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Posts posted by Darth_Orias

  1. Hello, everyone!


    This is something I, and a lot of people I know, wanted to see introduced in the game for a long time now, so I decided to make a post. Recently we have been getting a lot of Sith and Jedi-inspired armour, a few things for mercenaries and smugglers, and a bunch of items for Republic Troopers. But what has been sorely lacking all over the game’s life span is an accessible Imperial Army armour. It is either requires Collector’s Edition (basic Imperial Trooper armour), locked behind Cartel Market reputation for old crates that not everyone can get and comes with plenty of bright lights (Volatile Shocktrooper) or does not dye that well (Makeb Assault).


    So what I would love to see, is a simple, easy-to-get Imperial Soldier armour on the Cartel Market that can be purchased at any point - direct purchase rather than lootboxes. There is an excellent choice present in the game already. This is the armour that Imperial Sentries on Corellia wear:




    The best thing about it is that it requires no adjustments (no, seriously, please do not change anything about it) and looks like an immersive armour that any Imperial player could use. It would be an awesome addition for many roleplayers, and just a cool set of armour for people who like Imperial Soldier aesthetics.

  2. With the RP servers now being merged into PVE servers, does this mean we will now get a RP instance added, like we have PVP and PVE instances of a server?


    I recall this was much discussed when instances were first added and the designations removed from the server listing. The RP community would appreciate this immensely, for many reasons, not least of which being that RP servers do tend to have rather different cultures which will now be essentially washed away. While the truly dedicated trollers might be mis-wired enough that they'd take the initiative to go to a RP instance just to troll, for the most part I believe a RP instance would benefit RPers who would prefer to minimize trolling as well as those folks who may truly not want to see RP in their game environment. Instancing should have no effect on people still using group finder queues so it seems like an ideal solution.


    Your RP community doesn't ask for much, and doesn't need much to keep them happy - do please consider them in a choice like this, and throw a bone their way. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is already wincing in anticipation of the server culture impact the merge will have as it is.


    This seems like an excellent idea and there is already technology in place to implement this, all you need is another instance and a new tag for it.

  3. Server has no effect on name collisions. Every character is moving to a brand-new server, there is no priority based on where you came from.




    Why not come up with a system to avoid forcing a name change in the first place? It could be argued that character that are used for roleplay are at a disadvantage as many people might prefer to do PvE and PvP content on a completely different class from the one they have as their roleplay "main". At the moment players like that are being put in a really bad position.

  4. Eric,


    The team needs to find a better way to deal with character names once the servers are merged. Please keep in mind that you are throwing RP servers in with PvE ones, and in the case of the former names are arguably even more important. I have been a subscriber since day one and have characters who were around since launch, yet are not played as much because I do not PvE/PvP specifically. Same can be applied to many other roleplayers. Now we are likely going to be penalized for our chosen way of playing the game.


    Obviously I am not familair with the internal workings of your servers, so any suggestion I could give is pure theory. Using a combination of character name and Legacy name to differentiate between characters would seem like a viable way to make certain no one is forced to change the names they have grown attached to.


    I also hope better steps will be taken to deal with trolls who will no doubt flock in great numbers to any location with public RP going on, seeing as the server merge will incorporate several PvE servers along with the RP one.

  5. A better way to deal with overlapping character names needs to be implemented. It is bad enough that roleplay servers are being merged with PvE ones, but the fact that another round of forced name changes is inevitable only adds to the issue. Is it possible to go off the combination of character name and Legacy name?
  6. As expected, the companions were nerfed too hard, especially the healing spec as far as I can tell. This is very much noticable on squishier classes, like DPS operative. While most of the content should still be doable, it becomes much more tedious. Not everyone enjoys a grind, especially if they are not playing a class with loads of easily accessible defensive cooldowns and every half-decent pack of mobs becomes annoying. It also means that previous claims of being able to use any companion we want are pretty much null and void as companions with little influence might as well not be there at all. Speaking of influence, it seems that the promised increase in power per level is tiny and barely noticable.


    In my opinion, further tweaking for the companions is needed. Not to the point of pre-4.0.2, but they definitely should be stronger than now.

  7. Is this in response to the companion "nerfing" discussion? I think, if it is, that the people who don't want a "nerf" need to consider that a change is required not because they are too helpful in solo content, but because people were kicking other people from group content in favor of a companion. That's something that needed attention, and shouldn't or can't be encouraged to happen. So we all should be in favor of a change, because the companions at their current levels were being used in place of an actual player in content that was intended for groups.


