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Posts posted by jadenkorvus

  1. My trusty asus 4870 has finally given up the ghost,so I'm looking at buying a new graphics card and I need to replace it. I'm working with a limited budget,but don't need to run games in ultra graphics. Ideally looking at around the £100 mark I see a few options.


    Powercolor R7 260x is probably the entry point card I'm looking at,with the R9 270x being the other choice if I can spare the cash.


    Hopefully someone can give me some useful advice,either about these cards or suitable alternatives.


    Many thanks for any responses I get here

  2. Except you will still have the issue of gunships sitting w/in range of the turrets, where they can snipe enemies but enemies (except other gunships) can't get in range of the gunship w/out getting killed by the turrets.


    In TDM, the objective is the enemy players, so giving players a safe haven to run to is just stupid. There should be a safe spawn area, but you should not be able to return to it once you leave, just like in ground pvp. Prior to the turrets being turned off, the most popular suggestion was to turn the area currently protected by the turrets into an exhaustion zone, and give spawning players a buff to protect them from it. Once that buff wore off, you wouldn't be able to go near the capital ships, thus preventing gunships (or any enemy) from hiding behind the turrets, while simultaneously preventing spawn camping.


    I primarily play a gunship,and I'd be more than happy to not be able to sit at the capital ships. In fact,nine times out of ten I'm using barrel roll and thrusters to get into a decent position to help my team.


    Another solution would be that players parking at the ships would be marked as non-contributing is they stay in the radius for more then ten seconds,coupled with the debuff you proposed

  3. Top'gun is Heylan and Heylan is Top'gun :w_cool:


    In other words he's already nominated for his Republican pilot.


    I agree though, a great pilot indeed.


    i've only came up against him as Top,and every time I see his name listed across from mine,I think to myself "this is gonna hurt"


    Not that i back down from the fight,if anything it makes me keep an eye out for him. Sure,he vapes me more often than not,but i get him more than once a match. I like to think facing pilots like him helps me improve as a gsf pilot

  4. for The Red Eclipse,I'd like to nominate Top'Gun from the imperial side,since I notice Jovi'juan and Quickblast are already listed.


    Every time I come up against him,I know I'm in for a fight

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