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Everything posted by RaptorKarr

  1. You will get gear for your level 65, they flat out said that.
  2. I see a lot of people don't really understand how Level Scaling works, if you have played GW2 no one would even see this as an issue really. Just because your not one shoting people on low level planets anymore doesn't mean you aren't still dealing more damage then you should.
  3. I'm sure they may come up with an idea, GW2 has a way to prevent this, though I can't remember what.
  4. Because you can't be a level 20 and decide to head off to Ziost or something.
  5. This may be the Best Idea (Or Worst) you guys have ever had, lets see what happens
  6. I'v seen some of the comments saying that its not a Teaser because everyone that did Rakata Prime knows Reven is back, okay thats fine. What about the people that didn't beat it and newer players plus it could also be teaseing that we can expect more Reven based stuff very soon.
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