    The other thing I find interesting is that players were so in favor of the god bot and wanted it for regular use, and now they have it and are posting about how OP their new, asked for, god bot is.


    At any rate, we need a change so that group content stays group content, and group content players don't get shafted because a NPC is better.


    There are better ways of fixing the issue with group content than nerfing companions into the ground, which seems to be Bioware's response to everything and is, it seems, the main point most people are trying to make. Adjustments are understandable, but the expected "nuke from orbit" policy is not. Especially in light of Bioware making the same mistake over and over before with different balance issues.

  8. I’ve been rather disappointed after watching the live stream. Hidden Strike being “just another thing on your toolbar” comment does not really inspire confidence in how well the devs know the class. Moreover, it’s been admitted that removal of Hidden Strike leads to an unintentional nerf to our burst that might be fixed by making Backstab not trigger cooldown when used from stealth. If this becomes a problem. Now, the question is, if they already know it’s an unintentional nerf, why not implement it right now? Or at least change Backstab CD to the original 8 seconds. True, there’s under a week left until early access, but I somehow doubt that such changes would take a lot of effort. It also does not help that without Hidden Strike we lose our ability to use the next Backstab regardless of the target’s facing. This is only really relevant in PvE fights against mobs immune to stuns/control abilities, but it was a very nice QoL improvement that shouldn’t be taken away.


    It’s good to see that Explosive Probe is being fully substituted by Volatile Substance, however we get it at level 57, which seems to be a bit too high given that it’s supposedly a replacement for an on-demand burst ability that existed before. In general, some of the passive abilities to increase damage seem to be placed a bit too high in the discipline.


    The lack of any sort of CC immunity provided is also quite unfortunate, given that Assassins and especially Juggernauts (the latter already have a range of very impressive defensive abilities and the former have Force Shroud which pretty much makes them immune to most stuns and mezzes, albeit for a shorter time, and better defensives than Operatives) receive it.


    A milder gripe, Jarring Strikes being put into Heroic Utilities where it’s unlikely to be ever taken due to much better options available. The extra interrupt is useful and it initial removal (due to the loss of knockdown effect for Hidden Strike) was apparently not intended. Why not leave it as a passive ability in Concealment and put another heroic utility in its place?


    That said, the playstyle will probably remain similar to what we’ve seen with a few minor changes. We’ll see how it fares in the new meta.

  9. With two of Concealments hard hitting abilities are being taken away (Hidden Strike and Explosive Probe) I really hope that the dev team is making the replacement abilities strong enough to make up for lost damage, otherwise we might as well all re-roll Assassins. Additionally, with Hidden Strike gone, it might be a good time to lower the cooldown of Backstab to the original 8 seconds instead of 12, given that we are going to have a gap twice as long as it used to be between the first two Acid Blade applications that are quite critical in a PvP situation. The ‘Assailable’ debuff also seems like a questionable boon right now and it might have been better to buff our tech damage instead, but perhaps the upcoming live stream will shed some light onto that.


    All in all, it would be interesting to hear why these changes are being made in the first place, especially seeing as our counterpart stealth class is not being changed too much, or at least did not have its hardest hitting abilities taken away. Hopefully all this is accounted for and it will not be another thoughtless nerf that will drive the class into the ground for another year.

  10. Same here, though fortunately I only donated one to the Guild Stronghold. I've also noticed that this particular item lacks a preview, so I suspect it was accidentally or purposefully removed, albeit not fully, which means it can be crafted but it does not actually exist as model that can be placed.
  11. Looks like the issue is still on going even after today's patch. It's been, what, three weeks now? This problem is incredibly destructive to RP servers. An update, ETA on the fix or at least a confirmation that this is being looked into would be nice, or are we to assume devs do not consider fixing the chat worth the time?
  12. I agree with the previous poster. It would be nice to be able to buy emotes directly from the Cartel Market and there is so much unused animation in this game that should be easily convertible into new emotes for players.


    Out of the top of my head:


    /atattention (Character standing at attention, fairly certain I saw soldier NPCs with that animation)

    /atease (Character standing at ease, hands clasped behind their back. Same as above, fairly certain I’ve seen it)

    /meditate (Pretty much what it says on the tin)


    Maybe some additional forms of /kneel (there’s definitely an animation where the character kneels as if in reverence)

    /captured (Character on their knees, hands behind their head)

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