fits that description was found on Sarkhai, a reason why it was accepted into the republic in the first place. Scientists were studying the object in an effort to discover what created it. Shan then arranges for a meeting with the leader of the Rift alliance, Nadia Grell, who took over after her father and the Barsen’thor were lost years prior. Nadia is accompanied by Irreso who serves as the head of Private security for the Rift alliance after leaving the military. The meeting is short lived as resistance forces begin an attack on the research facility in an effort to secure the crystal. As the commander looks to be winning the fight the shields protecting the facility fail and resistance forces begin orbital bombardment of the area. The commander and his allies fall into an underground cave and fight their way back to the surface through the dangerous predators of Sarkhai. Though the crystal was taken, Shan mentions he was able to attach a tracer to the ship while it was occupied turning the surface to dust.


    Chapter 12- The alliance makes plans to attack the superweapon before it can be finished. The weapon needs a tremendous amount of power to create a galaxy-wide force attack. To this end it must drain a sun of all of its energy. The best suggestion is to take control of the station and send it on a collision course with the sun. After the course is set the commander would then have to work their way back to their ship and escape the system before collision causes the sun to explode and wipe out anything in range. The system is free of life forms other than the resistance forces stationed to defend the weapon so collateral damage will be kept to a minimum. With that in mind the assault begins. The commander makes their way onto the station and through to the command room. There they meet face to face with some of the resistance leaders. A mix of fallen jedi, former sith, smugglers, bounty hunters and ex-military from both sides. They explain that they seek an end to all the conflicts caused by ideology and differing points of views. To stop the struggle for rule over others because of mystical abilities. To establish a system in which all are equal and power is obtained by the strength of an individual and not at the whim of an unseen force. After an intense battle the commander sets the station into a course that will collide with the sun. The leaders of the resistance that remain alive or are holograms projected from other locations say that while they have may not have been successful this day, they will find another way, and another, until the day comes when they will succeed. The commander makes his way off the station and jumps to hyperspace just before the sun explodes.


    So the only characters I didn’t fit in that are unknown in the story are Scourge and Zenith. Both would have to be part of Alliance Alert missions as they don’t have enough real background to work into the narrative in a meaningful way. Finally the remaining concept that might help is something I posted in the suggestion forum a while back. Link here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=887467

  2. Chapter 9-When the commander returns to Odessen he calls a meeting with Arcann (or if Arcann was killed Theran will have found recordings buried within data in the Eternal Throne.) It’s revealed that the superweapon was an ancient device created by enemies of the Infinite Empire. Since the Empire was created by force users it was designed to sever their connection to the force. This mass severing was what lead to the eventual fall of the Infinite Empire. Jedi, Sith and all the other force users were not affected because the Rakatan empire connected to the force through different means. Valkorian discovered the device and found he could potentially alter it to sever the force connection of jedi and sith if used in a similar fashion as Nomi Sunrider did to Ulic Qel-Droma. Since Zakuul Knights accessed the force through different means than jedi or sith they would be unaffected by its use. (Admittedly this section is a bit meta in concepts but there are some precedents in the lore.) The commander believes that the best course of action is to discover more about the machine and possible ways to stop it. It’s agreed that the best chance to obtain information is to speak with the oldest known technologically advanced culture around. They agree to meet with the gree on Astation to see if they can shed light on the device. The Gree bring Theran and Holiday who have been working with the Gree scientists to help improve on Holidays functions. These two act as a go between and translator for the Gree. On planet remenants of the attack by the Dread Masters are still causing problems. The commander agrees to look into the issue in exchange for any information that the Gree can provide regarding the superweapon. With the commanders help, and assistance from Theran and Holiday, the Gree are able to close the last of the hypergate anomalies though it means the complete loss of the hypergate in the process. The Gree then inform the commander that they know of the device which brought about the end of the Infinite Empire but it was not created by them. It was designed by a species that was at odds with the Empire and built by the great insect builders the Killiks. The hive on Alderaan would not know of the construction as they were not connected to the hive that built it but there may be a different group that would know the answers the commander seeks.


