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Posts posted by Exsace

  1. I remember day one. It was 7:30 AM CST on the first day of early access when I got the message that I had access to the game. I got up, ran to my computer and dutifully saved the names for everyone I cared about. I got every name I wanted for myself, and my wife. We had our personal names, plus our preferred (and very popular) other character names. No accents, no hyphens, just perfect naming.


    When I heard character transfers were coming, I was nervous from that moment forward. I knew my server would be a transfer from server. And I knew we would lose everything.


    Guess what? We did. I lost two of my three day one names, and two names I never ever though I would lose. My wife lost all of hers. My friend lost half of his, and I don't know for the rest of my friends yet but I know at the very least that my mom (who is 61 years old and played WoW with us too) will lose the name for her only character. We dragged ourselves to the new server remarkably upset. Once we were done, we logged out and took the evening off.


    That was two days ago. Today, I don't remember the last time I was more excited about playing the game.


    Yes, it still hurts that I lost my character names. I created my ToR website account over two years ago, and I reserved my collector's edition copy the first day I could. But you know what? I love seeing people online. I love going to Hoth, freaking HOTH, and seeing 40 people. I am making money on the GTN and having conversations with random people who need help. I'm playing in a real world again, and choosing a new Legacy name made me more happy than I could have imagined it would.


    I think we all wish that this could have been done to our "exacting specifications," but in the end, it's really nice not to be on a dead server anymore, where I thought 50 total people online in the fleet on a Saturday was a lot. This has hurt those of us who put in a lot of effort to get what we wanted, but I got a lot of what I needed to continue to be excited about this game, and to keep playing. I have friends that this broke it for them, and are done with ToR. We are just getting started again, and though I could list everything that BioWare "should" have done right, I know that it is just me believing I'm more entitled to something than someone else, and I'm not 12 anymore.


    I thank BioWare for this amazing game and for giving me this opportunity to play with people again, and I thank anyone who took a moment to read my perspective on this. I hope it helps calm down some of the people who are in freakout mode.


    I was, but making the jump has been good.

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