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Posts posted by Karai

  1. I decided to finish story on my BH, whole Belsavis I'm looking forward to finally killing Skadge. I finish last mission and:

    I'm going with you

    No, you are not

    Yes, I am



    Seriously? This game has some serious identity crisis, first it screws game mechanics like lack of day/night cycle becouse of story. Than it screws story becouse of game mechanics, meaning you have to get all your companions even when it doesn't really makes sense.

  2. I know this was discused several times since release, it has also been stated that they intend to add gear for neutrals... over a year ago. So did I miss something or am I still denied 2 pieces of gear up to lvl 50, simply becouse I actually think about my decisions instead of always picking LS/DS?


    I know about relics from shards, but Im not really fan of datacron hunting.

  3. If I take all my companions into consideration, I basically need all of the items. So either you are going to respect, that player > companion, or we can all just roll need on everything, significantly reducing chance you are actually going to get the gear you need.
  4. I for one wouldn't mind double XP weekends staying forever. Im about to finish my 4th lvl 50, which means i still have 4 class stories to go. But Im sick of some of the content, I dont want to do low level space missions or below 50 PvP, as I have already had plenty of them. Plus I hate most of the content on Alderaan, too much empty space and long caverns with respawning enemies. Double XP weekends give me opportunity to focus on content I enjoy and skip the rest. It's easy to out-level content when you are doing everything, but after 4 walkthroughs + 1 in beta, I don't really feel like doing anything and a chance to skip some content is very much welcome
  5. So I have not been in game for around 10 days so I decided to freeze my account to stop my game time cupon from running out, but somehow I really can't find such option anywhere. Its not whining about TOR, last few days I can't really bring myself to play anything and I intend to come back, it's just that it would be nice not to have my game time wasted, when I don't intend to login for a while.
  6. The MAJORITY of MMO's playerbase want gear progression. They want to gain str through gear, and then impose their str on the less geared / less skilled. It is an MMO, where YOU become the HERO at the expense of others.........


    Competitive gaming exists at the end of the gear progression, everything prior to the END of the content is not competitive, its the grind.....


    All the crying for equal stats ALREADY exists.......its called full battlemaster vs full battlemaster.


    Majority of MMO comunity wants to be rewarded for their effort and grow stronger. Most casuallyfirendly way to do this is via gear progression. Doesn't mean there aren§t or won't be in the future better waysm but right now it's the favorite one.

  7. This really irked me since I had more than 9000 affection with him by that point. I would have preferred that at that affection level he'd at least say he was forced into the betrayal somehow. For him to tell me, at that affection level, that he basically thought I sucked, was just a total story/game mechanic disconnect.


    And I agree that at that point I should have been able to split him in half in the most violent fit of rage I'd displayed up to that point. ...and then, since I NEED a healer companion, they should have let me bring him back as a brainwiped cyborg or something....


    He actually told me Baras forced him to do this and he didn't wish for it after so much I have done for him. You must have sucked in conversations with him:)

  8. Where do I found it? People in general chat keep talking about item rating when geting group for hard modes (like 126), but I can't really see any such number anywhere on my gear. Do I need to enable something in preferences, or what?.
  9. seems your not 'playing' either.


    looks like you're all in the same boat, singing the same tune..... jsut different words.



    I suggest thinking about where the thread you start will end up rather than starting another flame fest intentionally...... which is the exact same thing the trolls do bud.




    Just woke up and my reflexes aren't up to speed yet, hate to be dead weight in PvP. Don't worry game is already running minimalized on my taskbar:)

  10. First of, I would like to thank Bioware for taking notes of issues this game has and trying to repair them in a timely fashion. It really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy knowing that you are paying attention and react rather swiftly for a MMO game.


    Second I would like to thank all the trolls and haters on these boards for becoming "exaggerated voice of community". While rest of us are playing and enjoying a game, they are tirelessly flooding forums with topics about many reasons this game is going to fail. Usually throwing words like "guaranteed" or phrases like "mark my words" and while it makes them look increadibly silly, it gets the job done. So Bioware can just pick up on these flaws and sets their sights on repairing them.


    UI customization, guild banks, legacy system? Coming up!

    Ability delays? They are aware of the problem and are working on solution.

    Illum? Reaction came in one day, very impresed here.


    So no matter how ridiculous arguments trolls and haters are using, believing themselves to be center of the universe, be gratefull for all the hard work they are doing here while the rest of us are enjoying the game, that's steadily becoming better and better.


    Keep up guys, I know your lifes must be sad and hard, when brightest point of your day is spewing hatred on the net, since it's only thing that gives you some sense of importance and many are mean on you even for that, but some of us really appreciate that.


    Once more,

    Thank you.

  11. Yadira Ban, i loved how she faced group of 4 imperials with that kinda sad music in the background, full of determination yet knowing she is going down. Much more memorable than any Boss from WoW, oh wait, this is topic where we are supposed to bash bioware, sorry for intruding.
  12. Most of the things that bugs me are there simply becouse it's soon after release and they will get fixed. But being the story/lore guy I think Bioware was talking a lot about capturing iconic moments, but in the end they went only for the heroic ones and being heroic 24/7 might get a bit tyring.

    I lack moments like these


    Everything in the games feel a bit cramped and you can't walk ten metters without some native monster trying to kill you, which kinda makes me not want to explore planets. TOR might be first MMO where i didn't find single moment, when I wanted to stop, look around and enjoy being part of the world. Even the old SWG for all it's flawes had them and I'm one of the guys who made fun of SWG vets pre-release. But I guess lot of people wouldn't care about such things, since staring at the sunset isn't going to make sun drop epic gear, although they might add achievment for this later on. Speaking about sunsets I really miss day/night cycles.

  13. So you feel like you're playing a game that is complete on release?


    This content patch coming out is all stuff that should have been in the game already, and even after it's still lacking. Granted most players are not 50 yet, so while not all that relevant, but lack of operation content is pretty surprising.


    It feels pretty complete for a MMO release, considering there was never an MMO that was actually ready for release by the time it was released.

  14. Great post OP.

    To all those "expectation changers", I would like to ask something. Why exactly did expectations change, when no game ever was able to live up to them? So suddenly pople expect that game will come out bugfree, polished and full of content becouse it's 2012? WoW nor any game before or after it ever achieved that, so why the hell would someone expect 2012 standard (you might want to look that up in the dictionary) set to a place which no game reached before? Do you wanna know whats current MMO standard? Check DC Universe Online, I think Bioware set itself quite high above standard for MMO release.

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