    Chapter 10- As the commander briefs the heads of the alliance teams about the need for the finding a Killik nest that may have some connection to the space station Lana informs the commander that such a nest may have been found in Chiss Ascendency space. While the Chiss are not trying to destroy the nest, relations between the two groups are rough going at best. Lana arranges a visit to the outpost near the hive. At the time diplomacy is being kept with Captain Temple (promoted after the war) for the Chiss and Vector (Killiks have no ranks) for the hive. While the commander is in transit to the nest resistance members from the Chiss strike and stir both sides into a frenzy. The commander must find information about the station from within the nest and then work to either restore the peace or help one side take control of the planet. As the war rages around them the commander finds that a specific type of crystal structure is needed for the device to work. With this information the alliance has a chance of finally out maneuvering resistance forces. Once the battle is over the commander returns to Odessen to plan for their next move.

  3. Chapter 6- As the threat of the resistance grows larger with each passing day the alliance, empire, and members of republic high command who have close ties to the jedi agree to meet at a war summit. The summit is to be held on a secluded Island on Ord Mantell with each side having only the attendees and a small security detail. The commander brings along either Theran or Lana depending on faction. Empress Acina arrives with Ashara and a small team of royal guards. Jace Malcom arrives with Elara and a contingent of commandos. Before the meeting starts the group comes under attack by resistance forces. The island defenses were sabotaged prior to arrival by resistance forces on the planet. The commander works with both sides to restart the defenses and turn back the enemy. After the fighting has died down, it is agreed that the combined forces of the three must work to discover the end-game of the resistance. They plan to use deep cover operatives to bring this about. (At this point there is a slight divergence for Empire and Republic factions. Whichever faction the commander is originally part of will have an operative already in place.)


    Chapter 7- A month after the summit on Ord Mantell the commander receives news that the deep cover operative has news about what resistance forces have planned but they are unable to leave Kashyyyyk which has become a fortified resistance base due to the fact that while it falls under Republic jurisdiction, Republic forces find it hard to keep secure with its proximity to Hutt and Empire space. Hylo suggests that the best possible way in is to arrive on a resistance convoy ship. Since no ship would just allow the commander to board uninvited Hylo suggests hijacking one mid transit. Since the best hijackers are normally pirates she suggests going to Rishi to find a skilled one. Once on Rishi the commander is steered towards Andronokis who agrees to help board and sieze as long as he can keep the ships contents. The team boards a large cargo ship bound for Kashyyyk which contains new combat droids with mandalorian iron weaved into the armor. After some tough fights, the commander makes it to the bridge and takes control of the ship.


    Chapter 8- Once on Kashyyyk the commander works to extract their intelligence asset. When they arrive at the meeting site arranged in the message they come under attack. They find a holo recording on one of the enemies that shows the asset was discovered and captured (this person is different depending on the original faction of the commander. If republic then the asset is Doc. If Empire then it is Malavai) The commander must make their way to a secured prison site in the shadowlands to retrieve the intelligence and the asset. (dark side option may be to just retrieve the intel). The commander eventually makes it through to the intelligence asset who revels that the resistance discovered a lost ancient superweapon and are attempting to repair the system. Originally discovered and kept hidden by Valkorian, the project became an off the books project by Arcann during his time as emperor. Forgotten after his defeat, its hiding place was discovered when one of the resistance leaders traced the large material acquisitions Arcann had made.

  4. Chapter 4- The commander continues to receive reports of resistance attacks and uprisings. Some of the problems stem from planetary populations being convinced that the jedi and the sith are the cause of much of the turmoil in the galaxy. The Jedi order has one such planet in danger of falling to this issue. Dantooine which had once held the Jedi temple during the Jedi civil war was being rebuilt as a training facility for young padawans and a sort of retreat for Jedi too old to fight. Since the effort was not complete, a number of knights that were part of the rebuilding were trapped at the old temple grounds. The new grandmaster of the Jedi (Kira's old master whose name eludes me) asks for the commanders’ help in a rescue mission. Theran Shan agrees to the mission out of respect for his mother and close ties to the order. The commander is asked by Theran for assistance. After the commander breaks through the enemy into the besieged temple they meet with Kira who was helping with the efforts here as well as training the younger jedi in combat techniques. The survivors decide that it is better to see the fight to its end so that the temple is not lost again. Kira has devised a way to stop the attacks by combining the strength of all of the remaining jedi and using the commander as a conduit. The only issue is that for it to work they need time to build the strength of the attack. After defending against waves of enemies Kira is able to channel the force into an attack dictated by the will of the commander. Light side will disable and render the remaining forces unconscious until they can be imprisoned for their actions. Dark side will kill them outright. (Yep that means darkside will have to opportunity to corrupt young jedi in bulk. because that's about as dark side as you can get.) Afterwards Kira is instructed by the order to join in the fight with the alliance.

