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Posts posted by Hoshinsul

  1. Ya on hardmode the middle "tank" thingie sucks all the droid in and kills them, which makes it alot easier


    Not sure if this'll help, check the spoiler for a hard mode tip.



    On the below section where the boss and the flame outputs are, the prox mine droids only spawn away from the conveyor that the boss is standing on. Having said that, your group down there only has to stand on the conveyor and kill stun droids withuot having to deal with the prox mines below. As for the top clickers, usually give them the other healer so that they can run and eat the mines. Not sure if this will help, but it allows us to do it with very little effort and without having to use the middle flame output.


  2. There's a couple ways to get around this jerk that our guild has figured out that might help you... Hopefully the input given here can help.



    One well geared tank and one well geared healer with a sorc shield here and there as well as tank cooldowns on the tank should help a bit. You can have both healers down below but in our case we have 1 up top to heal mine ticks. Also it's hard to sacrifice dps just to click the panels so we normally go with 1 healer and 1 dps clicking and alternating from the right and middle flame outputs. If you're worried about mines, just look at the layout of the room and you should be able to avoid the prox mines below... Once you get the healing on the tank down it's just a matter of dps and being able to get the panel puzzle down and dealing with the 2 stun droids.


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