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Posts posted by Zealscube

  1. Scoundrel is the worst healer in the game. You can still do decently in a warzone if you play smart and exercise teamwork, but you're completely overshadowed by Commandos and Sages.




    save yourself the trouble and roll a sage if you want to heal


    i heal'd EV against a less geared, less skilled sage...who probably did 80% of the healing


    sages are overpowered, we're underpowered

  2. nerf scrapper, buff sawbones


    i rolled my smuggler to heal, i heal in pve, but i NEVER heal in pvp cause we're BAD at it....if i want to/need to pvp, i spec scrapper and 90% of the time i open up on someone from stealth, they die


    i lvl'd as a healer, and the first time i tried scrapper was in a wz, and i was getting SOOOO many kills....that shouldn't happen, i have no experience with the spec, my gear is "healing" gear (not much difference, but i dont have any accuracy if that matters in pvp?), but im still dominating people...thats wrong


    and for sawbones, 3 heals and we're oom, unless we pop our long cd for energy regen, then we get 5, and if you heal conservatively and try to keep your energy up, you dont have enough healing output and people die....and kolto cloud is A JOKE. the soa fight in EV is enough to prove that, when the group is falling down, i hardly even bother to heal, i could work MY HARDEST and use every heal i have and pop all my cooldowns top everyone off...or the sage can press 1 button and do it faster, more efficiently, and prettier


    nerf scrapper, buff sawbones

  3. i'm lvl 33 as a scoundrel sawbones (healer), and i love it...i can use all of my companions effectively and my combat style is different for each one that i use


    every fight plays out differently while lvling, sometimes i start stealth, sometimes i start in cover, sometimes i heal my companion, sometimes i just run in throwing grenades and screaming


    thats my favorite thing about scoundrel though, every fight is different...also healing is SO much fun, so many things to look out for, and you can also dps during non healing intense parts

  4. i picked "The Swiftsure" because I liked the name..and when I logged on there was like 20 people online....how was I supposed to know it would be the 6th highest pop of all the servers?

    i'd server transfer in a heartbeat if i could, to something low or medium pop...waiting for ques is ANNOYING...1.5 hours last night...fml

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