    Chapter 5- Upon return to Odessen the commander finds another of the alliance worlds under threat by resistance forces. Mandalore is known for its lightsaber resistant metals. An advantage put to use by the clans during both the war with the jedi and the war with the eternal empire. Resistance forces now look to control resources being mined and stored at a small collection of camps in the wild territories of the planet. Mandalore the Avenger asks for the commanders’ aid in the matter as the defense has been held by a small clan that was in the area. When they arrive at the mining camp they are greeted by Akaavi Spar, leader of the clan. Her time working with the smuggling crew has opened her to working with a team. To that end she has enlisted the help of Mako who handles the automated defenses and mining systems. Together with the commander and alliance forces, they form a plan to disable the invading spacecraft by setting some of the drills in the mine shafts to drill to the surface and into the ships still on the surface. The plan is successful but a few of the transports make it off planet with supplies.

  5. Chapter 2- the effort to retake the city. The best of the royal guard is none other than Corso, who stayed with Risha to help her regain her home as he saw his (Ord Mantell) torn apart by civil war and wanted to spare her a similar distress. The guard have a established a small base in the one of the unused submarine launch bays of the city. The plan to regain the city is use the subsurface tunnels to break into one of the armories and steal a walker and then to use that to sneak into and destroy the camps surrounding the palace, then assault the palace from multiple entry points with the commanders force attacking from the front entrance. The commander must work through the palace defenses which may or may not include some scaling the exterior of the structure at some point to reach the throne and communication room. There they find the leader of this planets invasion force. He claims to be a member of an anti-jedi/sith organization whose goal is to bring down both orders and the factions that empower them. (While the Empire and republic are obvious, the eternal alliance which accepts members of both orders is an even greater threat in their mind). Players leave the planet with knowledge of the new threat and an expansion of territory for the alliance to work with.


    Chapter 3- A month after events on Dubrillion details are still sketchy as to the exact level of threat that this resistance of orders poses to both the Alliance and the galaxy at large. Theran and Lara have been working with their old factions’ intelligence networks to bring new information to light as soon as possible. Lana has the first bit of information that would be of any major use. Dathimor, a planet strong in the force and a sith staging outpost has come under fire by members of the resistance. The main concern is that the forces are not focused on the outpost but on a vault that houses relics from past jedi and sith. The commander agrees to assist in an effort to discover what is so important about the contents of the vault. Empress Acina has an operative there that will assist. This operative is Jeasa. She has been working with Acina since the start of the war of the Eternal Empire. Since Acina is willing to work with the light side of the force, she can overlook Jaesa being light side if that is the case. The Vault is in an area unreachable by ship and the area must be reached on foot. The commander faces resistance forces and feral wildlife to reach the vault only to find that they are too late to stop the heist. They do make it in time to stop the resistance from covering their tracks. Jeasa looks through the records to find that relics from the sith Ulic Qel-Droma's and Jedi Nomi Sunrider were taken. She agrees to join with the alliance forces as a liaison for the sith order.

  6. So back in another thread I was putting together a possible content idea for the future. I figured I would put it down here as a more fleshed out version. If it comes to pass (Unlikely) the moderators can always delete this thread and most of the player base will be none the wiser. One bright side of the concept is that it explains why the player who now commands the eternal alliance would be personally involved in the situations at least to some extent. It does play with some of the lore in a friendly way with reference to both legends materiel outside of SWTOR and with some reasoning for the fall of the Infinite Empire and the Rakata as well as the Killik and Gree civilizations.

    Some warning: this will be a long post


    Chapter 1- starts a short few months after the defeat of Valkorian. The eternal alliance is through with a good portion of its rebuilding and restructuring. The ships that belonged to the Empire and Republic have been returned to their respective factions as a part of the negotiations to ensure a peace between the parties while everyone recovers. As the commander returns from a trip to Zakuul, Theran comes to them with news about attacks made on planets within the neutral zone between the three factions. Unfortunately between security patrols, supplying the reconstruction efforts, losses due to the war and over Iokath, the eternal fleet is stretched too thin to be of any assistance in dealing with this threat. The planet under threat is Dubrillion which stayed largely out of the galactic war while it dealt with a civil war that had raged for a number of years. The last of the royal line has asked the alliance for help in dealing with the outside threat.

    Dubrillion is described for the most part in current lore as a Mannan like planet so much of the assets from that area could be reused though it may be best to give it a warmer color pallet and go dusk and dawn settings for the environment. The commander travels to Dubrillion in their own starship to meet with the princess Risha (not a queen since the civil war has prevented a proper coronation) Smugglers would have to deal with any relationship fallout etc. during chapters on this planet. (A side note that would be humorous is if Risha sold the Smuggler ship [before Theran found it] to fund the war effort as it would be a slight nod to Episode VII with the Falcon in a junkyard and could somewhat dramatic reaction from the smugglers since they are very attached to the craft.) On approach to the rendezvous point the commander finds it under imminent assault from an enemy force. The action starts as the commander lands behind the enemy to trap them in a surprise pincer attack. With the enemy force scattered the commander comes in to negotiate a treaty with Risha. The player has one situation left to deal with before the chapter comes to a close. They must find and deal with the spy in the camp that alerted the enemy forces. Negotiations conclude as Risha agrees to join the alliance once the invaders are dealt with. She will not join before the threat is over partly out of stubbornness and partly because she can't. The invaders have taken control of the capital city and the planetary communication network. She has sent the best of the royal guard to take back the city but the process is slow going.

  7. Belsavis is Belsavis. It was a planet already in the Expanded Universe (now Legacy) lore. The planet was a where a small number of jedi escaped to after order 66 came about. Some of these jedi were captured by the Imperial superweapon "They Eye of Palpatine". Others were captured conventionally.


    Utapau is a world that is entirely forested with no ice shelves to speak of. In fact the surface is described as bone dry with all the water being locked in an underground ocean stretching from pole to pole.


    In terms of position the planets are relatively close. With the galactic atlas placing Belsavis in sector L-18 and Utapu in sector N-19.


    Still they are different planets.

  8. I suggest Sith Inquisitor. None of their companions make an appearance, and there's virtually no reference to your 1-50 antics. Hell, when I met the Empress she said "It's nice to meet you". And I was thinking "I'm a Dark Councilor. We've met before! I was at your daughter's quinceanera."


    Talos, and your Apprentice join up early on. And some consider the new brute to be a replacement for Khem Val. I'm a bit confused as to where you get the idea that Inquisitor has nothing there. So far the list stands as such


    Knight- T7, Kira, Doc, Rusk, Scourge

    Consular- Qyzen, Theran, Irreso, Zenith, Nadia

    Trooper- Aric, Elara, M1-4X, Yuun, Tanno (brief apperance, may come back later)

    Smuggler- Corso, Risha, Bowdarr, Akaavi, Guss


    I think most of the empire classes are sitting pretty on getting things back and seeing the love.


    Warrior- Vette, Jaesa, Malavai, Pierce, Broonmark

    Inquisitor- Khem Val (may have been replaced), Andronokis, Ashara, Talos, Xalek

    Hunter- Mako, Gualt, Torian, Blizz, Skadge

    Agent- Kaliyo, Vector, Lokin, SCORPIO, Temple

  9. I think the Smuggler has seen less love these past expansions than the Consular. Both have only had two companions return. (Consular had Qyzen and Rusk, Smuggler had Bowdarr and Guss). The problem being that since the two expansions have been so focused on the issues of the Force and less on the state of the galaxy as a whole, the Jedi and Sith characters have felt a better fit to the current threat.


    Hopefully with the next chapters in the story we will see a shift towards issues that concern everyone and not just those with an extra sensory ability. I would assume that since they didn't really broach the subject in KotET that the next bit will focus on planets that want to break free of both the Empire and the Republic. This would give us a chance to reconnect with the remaining members of our old teams with members of the smuggler and hunters working on the freedom fighters side and the Troopers, Jedi, Sith, and agents trying to keep order for their allied factions.


    I could potentially see the "bad guys" in charge as a group of rogue force users that believe they should be in charge for one reason or another. This would cement the reason in both Legends and Disney cannon as to why Jedi try to avoid direct intervention in political matters except in extreme cases.


    This would also solve some issues as to why the characters that are missing so far didn't contact you after the Alliance became a big deal and some other notes


    - Risha, and Corso could be working on regaining her homeworld after its civil war.

    -Akavi could be working as a hunter for hire (maybe with Mako, cause that would be an interesting companionship)

    -Jeassa could be directly under Empress Acina who has a forward way of thinking and would allow for either dark or light side versions without to much trouble. Working on stopping an uprising during the current expansion would explain the absence during your trip to Kass city makes sense.

    -Elara would have been stationed on a backwater planet because of Saresh. contact with the outside worlds may be somewhat limited there.

    -The remaining missing companions would likely have similar issues to those in some degree or another.


    I think anything else along this line of thought I'll put into a different thread in a week or two since I'm way off topic at this point.


    TL: DR I think the Smuggler has least love

  10. It's worth pointing out that Vaylin was going dark side from the beginning. Yes the level of torture that she went through pushed her to a very extreme level. It is worth noting however that if you watch cinematic done by Blur that even as a child she found joy in her rage. While Valkorian ensured that she would be a powerful dark side user without love or compassion for anyone, I think her early choices made much of her character a forgone conclusion.
  11. The only thing I don't really like with the Dark side ending of KoTET is that the title Emperor/Empress of the Eternal Alliance just seems really out of place. Though truth be told it doesn't really clear up if all the planets involved in the Alliance ( Tatooine, Hoth, Alderaan, Nar Shadda, Voss, Belsavis) are still considered part of the Alliance after the war or if they fall back into their old faction.


    Hoth, Tattoine and Voss make sense because they weren't really part of any faction before. We know Zakuul and a large portion of the upper left section of the outer rim are part of the alliance but I would think Alderaan and Belsavis go back to Republic jurisdiction and Nar Shadda is part of the Hutt corporation.


    The planets that do remain as alliance members however wouldn't rename the Eternal Empire as the Eternal Alliance without making a change in political structure. So why the Dark side character is called the Emperor or Empress doesn't make sense.

  12. Valk makes a brief reference to your original class story during the last chapter. (I.E. as a smuggler he talks about my trip to the long shadow and how I braved the void. Assuming the other classes have similar albeit slightly different lines since they never did that) It's only a two second reference and that's really about all you'll have to deal with.
  13. There are friendly orbs floating around that can heal you if you step into the area. Additionally if you don't really need the health boost at the time you can have Vaylin step into them instead and it will deal a good amount of damage to her.

    The center of these are marked for some reason as friendly npcs and are susceptible to her knockback attack so they can be blasted out of the area if hit. Took a while to learn it all on my scoundrel healer as well.

  14. Yeah, I like that idea as well, I was just thinking in terms of something that could be fair easily accomplished without too much effort from the Devs.


    I also like the idea of opening up some of the recruitment missions that required you to raise companion influence before you could get them, like Lokin, Qyzen, Bowdaar, Blizz, 4X, Pierce, etc. Maybe toned down. I really don't like the idea of playing another 20 PVP matches just to raise 4X's influence by another 10 levels.


    To be fair, you still get influence for MX or the imperial counter (can't remember his name) even after the turn in. And yes you are right. This suggestion is a bit more work for the Dev team to do if it goes the route I originally suggested but I think it would be an interesting change of pace. Especially for the ones with the LI since they could send characters to interesting parts of the map that most don't ever really take the time to visit..


    A few could even use that one section of Hoth with all the lava and high level monsters that has no quests or missions attached to it. I've never seen anyone else bother to go there.

  15. I think the majority of the LI characters will have a chapter that covers them or has them play a large role. As far as I'm aware the only companions that are returning this season are Guss and possibly Zenith. The rest have to wait till next season. Which I'm kind of dissapointed in since I really want to see Risha again.


    But if all goes well the Alliance will move to Dubrillion at the start of season 2 and we can help Risha regain her homeworld, maybe with help from Corso who would be pretending to be a guard in the capitol city before we invade it.

  16. Smuggler for the pubs is already classified as a Privateer and no self respecting privateer of any kind would work for the Imps. It goes against the lore since they only want crime they can control such as bounty hunters. A privateer does the job but has the freedom to alter the deal in a way that they can make a substantial profit off of it. The Empire wouldn't allow it.


    Also the Jedi classes are natural explorers so having a class called that is redundant at best.

  17. The credit sink excuse is a bad one, a very bad one at that.


    They already nerfed out heroic payoffs without nerfing repair costs. Ok, can live with that.


    Wanna make interesting sinks?


    - Make a bet dueling system between players.


    - Add minigames (like pazaak, sabaac or whatever its called, never played most likely never will, but always saw people wanting one of those in game)


    - Add a queue system for crew skill missions for very short missions so we dont need to open up to requeue companions every 20 seconds


    - mounts and speeders paintjobs (anything as simple as a color palette switch would go a long way to begin with)


    - customizable companion skillset and perks (taxes on training skills, respeccing, addind and removing perks etc.)


    thats just from the top of my head.


    First two can't be done since they violate regulations on gambling. (yes it's digital currency that doesn't mean anything in the real world but it's viewed as promoting gambling with minors). There is a cost for non-subs when they respec as well.

  18. @ Muljo_Stpho I think I see the issue. It was a miscommunication on my part. My thought process was that only two or three companions would have quests each day and you could do them all. You could even accept them all at once but the game wouldn't count completion of objectives unless you had the right companion with you. Quest titles would start with the companion name and then the name (i.e. Risha: Dinner and a Blaster Fight)

    That's why I think we were thinking differently. I agree it would be a pain if you could only choose one of many.


    I like this idea, but think that maybe the Heroic Mission system could be rejigged to accommodate it.


    At endgame, instead of the terminal giving you the Heroic Missions, the companions you've recruited could do it in the Alliance War Room. Completing the Heroics that that companion gives you would still give the rewards that you get now, but it would also give you some Influence with them. That would also let you pick and chose which Heroics you want to do and target them towards the companions you like or want to raise Influence with.


    I'm not sure how easy it would be to program but there may be an opportunity to have a single Heroic be available from multiple companions but only be able to be completed once a week (like the current weekly Heroics). That way Heroics that reflect multiple companions beliefs/likes can be used to improve Influence for all of them.


    The idea behind this wasn't to tie this system into heroics but rather have the companions do something that was important to them. Similar to how their recruitment in cases like Lokin, Qyzen, and Talos are related to a personal matter. The influence reward is nice but it's the smaller piece of the overall puzzle. The goal is to make the characters feel more alive and a part of the story.

  19. So while I might agree with you. I can tell you it probably won't happen. First of all it would have to be approved by EA & Disney corporate. That alone is like trying to beat a Wookie at holochess. (Sure you might be able to do it but expect to lose a few limbs in the whole process.)


    Second is the big reason why corporate would probably say no. It has to do with various copyright laws. If they allowed players to continue with the game after it has been shut down on things like private servers and the like then the hold on the copyright weakens. Most MMO players are familiar with a certain server of a certain MMO that recently dealt with a similar problem and were shut down.


    So while the idea is nice, lets just hope that the game servers stay alive until the earth becomes this galaxies Tatooine. Even if the are moved to a fully automated state like the original guild wars. That would seem like the more viable request.

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